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词汇 Porfirio
释义 PorfirioCOCA⁷³⁰⁵⁵BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
Brazil and its South American allies refuse to recognise Porfirio Lobo, Honduras’s president, because he was elected under a government that took power through a coup.
它与它的南美盟友们拒绝承认洪都拉斯的总统 Porfirio Lobo,因为 Lobo总统是由通过政变而取得政权的政府所选举出来的。 ecocn

Porfirio Lobo, the president of Honduras, announced that he would not attend a summit between European Union and Latin American leaders on May18th.
洪都拉斯总统,波菲里奥·洛沃宣布他不会参加五月18日欧盟和拉美领导人之间的峰会。 ecocn

After much fruitless diplomacy, an election was won by Porfirio Lobo, the centre-right candidate, though many governments said they would not recognise the result.
在进行了许多毫无成果的外交斡旋之后,中右派候选人波菲里奥·洛沃赢得了总统大选,但是许多国家的政府都表示他们将不会承认这一选举结果。 ecocn

Although recognition of the post- coup government in Honduras was not on the agenda, the United States recommended that the OAS accept Porfirio Lobo as the country’s legitimate president.
尽管承认洪都拉斯政变后的政府不在日程上,美国建议美洲国家组织还是接受波菲利奥·洛沃作为该国的合法总统。 ecocn

CENTURY ago Porfirio Dí a z, a Mexican dictator, lamented the fact that his country was “ so far from God and so close to the United States”.
一个世纪前波菲里奥·迪亚斯,一个墨西哥的独裁者悲叹自己国家“离上帝如此遥远离美国却如此之近”的事实。 ecocn

He was replaced by the head of Congress, who organised an election in November last year won by Porfirio Lobo, a traditional politician not unlike Mr Zelaya.
他在去年被国会议长取而代之,国会议长去年十一月举行大选,由与 Manuel Zelaya相差无几的传统政治人物 Porfirio Lobo赢得胜选。 ecocn

In an election on November29th Hondurans voted for a successor. They emphatically chose Porfirio Lobo, of the opposition centre-right National Party.
11月29日,洪都拉斯民众投票产生了塞拉亚的继任者;来自中右翼反对党——国民党的波尔菲利奥•洛沃以较大优势当选。 ecocn

In the six months between the coup and the election of Porfirio Lobo, the current president, the aid tap was turned off.
在政变之后至选举现任总统波菲里奥•洛沃的六个月期间,援助纽带被中断。 ecocn

in Mexico guests from around the world took part in lavish banquets organised by Porfirio Díaz to celebrate more than a quarter of a century of stability under his constitutional dictatorship.
在墨西哥,来自世界各地的宾客齐聚于波菲里奥•迪亚兹举办的奢华宴会,庆祝在他宪政独裁统治下超过25年的稳定景象。 ecocn

Manuel Zelaya, who was ousted as president of Honduras in a coup in2009, signed an agreement with his replacement, Porfirio Lobo, under which he can return home without fear of arrest.
在2009年政变中被驱逐的洪都拉斯总统 Manuel Zelaya与其接替者 Porfirio Lobo签订了一份协议,遵照这份协议,Manuel Zelaya可以回到祖国而不用担心被逮捕。 ecocn

Mr Zelaya and the Honduran President Porfirio Lobo smiled and shook hands as they signed the agreement in the Colombian city of Cartagena.
塞拉亚和现任总统波菲里奥•洛沃 Porfirio Lobo在哥伦比亚城市卡塔赫纳签署该协议时面带微笑并握手。 hxen

This was part of a reconciliation plan agreed by the newly elected president, Porfirio Lobo.
这一行动是与新任总统 Porfirio Lobo达成的和解计划的一部分。 ecocn




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