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popularisedBNC⁵³⁸⁵⁸Economist¹⁷⁵⁷⁸ 基本例句 vt.vi.使通俗化;使受欢迎原型popularise的过去式和过去分词 As the trench coat, then the world’s most durable weather coat, was popularised, it is estimated that between1914 and1918, 500,000 military trench coats were worn by combatant officers. 风雨衣,这种当时世界上最耐用的晴雨两用外套,被普及推广开来;据估计,1914年到1918年间参战军官们共穿用了50万件军用风雨衣。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Bode was a German astronomer who popularised a mathematical rule, which came to be known as Bode's law, in a book published in1772. 他使【1】一条被称为波德定律的数学定律广为人知。在1772年出版的一本书中第一次出现【2】。 ecocn Drawing on the experience in convex concave piling, it is proposed that the bored piles with variable cross sections be popularised in the soft ground foundation. 在总结施工凹凸桩工法的基础上,建议在软土地基普遍推广应用变截面桩。 cnki Milk, whose story was popularised in a film last year starring Sean Penn, was shot dead in 1978 at the age of48. 年,48岁的米尔克被人枪杀;去年一部由肖恩·潘主演的电影让他的故事广为人知。 yeeyan The term was popularised, perhaps even invented, by this newspaper in 1977, in an article about the mismanagement of Dutch gas reserves. 本刊1977年的一篇文章里提到荷兰病,有可能是首次提出这个概念,之后这种说法变得流行起来。 该文章讲述的是荷兰对其天然气资源的错误利用。 ecocn The length of Mr Jackson's career ensured that he experienced, popularised and even pioneered many of the techniques that help artists to profit from their musical talents. 杰克逊演艺事业的长度使他能够体验,推广甚至是创新艺人利用他们的音乐才能来获利的许多手段。 douban To identify bad banks, analysts are again using the“ Texas ratio”, which compares non-performing loans to core capital and was popularised in the savings-and- loan crisis two decades ago. 甄别银行表现的一个方法是分析者使用的“德州比率”即坏账与银行核心资产的比值,该比率在20年来的存贷危机中频频得到应用。 ecocn Popularised by Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, this involves making small loans, mainly to the rural poor. 这是一项由孟加拉国的 Grameen银行推广的主要向农村贫困人群提供小额贷款的项目。 ecocn But he marketed his work shrewdly, selling the oils at high prices— never less than250 guineas $40,000 in today's money— and popularised it by selling engravings. 但是他却在市场上聪慧地买卖他的作品,油画作品的卖价非常高——从未低于250几尼现在算起来相当于40,000美元——并通过雕版而是自己作品畅销。 ecocn He almost invented the attacking full back role before Sir Alf Ramsey popularised it. 他在阿尔法·兰西爵士之前完美的定义了进攻型后卫的角色,而兰西爵士只是让他闻名于世。 yeeyan His book popularised what was, in fact, an old idea, at just the right time for biology. 这本书书的作用仅仅在于,让一个对生物学来说恰逢其时的旧思想重新风靡了起来。 yeeyan However, most experts agree that the story was popularised by the12th Century History of the Kings of Britain, written by the Oxford- based Welsh scholar Geoffrey of Monmouth. 然而,大多数专家认为这个故事是被来自孟莫斯郡的牛津大学威尔士籍学者杰弗里所著的《12世纪英国帝王史》推广开来的。 www.i21st.cn In a seminal book of1987, “The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers”, Paul Kennedy of Yale University popularised the notion that a country's military power flows from its economic strength; 在其1987年的开创性著作——《大国的兴衰》当中,耶鲁大学的保罗•肯尼迪推广了这样一种观念,即一国的军事实力由该国经济实力决定; ecocn In1987, the Brundtland Commission first popularised the concept of sustainable development. 布伦特兰委员会首次在1987年提出了可持续发展的概念。 Many believers accept the broad seven deadly sins or “capital vices” laid down in the6th century by Pope Gregory the Great and popularised in the Middle Ages by Aquinas, and by Dante in The Inferno. 许多信者承认6世纪教皇格里高利一世所定下的七宗原罪。 七宗罪的说法在中世纪因阿奎那和但丁的《地狱》而开始流行。 yeeyan Niall Ferguson, a Harvard historian who, only a couple of years ago, popularised the term“ Chimerica” for the symbiosis between the two, now says it is a marriage headed for the rocks. 哈佛历史学家尼尔·弗格森 Niall Ferguson几年前为中美经济共生状况创造了“ 中美共同体”一词,如今他却说,两国联姻即将触礁。 ecocn.org Of course, as the price of sugar came down, others started to follow the fashion first popularised by the aristocracy. 当然,随着糖价格下降,其他物品也开始跟风,首先将其普及开来的是贵族。 yeeyan Some of this information is interesting: for example, that the phrase“ information overload” was popularised by Alvin Toffler in1970. 其中一些信息很有意思:比方说,“信息过量”这个词语是在1970年因阿尔文·托夫勒而广为人知的。 ecocn The concept was popularised by an American journalist, Thomas Friedman, in his book“The World is Flat”. 这个观点被一个美国记者 Thomas Friedman的著作《世界是平的》大为推广。 ecocn The term was popularised in the late1990s but became commonplace when the arguments were picked up by the press around2006. 这个术语在90年代末期很流行,但是由于在2006年左右新闻部门挑起了争论而变的普通了。 yeeyan |