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porches pɔ:tʃiz COCA²³⁰⁷⁴BNC³⁶⁸⁴⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本例句 n.门廊porch的名词复数原型porch的复数 No sooner had I arrived under the tree than neighbors opened their windows and stepped onto their porches. 我刚站到树下,就有邻居打开窗户,或走到门廊上。 foodmate The girls sit out on the porches, giggling together. 女孩子们坐在门廊前,一起咯咯笑。 yeeyan “We're proud to be Americans, ”say flags on front porches in small towns across the country. 美国各小城镇的前廊悬挂着的国旗体现出“身为美国人的自豪”。 ebigear As the interview wound down, he paged through them, asked me questions about my memory of sun porches and closets I haven't seen since1967. 在访问的间歇,他翻看着那些图画,问我一些关于我记忆中的自1967年我就再没见过的阳台和衣橱的样子。 yeeyan Both were full of old white wooden houses with big front porches and long histories that were chronicled in the local registers. 这两个地方布满了有着大门廊的白色木板房。 这些房子的历史非常悠久,在当地官方登记册上都有记载。 yeeyan But the cracked panes, crumbling paint and rotting porches are hard to hide. 然而,裂缝的窗玻璃,褪色的涂料,还有腐烂的门廊,都躲不开视线。 iciba Characters lived in small, single-story houses with run-down front porches; characters on public assistance or with service- industry jobs lived in multi-level apartments around parking lots. 剧中的人物一些住在带有破旧前廊的单层小别墅里;一些领政府救助金或者是从事服务行业的人住在带停车场的多层公寓里。 yeeyan Characters lived in small, single-story houses with run-down front porches; 剧中的人物一些住在带有破旧前廊的单层小别墅里; yeeyan I had a very vivid dream years ago that was all these boxes floating down, everybody was afraid and standing outside on their porches and streets looking up, everybody was scared. 我几年前有个非常生动的梦,梦中好多盒子飘下,每个人都很害怕并且站在外面的门廊或是大街上抬头看,每个人都吓得要命。 blog.sina.com.cn It has been raised in yards and on porches across America on days of celebration, and as a sign of our shared heritage. 在庆祝节日时,它插遍美国各地的庭院和阳台,象征着我们共享的传统。 ebigear It has pantries and screened sleeping porches and stained-glass windows on the stairway landing. 房子里有储藏室,装着纱窗的凉台以及装有彩色玻璃窗的楼梯平台。 yeeyan Just a few years ago, the road to riches was clear. We could all sit on our porches drinking mint juleps while our houses appreciated30% a year. 仅仅几年前,通往富裕生活的道路还很清楚。我们可以坐在门廊下,喝着冰镇薄荷酒,看着房子每年增值30%。 ebigear Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington— it began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston. 我们的竞选并非始于华盛顿的华丽大厅,而是起于德莫奈地区某家的后院、康科德地区的某家客厅、查尔斯顿地区的某家前廊。 ecocn Our campaign were not hatched in the halls of Washington— it begin in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston. 咱们的竞选并非始于华盛顿的华丽大厅,而是起于德莫奈地区某家的后院、康科德地区的某家客厅、查尔斯顿地区的某家前廊。 fireworks8 Renaud, who was going to Oregon, was kicking a soccer ball with Jezer, who was bound for Virginiathe names have been changed. The younger girls were playing together on one of the porches. 即将去俄勒冈州的雷纳德和将被带往弗吉尼亚州的耶则尔正在踢足球均为化名,年幼的女孩们正聚在门廊上玩耍。 yeeyan Residential streets are lined with houses with collapsing porches, fallen plasterwork and hopeful For Sale signs. 住宅街道两旁排列着门廊倒塌,石灰掉落,希望出售的房屋。 ecocn Sheds, picnic shelters, tents or covered porches do not protect you from lightning. 棚子、野餐风雨棚、帐篷或者被盖的门廊不能保护您免受闪电。 dltcedu Simple porches were exceedingly common in the domestic architecture of Britain and the U. S. from the late18th century. 简单的门廊在英国和美国18世纪晚期之后的家庭建筑中都很常见。 chinafanyi.com Stew Thornley analyzes the effect of the very short porches along the foul lines and a cavernous center field on home run production and hitting in general. 炖索恩利分析了沿犯规线和本垒打生产领域的洞穴状中心在很短的门廊的影响和一般打击。 ccemagz The clapboard homes, even the abandoned ones, have a frontier elegance to them, with broad steps leading up to front porches beneath hanging eaves. 有护墙板的住宅,即便是废弃住宅,从正面看也颇为雅致:宽宽的台阶直通到吊檐下的前门廊。 ecocn The fallen tree has bridged the two porches. 那棵倒下的树木把两个门廊连接起来了。《21世纪大英汉词典》 The neighborhoods have a variety of homes including houses with porches, and historic19th Century homes. 这个社区有各种各样的房屋,其中包括带有门廊的房子,还有具历史意义的19世纪的房屋。 yeeyan There are no porches. 这里没有门廊。 www.flc.tsinghua.edu.cn Use cool colors in west- facing kitchens, porches and other areas where afternoon heat is a problem. 冷色系用在朝西的厨房、门厅和其他地方,下午的热量是个问题。 blog.sina.com.cn We could all sit on our porches drinking mint juleps while our houses appreciated30% a year. 我们可以坐在门廊下,喝着冰镇薄荷酒,看着房子每年增值30%。 ebigear White-haired folks reading the paper on their farmhouse porches at sunset. 夕阳西下时,白发苍苍的老人们坐在家舍门廊上看报。8875 |