

单词 pops up
释义 pops up短语¹⁸⁶⁵⁹
How can they control what pops up on the Internet?
他们能否控制互联网上的弹出消息? yeeyan

On the other hand, if you do want to use the command prompt we also have a tool that pops up a command window in whichever directory you choose in the Solution Explorer.
另一方面,如果你确实想使用命令行,我们也有一个能弹出命令行窗口的工具,以你在解决方案浏览器中所选择的路径作为初始位置。 infoq

A dialog then pops up where the business object associated with the role can be selected.
将弹出一个对话框,可以从中选择与角色关联的业务对象。 ibm

A window pops up, in which you can type the name of any class in your workspace see Figure8.
将弹出一个窗口,您可以在其中键入工作空间中的所有类的名称参见图8。 ibm

Clicking on the details link pops up a window where you can sign out other sessions that may be running.
点击细节链接会弹出一个窗口,在那里你可以登出其他可能运行的服务。 yeeyan

Now a window pops up, displaying the corresponding SQL and CDR commands to complete the operation.
现在弹出一个窗口,其中显示了用来完成操作的对应 SQL和 CDR命令。 ibm

One click instantly pops up a small window with information about associated metadata in the business glossary including the steward of the term.
只需单击一次鼠标,就会弹出一个小窗口,显示业务术语表中的相关元数据包括负责术语的数据专员。 ibm

The module pops up a thumbnail window activated by your selection of an option in the threshold drop-down list.
这个模块会弹出一个缩略窗口,它是由您在临界值下拉列表的选择所激活的。 ibm

Then deliver it while your kid is screaming in the background, to develop the confidence that you can recite it no matter what distraction pops up.
然后在你孩子尖叫时练习,不断建立自信心,这样不管出现什么情况都无法让你分心,你都能一字不落地背诵下来。 yeeyan

This element doesn't fit, so an error message pops up and the transformation process stops.
此元素不适用,因此将弹出一条错误消息,并停止转换过程。 ibm

This will prove him correct if the alert pops up, telling him that anything he enters will indeed be accepted and used by the application with no filtering.
如果警报弹出,告诉他输入的所有内容都将真正被接受并由应用程序使用而不进行过滤,这将证明他是正确的。 ibm

You still have access to all the same information, but additional data now pops up within the process rather than taking the user out of context.
您仍然能访问相同的信息,但是现在额外的数据可以在过程中弹出,而不需要用户离开上下文环境。 ibm

Your balance— which you can add to with a credit card, either on the device or on your computer browser— pops up with the dial screen.
你的余额——你可以在你的机子上或电脑浏览器上使用信用卡来付——会在拨号屏幕上弹出。 yeeyan




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