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词汇 popping
释义 pop·ping 英'pɒpɪŋ美'pɒpɪŋ COCA¹²²⁴²BNC¹⁵⁶¹³iWeb²⁷²⁷⁹Economist¹²²³⁹

a sharp explosive sound as from a gunshot or drawing a corkpopping crease击球线body popping霹雳舞pop发出砰的响声…popping rock爆裂岩石popping sound爆音popping pressure安全阀起座压力…eye popping惊人的skin popping皮下注射麻醉毒品…
近义词 pop发出砰的响声…
The children werepoppingballoons.孩子们把汽球弄得劈啪作响。
She keepspoppingup in the most unlikely places.她老是在最令人不愉快的地方出现。as in.busy
同义词 bustling,full,hectic,lively,restlesshumming,hustling,tiringbusy as a beaver,energetic,fussy,strenuous,tireless
反义词 idle,inactive,lazy,quiet,unbusy,unemployed,unengagedas in.joyful
同义词 cheerful,cheery,ecstatic,elated,enjoyable,festive,heartening,joyous,jubilant,lighthearted,merry,pleasurable,rapturous,upbeatblithesome,delighted,doing handsprings,effervescent,enraptured,expansive,flipping,flying,gay,glad,gladsome,gratified,high,jocund,jolly,jovial,overjoyed,pleased,satisfied,sunny,transported
反义词 depressed,disagreeable,down,gloomy,grave,sad,serious,sorrowful,troubled,unhappy,unpleasant,upsetmiserableas in.joyous
同义词 cheerful,ecstatic,exuberant,festive,heartwarming,joyful,jubilant,merry,upbeat,wonderfulblessed,blithe,delighted,glad,gleeful,jocular,jolly,mirthful,pleased,spirited,vigorous
反义词 depressed,gloomy,grave,sad,serious,sorrowful,unhappy
busieradjective active, on the go
bustling,busy as a beaver,energetic,full,fussy,hectic,humming,hustling,lively,restless,strenuous,tireless,tiring
busiestadjective active, on the go
bustling,busy as a beaver,energetic,full,fussy,hectic,humming,hustling,lively,popping,restless,strenuous,tireless,tiring
busyadjective active, on the go
bustling,busy as a beaver,energetic,full,fussy,hectic,humming,hustling,lively,popping,restless,strenuous,tireless,tiring
joyfuladjective happy
blithesome,cheerful,cheery,delighted,doing handsprings,ecstatic,effervescent,elated,enjoyable,enraptured,expansive,festive,flipping,flying,gay,glad,gladsome,gratified,heartening,high,jocund,jolly,jovial,joyous,jubilant,lighthearted,merry,overjoyed,pleased,pleasurable,popping,rapturous,satisfied,sunny,transported,upbeat
more joyfuladjective happy
blithesome,cheerful,cheery,delighted,doing handsprings,ecstatic,effervescent,elated,enjoyable,enraptured,expansive,festive,flipping,flying,gay,glad,gladsome,gratified,heartening,high,jocund,jolly,jovial,joyous,jubilant,lighthearted,merry,overjoyed,pleased,pleasurable,popping,rapturous,satisfied,sunny,transported,upbeat
more joyousadjective happy
blithesome,cheerful,cheery,delighted,ecstatic,effervescent,elated,enjoyable,enraptured,expansive,festive,flying,gay,glad,gladsome,gratified,heartening,high,high as a kite,jubilant,lighthearted,merry,overjoyed,pleased,pleasurable,popping,rapturous,satisfied,sunnysunny-side uptransported,upbeat The architectural objects in“ Transitory Forms” are like quanta or subatomic particles popping in and out of existence or a universe being born again and again.
“过渡物体”展览中的建筑作品犹如实际存在的量子或亚原子粒子不断跳进弹出,又好像一个生生不息的宇宙。 yeeyan

THE word“ depression” is popping up more often than at any time in the past60 years, but what exactly does it mean?
“萧条”一词最近出现得比过去60年间的任何时候都要频繁,那它到底指的是什么呢? ecocn

According to quantum physics, empty space is not actually barren but is a boiling sea of so- called virtual particles and antiparticles constantly popping in and out of existence.
量子物理学认为,真空并不是真正是空的,而是沸腾的海洋——被称作虚粒子与反粒子的东西不停出现与消失。 yeeyan

Another tip: Before popping open your ice- cold can of soda, hold it to the back of your neck for a quick cool-down.
另一个贴士是:在砰的一声打开冰镇的苏打水前,把它放在你的脖子后面能迅速地为你降温。 yeeyan

But technical obstacles to renewable energy are popping up.
但是可再生能源的技术障碍正在出现。 yeeyan

CENTRAL ASIA’S militant Islamists have been popping up in some unusual places.
中亚伊斯兰教激进分子已经出现在某些不寻常的地方。 ecocn

Data visualization and all things related continued its ascent this year with projects popping up all over the place.
数据可视化及其相关的一些事物,今年犹如雨后春笋般的出现。 yeeyan

He's popping up in the right places at the right time. His judgement in the penalty box is improving and that's a nice sign.
他现在正处在自己的爆发期,他总能在正确的时间出现在正确的地点,他在禁区里的判断一直在改善,这是个非常好的标志。 yeeyan

I do it monthly as I’m in a rapidly growing team with many new products popping up.
我每个月计算一次,因为我在一个快速成长的团队工作,新的产品不断涌现。 infoq

It can produce an eye- popping80% of the range of colours that the human eye can see.
这种放映机采用激光,惊人的是,它的色彩范围能达到人眼能感知范围的80%。 ecocn

Non- profit news outfits have been popping up at the state and city levels, too.
非营利性新闻组织也已经出现在州和市这一级别。 yeeyan

Not only is your home life popping, but it appears your work life will be, too.
不仅是你的私人生活会出现这些状况,你的工作上也会。 hjenglish

Now, one of them keeps popping up again, thanks to natural human curiosity.
感谢人类与生俱来的求知欲,如今,他们中的一员又再次出现了。 i21st

Once you believe, then it’s on and popping like popcorn.
一旦你相信,它就会像爆米花一样“砰”地弹出来。 yeeyan

Random thoughts and pictures may keep popping in and you'll have to keep pulling your attention back to the object again.
随机的想法和图片持续的进入你的大脑,你需要把你的注意力拉回来,重新放到那个东西上去。 yeeyan

Rather like trade protection, the popping of an antibiotic offers false comfort to individuals.
跟贸易保护主义一样,抗生素的滥用会给人带来虚假的安慰。 ecocn

Sometimes they wake me up in the middle of the night— my daughter is in the habit of doing this lately, popping into the bedroom to tell my wife and me about her dreams or sometimes just to chat.
有时他们会在半夜将我吵醒-----我的女儿最近开始养成了这样的习惯,她会跑到我们的卧室里来跟我们将她做到的梦,有时她跑过来仅仅是为了聊天。 yeeyan

Space agency scientists waved off reports— which had been popping up in science publications and bouncing around the Internet— that something might be stirring out there.
航天局的科学家们回避了这些突然从科学杂志中冒出来并迅速在网络上流行的报道,说那个地方也许有什么东西生存。 yeeyan

The tell-tale sign is that a man and his partner often hear a popping or cracking sound.
阴茎断裂的预示就是男人自己或者他的性伴侣经常听到爆裂声或断裂声。 yeeyan

These days they are popping up on front pages and conference podiums all over the world.
这些天他们却频频出现在世界各地的头版和会议前台. ecocn

Trouble seems to be popping up in new places.
麻烦似乎一直在新地方突然出现。 ecocn

Unfortunately, unexpected problems kept popping up to sabotage this ambition.
不幸的是,总是出现意想不到的问题破坏这一目标。 ibm

When thinking history, theme parks aren’t usually the first thing popping to mind.
当想到历史,主题公园通常会是第一个出现在脑海的地方。 yeeyan

You’ll know it’s recording by a small message popping upon the left side of the screen with the red record button.
在屏幕左边你会看到一个带有红色录制按钮的小消息框弹出来,便知道现在处于录制状态了。 yeeyan

You may have seen these“ find who you’re looking for” or“ find your lost love” advertisements popping up on your home page or your Facebook feed.




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