

单词 popularization
释义 pop·u·lar·iza·tion 英,pɒpjʊləraɪ'zeɪʃən美,pɑpjələraɪ'zeʃən 高COCA⁶²⁴²⁷BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺iWeb⁴¹³⁹⁶

an interpretation that easily understandable and acceptablethe act of making something attractive to the general public蒋争熟词记忆popualradj.通俗的-ization名词后缀⇒普及;推广;通俗化popualradj.通俗的-ization名词后缀⇒普及;推广;通俗化词根记忆popular流行的+ize 化+ation近义词 spread传播promotion提升propagation增殖explanation解释vulgarization俗化dissemination传播simplification简化interpretation解释vulgarisation = vulg…universalization普遍化popularisation=popula…commercialization商品化

用作名词But I personally would prefer American-style school, comparedpopularization.但我个人倾向于学美式,比较通俗化。
Thepopularizationof military knowledge is an urgent task for the Party and the whole country.为了全党和全国的需要,军事知识的通俗化,成为迫切的任务。
Farmers benefit from thepopularizationof scientific knowledge.科学知识的普及让广大农民得益。
In internistpopularizationpsychology disease related knowledge.内科医生中普及心理疾病的相关知识。 Article4. The state shall encourage research in fishery science and technology and popularization of advanced technology in order to raise the level of the country's fishery science and technology.
第四条国家鼓励渔业科学技术研究,推广先进技术,提高渔业科学技术水平。 putclub

In the seventh part, the white paper stresses the importance of the “ Popularization and Education of the Law.”
白皮书第七章强调了法律普及和法制教育的重要性。 ebigear

Mr. Fan, the NAMOC director, acknowledges that some see the show as a science and technology popularization effort rather than an art exhibition, but he disagrees with this view.
中国美术馆馆长范迪安承认,有些人把这次展览看做一次将科技大众化的尝试,而不是一个艺术展览。但他并不同意这样的观点。 yeeyan

With Web2.0 came the popularization of multimedia on the Web.
Web2.0的出现带来了 Web上多媒体的普及。 ibm

After all, many have had the same pedestrian- friendly layouts since before the popularization of cars.
毕竟,自从汽车普及之前,已经有了一些方便人的规划。 yeeyan

DNS will lay the foundation for the massive expansion, popularization and commercialization of the internet.
DNS将给互联网的大规模扩张、普及和商业化奠定基础。 yeeyan

Even the FBI plays a part in this objective and yet artistic work of scientific popularization.
居然联邦调查也介入了这个客观而艺术的科普工作; bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

He predicts that, if it bears the weight of clinical trial testing, the team’s technique could lead to the popularization of stem cell- related transplants in less specialized hospitals.
他还预言,如果它经受住了临床测试,那么这个医疗小组的干细胞相关移植技术,必将在少数专科医院中得到普及。 yeeyan

If popularization remains at the same level for ever, won't the educators and those being educated be six of one and half a dozen of the other?

In the process of industrialization, mechanization and popularization of advanced agricultural technologies to implement the continuous improvement of the efficiency of American agriculture.
在工业化的过程中,机械化的普及和先进农业生产技术的实施使美国农业效率不断提高。 yeeyan

Neither the products nor their popularization is a crime.
无论是他们的产品还是这种普及方式都是非法的。 yeeyan

Often overlooked in such sites, however, is the humble HTML form that has undergone a big transformation with the popularization of Ajax technology.
但是人们常常忽略的是,在这些网站上那些粗糙的 HTML表格正随着 Ajax技术的普及经历一场重大的变革。 ibm

The funds needed to popularize agro- techniques by national agro- technical popularization setups shall be allocated by the financial department of the Government.
国家农业技术推广机构推广农业技术所需的经费,由政府财政拨给。 scientrans

There are two ways to develop education including both popularization and improvement.
办教育要两条腿走路,既要注意普及,又要注意提高。 kekenet

With the popularization of AOP, it has become both possible and desirable to write tests that check crosscutting concerns independent of their realization in a target system.
随着 AOP的普及,编写与横切关注点在目标系统中的实现无关的、对其进行检查的测试已变得可行并且值得去做。 ibm

With the popularization of carving said incantations on coffins, more individuals could purchase vessels to shuttle their souls to the gods upon their demise.
棺椁咒语说,随着雕刻的普及,更多的人去世时可以购买冥船搭载他们的灵魂到神那里。 yeeyan

Yet I doubt the Twitter folk would want their legacy to be the popularization of a sleeping whale.
然而,我在怀疑 Twitter的这些家伙是想推广这条睡觉的鲸鱼。 yeeyan




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