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词汇 popular vote
释义 popular vote ˌpɒpjələˈvəʊt 短语⁴³⁴⁴²
And in the European elections last year, for the first time, the party gained two MEPs one of them Mr Griffin, attracting 6.2% of the popular vote across the country.
去年的欧洲议会选举,该党首次出现2个欧洲议会会员其中之一为格里芬,获得了全国6.2%的普选投票。 ecocn

The president is not decided, though, by who wins the popular vote, but instead by who wins the majority of electoral votes.
公民普选仍然不能决定总统之位花落谁家,只有赢得选举团多数投票的人才能笑到最后。 yeeyan

And79% said they would prefer a democratic system in which all leaders, including the supreme leader, were elected by a direct popular vote.
而且有79%的人希望有一个民主制度,能使包括最高领导人在内的所有官员都由直接普选选出。 ecocn

But the scale of his victory in this election is substantial: he won at least333 electoral-college votes and will probably do well in the popular vote, too.
但是这次大选的胜利是非常有分量的:他赢得了至少333张选举人票,而且很有可能在普选中表现的更好。 ecocn

Clinton highlighted her popular vote totals in a victory speech to supporters in Puerto Rico.
克林顿参议员在波多黎各对支持者发表胜利演说时,强调了她在普选总票数上的胜利。 hxen

Democrat Wilson won with just42% of the popular vote.
民主党的威尔逊只获得了42%的普选票。 yeeyan

He also seemed likely easily to pass the other threshold—winning 20% of the popular vote in at least17 of Indonesia’s33 provinces.

He won around 52% of the popular vote, more than Mr Bush in2000 and2004, but not a remarkable number; this was no Roosevelt or Reagan landslide.
尽管奥巴马在本次大选中获得了52%的选票,好过2000年和2004年布什的竞选战绩,但他并非像罗斯福或里根那样获得了压倒性胜利。 ecocn

In 1912 Theodore Roosevelt, a former Republican president running as a Progressive, won27% of the popular vote and outpolled his Republican successor, Howard Taft.
而1912年的前总统、共和党人西奥多.罗斯福以进步党的身份参选,他赢得了27%的普选选票并且他的得票数多于他同为共和党的继任者——霍华德.塔夫脱。 yeeyan

Iran's presidential elections are tightly controlled, and, once elected, the office holder has limited power, but it remains the highest position determined by popular vote.
严密控制下的伊朗总统大选一旦结束,当选者将获得有限的权力注1 ,但是总统仍然是普选决定的最高职位。 yeeyan

Mr Obama is likely to win big in North Carolina—and go some way to making up the200,000 gain in the popular vote she got from Pennsylvania.
奥巴马先生有可能赢得北卡莱罗纳——大致能够赶上她从宾夕法尼亚的普选中所获得的20万优势。 ecocn

Obama added to his lead in the delegate count and total popular vote on Tuesday.
星期二,奥巴马不仅在代表票数目,而且在普选票中继续保持领先地位。 ebigear

That means that he could lose the popular vote but end up with more delegates than Mrs Clinton.
这意味奥巴马可能会失去直接投票,但会赢得比克林顿夫人更多的代表的支持。 ecocn

We are winning the popular vote.
我们在普选票数方面打了胜仗。 hxen




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