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词汇 poppies
释义 pop·py 英'pɒpi美'pɑːpi COCA³⁰⁴⁶⁶BNC²⁰⁹⁸⁹Economist¹¹⁸¹⁹
n.罂粟⁸¹;鸦片¹⁸;芙蓉红¹Poppy: 波比女子名.原型poppy的复数名词复数poppies
annual or biennial or perennial herbs having showy flowersopium poppy罂粟California poppy【植物poppy cock胡扯; 废话; 空话…alpine poppy高山罂粟poppy seeds罂粟种子poppy shell罂粟壳, 米壳…corn poppy虞美人poppy capsule罂粟壳Iceland poppy冰岛罂粟Flanders poppy虞美人Oriental poppy【植物prickly poppy蓟罂粟poppy seed罂粟子poppy family罂粟科

用作名词California wildpoppywith bright red flowers.加利弗尼亚一种开亮丽的红色花的野生罂粟。
The Queen laid apoppywreath at the war memorial.女王向阵亡将士纪念碑献了罂粟花圈。
An extract from the sap of unripepoppyseedpods,used in medicine and narcotics.罂粟蒴果汁来自未成熟的罂粟戎果蜜的果汁提取液,用于制药或鸦片。
And in the north opium cultivation is also down, although many farmers have simply planted cannabis instead ofpoppy.尽管许多农民仅仅种植大麻而非罂粟,但是北方的鸦片种植还是下降了。as in.opium
同义词 drug,heroin,morphine,opiatecodeine,dope,hypnotic,papaverine,soporific,tarbrown stuff,sleep-inducer
opiumnoun narcotic
brown stuff,codeine,dope,drug,heroin,hypnotic,morphine,opiate,papaverine,poppy,sleep-inducer,soporific,tar An American-funded effort to plough up opium poppies, the main cash crop in much of the Pushtun south, has been wasteful and self- defeating.
部落,政府官员和塔利班都有参与,而对鸦片征税占了他们收入的三分之一。罂粟是南部普什图区的主要财源。 ecocn

Cultivation of opium poppies declined in parts of the country with more government security, the report said.
报告称,由于政府担保力度加大,阿富汗国内各地区的罂粟种植减少。 yeeyan

The only flaw in “ Sea of Poppies” is that as the introduction to the trilogy it ends rather abruptly.
作为三部曲中的第一部,《罂粟花之海》唯一不足的是结局显得太仓促了。 ecocn

The same pattern can be observed in other provinces, such as Houaphan, where in one district alone poppies are blooming in eight out of11 villages.
同样的景象也出现在其它省份,如华潘省。在该省有一个地区11个村庄中有8个大量种植了罂粟。 ecocn

With few obvious sources of legitimate wealth, other possibilities are foreign spending and opium poppies.
合法财富的明显来源并不多,其它的选择包括外国支出和罂粟。 ecocn

“ My father taught me how to grow poppies ten years ago, ” he says. “Until this year, I was able to produce60 pounds of opium from my farmland.”
“十年前我父亲教会了我如何种植罂粟,”他说,“今年我能从我的农田里收获60磅的鸦片。” yeeyan

Along the way I made out a patch of opium poppies waiting to be harvested.
沿路我还辨认出一片等待收割的罂粟田。 yeeyan

America also wants to disrupt the drug trade: most of the country’s opium poppies are grown in the region.
美国同时还希望捣毁该区的毒品交易:阿富汗的大部分罂粟都种植在该区。 ecocn

Among the creeping buttercup, cleavers, bindweed and ground elder emerged long-necked and peony poppies, blackberry, columbine, and a wild grass tuft of particular appeal to our cat.
在匍枝毛茛、猪殃殃、田旋花和羊角芹中间,长杆罂粟、牡丹罂粟、黑莓、耧斗菜还有一小丛我们家猫特别青睐的野草冒了出来。 yeeyan

Another was that Nad Ali, as a government- held area, was the only part of Helmand where large-scale eradication of opium poppies took place, helping to turn the population against the government.
另外一个因素是,作为政府控制的阿里河畔是赫尔曼德省中唯一一块儿展开大规模根除罂粟行动的地区,促使人民反对政府。 ecocn

Bright and juicy poppies cheerful sunflowers delicate daisies convey all the charm of the ended summertime.
艳丽而多汁的罂粟花,欢快的向日葵,还有娇羞的雏菊传达着即将结束的夏天的魅力。 yeeyan

But Afghanistan is again the world leader in the production of opium, which is derived from poppies and converted into heroin.
但是阿富汗也是世界上鸦片产量最大的国家,而鸦片就是从罂粟中提取,然而转化成海洛因的。 ecocn

Chinese officials apparently asked the UK delegation not to wear Remembrance Day poppies because they were a symbol of China's humiliation at the hands of Europe in the opium wars.
中方官员显然提出过要求英代表团不要佩戴纪念日罂粟花。 罂粟花容易让人联想起鸦片战争,中国视为耻辱。 yeeyan

Helmand produces more than half of Afghanistan’s opium harvest, with22 percent of its arable land devoted to poppies, even after Governor Mangal’s forces eradicated a third of the crop last year.
Helmand省鸦片产量占阿富汗一半以上,即使去年 Mangal省长销毁了种植的三分之一的鸦片,此省仍然有22%的可耕地种植了罂粟。 yeeyan

In recent years it has tried weaning the Wa peasants off the cultivation of opium poppies, sponsoring alternative crops such as rubber and coffee.
近几年来中国政府一直致力说服佤邦当地的农民放弃种植罂粟,提倡用种植橡胶和咖啡代替。 ecocn

In my bleakest moments, I often look at flowers, at the fragile poppies that grow through the cracks in the unfriendly concrete, surviving in a seemingly impossible environment.
在我最凄凉的时候,我常常会凝视那些花儿,那些从坚固的混凝土缝隙中生长出的娇嫩的罂粟花,它们生存在一个似乎不可能存活的环境里。 yeeyan

It has become one of the most treacherous parts of Afghanistan, producing more than half of the world’s opium poppies.
这里已经成为阿富汗最危险的区域之一,还出产世界上一半以上的罂粟。 ecocn

It is a place where landscapes are dotted with blue poppies, snow leopards and innumerable banners of bright flapping prayer flags.
这里有点缀着蓝色罂粟花的风景,有雪豹,还有无数迎风飘扬的经幡。 yeeyan

On the top of the nearest wave bobs a white swimming costume splattered with poppies. It disappears from sight.
在附近的海浪上浮出印有罂粟花纹的白色泳衣,但很快从视线中消失了。 yeeyan

The illegality of the activity enables the intermediaries to ask higher prices of consumers and to bid down prices paid to growers of hemp, coca, and opium poppies.
由于这个活动的非法性,是的那些中介机构抬高对消费者的售价而压低大麻、古柯和罂粟的收购价。 yeeyan

The poppies in Afghanistan become the heroin in Berlin.
阿富汗的罂粟变成了柏林的海洛因。 cri

There were real poppies growing among the ripening corn.
在正在成熟的玉米地里,长着真正的罂粟花。 yeeyan

What's more, the study found that mouse morphine is produced in nearly the same way as the morphine in poppies—the only morphine- making plants known to science.
更重要的是,该研究发现,老鼠吗啡与罂粟中的吗啡产生方式几乎一样--罂粟是科学界所知唯一的吗啡-制造植物。 yeeyan

Without power there can be no factories to draw young men away from the Taliban; and without refrigeration there is little hope of developing, storing and exporting crops other than opium poppies.
没有电力,就没有任何吸引年轻男性远离塔利班的工厂;没有制冷,就没有发展,储存和出口农作物而非罂粟的希望。 ecocn

Yang also says a small number of Chinese families in what he describes as “the border areas of cities,” also grow opium poppies, but he says it is only because they enjoy the beautiful flowers.
杨凤瑞还表示,在他所说的“城市边缘地区”,也有少数家庭种植罂粟。不过他说,那是为了观赏。 kekenet

Poppies do not transplant well.




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