

单词 populous
释义 pop·u·lous 英ˈpɒpjələs美ˈpɑpjələsAHDpŏpʹyə-ləs ★☆☆☆☆高四GT宝八COCA²⁰⁹⁶³BNC²⁵⁶⁰⁰iWeb¹⁵⁹⁹⁶Economist⁵⁷⁸⁹

densely populated词根词缀: -popul-人民 + -ous形容词词尾词根记忆popul人民+ous…的→人多的→人口稠密的词根记忆popul人民-ous具有⇒人口稠密的词根记忆popul人民+ ous ⇒人口稠密的GRE红宝书popul人民+ous
population 人口
词根记忆popul+ous近义词 packed塞满的crowded拥挤的populated人口稠密的overcrowded过度拥挤的

用作形容词China is the mostpopulousdeveloping country in the world.中国是世界上人口最多的发展中国家。
London is the mostpopulousarea of Britain.伦敦是英国人口最稠密的地区。adj.packed with inhabitants
同义词 crowded,numerous,populated,variouscrawling,dense,heavily populated,jammed,legion,many,multifarious,multitudinal,multitudinous,occupied,overpopulated,peopled,settled,several,swarming,teeming,thick,thronged,voluminous
反义词 deserted
crowdedadjective busy, congested
SRO,awash,brimful,brimming,chock-full,clean,close,compact,crammed,cramped,crushed,dense,elbow-to-elbow,filled to the rafters,fit to bust,full,full house,full up,huddled,jam-packed,jammed,loaded,lousy with,massed,mob scene,mobbed,overflowing,packed,sardined,sold out,standing room only,stiff with,stuffed,swarming,teeming,thick,thickset,thronged,tight,topped off,up to here,up to the hilt,wall-to-wall
inhabitedadjective occupied
jammedadjective thronged
largeadjective big, abundant
ample,barn door,blimp,booming,broad,bulky,capacious,colossal,comprehensive,considerable,copious,enormous,excessive,exorbitant,extensive,extravagant,full,generous,giant,gigantic,goodly,grand,grandiose,great,gross,hefty,huge,humongous,immeasurable,immense,jumbo,liberal,massive,monumental,mountainous,plentiful,populous,roomy,sizable,spacious,stupendous,substantial,super,sweeping,thumping,tidy,vast,voluminous,whopping,wide
large amountadjective many
legionadjective numerous
countless,many,multifarious,multitudinal,multitudinous,myriad,numberless,populous,several,sundry,various,very many,voluminous Both China and India had turned inward, cutting themselves off from the flow of ideas and goods that had made Japan and other less populous Asian economies richer.
当时的中国和印度都已经变得内向,使自己隔离于思想的洪流以及那些使得日本和其他人口更少的亚洲国家富有的好处。 ecocn

The Pew researchers concluded that Nigeria is just over half Muslim, making it the sixth most populous Muslim country in the world.
研究人员得出的结论是尼日利亚的穆斯林超过人口半数,是世界上第六大的穆斯林人口国。 yeeyan

The idea behind Operation Panther's Claw is to extend control of the populous, irrigated“ green zone” by linking up the capital of Helmand, Lashkar Gah, with Gereshk, on the main ring road.
美洲豹爪作战计划旨在把赫尔曼德的省会城市拉什卡尔加和在主环道上的格罗斯克连接起来,扩大对人口密集,可进行灌溉的“绿区”的控制。 ecocn

The weight of the world economy is moving, with remarkable speed, towards the populous emerging markets.
世界经济的重心正在向人口众多的新兴市场转移,而且速度非常之快。 ecocn

But thanks to the resilience of big, populous economies such as China, India and Indonesia, the emerging world overall fared no worse in this downturn than in the1991 recession.
不过新兴经济国家在本次衰退中的整体进展比1991年经济危机要好一些,这要感谢中国、印度和印尼这些人口稠密的大国。 ecocn

China is a populous country with a long history. It had splendid old civilization and made significant contribution to human race.
中国是一个历史悠久,人口众多的国家,创造了灿烂的古代文明,对人类做出了重大的贡献。 kekenet

Figures released by two populous provinces show alarming rises in the number of birth defects, according to Xinhua.
据新华社消息,两个人口大省的有关统计数据显示,新生缺陷儿的数量增长迅速。 ebigear

Five times as many people die of heart disease in Brazil as in Britain, though Brazil is not five times as populous.
死于心脏病的巴西人是英国人的五倍,尽管英国的人口密度不是巴西的五倍。 ecocn

France was the largest country in Europe up to the time of Napoleon, when it contained about a fifth of all Europeans and was the world's third-most- populous nation.
法国作为欧洲最大的国家可以追溯到拿破仑时代,那时候它囊括了欧洲人口的五分之一,是世界上第三个人口最多的国家。 ecocn

How do we explain this; and why are Chinese attitudes so different from those of other populous countries, namely India, the United States, Indonesia and Brazil?
对此我们如何解释? 另外,中国人对这个问题的看法为什么与其他人口众多的国家如印度、美国、印度尼西亚以及巴西如此不同? yeeyan

However, keeping the United States as guarantor of the security of Japan— and virtually every other populous, prosperous industrial state in the world— is not in the interest of the American people.
但是,让美国继续担任日本的保护者——实际上是世界上每个人口稠密,经济繁荣的工业国——不符合美国人民的利益。 yeeyan

I would often sit near a window and watch the sights of this populous little settlement.
我常坐在窗子附近,凭栏凝望着这个人口稠密的居留地的景象。 yeeyan

If the least- populous states ganged together, senators representing11% of the population could theoretically thwart the will of the other89%.
如果人口最少的几个州的参议员联合起来,代表11%人口的参议员理论上可以阻挠另外89%的人的意愿。 ecocn

If they were all crammed into a single state, it would be more populous than Wyoming, Vermont or North Dakota.
如果把这些人全部放在一个州,那么该州就会比怀俄明州、佛蒙特州或是北达科他州人口更为稠密。 ecocn

India has, in effect, added to its population the entire citizenry of Brazil, itself the world's fifth most populous country.
事实上,印度此次增加的人口,几乎等于巴西这个世界人口排名第五的国家的人口总和。 yeeyan

It is the sixth most populous country with the second largest Muslim population.
她是世界上人口第六多和穆斯林人口第二多的国家。 ebigear

More populous countries such as China, Brazil and India have many more potential users and will eventually overtake those western countries with already high penetration rates.
像中国、巴西、印度这些人口更加稠密的国家拥有更多潜在的用户,并将最终赶超那些已经拥有高触网率的西方国家。 ecocn

Moreover, in the ancient world of hunter-gatherers, limited movement meant a second encounter would be much more likely than it is in the populous, modern urban world.
此外,在古时候那个狩猎的时代,人群的流动是受限的,这意味着古人再次遇见的机会远远大于现代人口稠密的城市。 ecocn

Tahiti, the most populous of the islands, is under the outer edge of the storm in the upper right.
处于风暴的外缘的塔希提岛是人口最稠密的岛屿,位于图片中的右上方。 yeeyan

The Bella Centre, where the conference is being held, seems as large and populous as the city outside.
即将举行会议的贝拉中心,看起来跟这个城市的外面一样的巨大和人口稠密。 ecocn

The lesson is this: For a country as big and populous as China, growing at such speed, there is plenty of room for learning by doing.
上了一课:一个像中国那么大,人口那么多而又发展得那么快的国家,会有很大的空间容许以尝试的方法学习。 cri

The weight of the world economy is moving, with remarkable speed, towards the populous emerging markets. But the transition is unlikely to be as smooth as many people assume.
尽管世界经济的重心以令人瞠目的速度在向人口众多的新兴市场转移,但是这种转移并不容易,至少没有大众设想的那么容易。 yeeyan

This is the crucial issue if water is to be used sustainably by farmers, the biggest consumers in the thirstiest activity in the most populous parts of the world.
水是否将由农民持续使用,这是一个关键问题,在世界人口最稠密的地方最渴活动里的最大的消费者。 ecocn




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