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词汇 Pope
释义 Pope 英pəʊp美poʊp;英pəʊp美pop 高六研I


the head of the Roman Catholic Church

the head of the Roman Catholic ChurchEnglish poet and satirist 1688-1744Pope Joan若安pope's nose煮熟家禽之臀部…
近义词 pontiff罗马教宗Vicar of Christ教皇Alexander Pope亚历山大·蒲柏…Holy father天主教徒对教皇的尊称…
用作名词n.The Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church.教皇是罗马天主教的最高领袖。Ppoperyn.罗马天主教Pantipopen.伪教皇敌对教皇



用作名词ThePoperetreats to Castelgondolfo every summer.罗马教皇每年夏天都退避到圣得罗。
PopeJohn XXIII once was invited to France to attend a banquet.有一次,罗马教皇约翰二十三世应邀出席法国的一个盛大宴会,一位着装十分暴露的女士正巧坐在他的身边。 In1508, Pope Julius II asked Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The result was a series of paintings called“The Creation of the Universe” and the “ History of Humanity”.
1508年,教皇尤利乌斯二世让米开朗基罗在西斯廷教堂的天花板上作画,结果就造就了这一系列被称为是“创世纪”和“人类历史”的绘画作品。 hjenglish

“ He’s like the traveling pope who wanted to reach out to every person and every human being on earth,” remarked another.
一个人说:“他是一位老在奔波的教皇,他希望和每一个人、和地球上每一个人接触交往。” voanews

As head of the539- year- old House of Alba, her privileges include not having to kneel before the pope and the right to ride on horseback into Seville cathedral.
作为拥有539年历史的阿尔巴家族的家长,她的特权高到根本不用在罗马教皇面前下跪,还能骑着马进入塞维利亚大教堂。 yeeyan

But in years past, some states such as America in the19th century would deal with the pope only as head of a sovereign state.
但是以往一些国家如19世纪的美国都仅仅将教皇视为一个主权国家的领袖。 ecocn

During the great plague of Europe, the Pope passed a law. The law said you say“ God bless you” to anyone who sneezed.

Having coffee in Argentina after being in Chile should be the first thing one does, like the Pope kissing the ground at the foot of the aircraft steps.
到过智利以后,人们在阿根廷要做的第一件事恐怕就是品尝咖啡,像教皇下飞机之后亲吻舷梯下的土地。 yeeyan

He starts the story, rightly, with the election in 1978 of John Paul II, the Polish pope.
他的书恰到好处地从故事开始,谈及1978年波兰教皇约翰·保罗二世的当选。 ecocn

He wore a Roman emperor's laurel crown, the embroidered gold slippers of a medieval king and an ermine shoulder cape that was grander than the pope's.
他头戴罗马皇帝桂冠,足蹬一双中世纪帝王常穿的镶边金丝软鞋,肩披一领貂裘斗篷比罗马教皇的还要华丽。 ecocn

Henry then appealed to Pope Alexander IV for dispensation to repudiate both provisions.
后来,亨利向教皇亚历山大请求在法律上否定这两个条款。 yeeyan

Him and the pope.

His statue of Pope John Paul II felled by a meteor should be there, as should some version of the piece where he duct- taped his dealer high up on a wall.
他的“被流行砸倒的教皇约翰·保罗二世”应该会在那里,还应该有他用封箱胶带将他的交易商粘在墙上这个作品的几个版本。 yeeyan

Last year the pope took issue with Islam in a speech at Regensburg, but he also opposed the Iraq war.
上一年,罗马教皇在雷根斯堡的演讲是以伊斯兰教为话题的,但他同样反对伊拉克战争。 ecocn

Looking at any history textbook, one would think that never has a society praised love between men, never has a painter, a poet or a pope shared his bed and his heart with another male.
你永远不会在历史教科书上找到任何宣扬同性爱的社会,也不会有任何一个画家、诗人或是教皇让一位男性来分享他的床榻并占据他的心灵。 yeeyan

On the other, since becoming pope, he has repeatedly signalled a rejection of the unconditional dialogue favoured by his predecessor.
另一方面,自打成为教皇以来,他一再表示拒绝无条件的对话——而他的前任教皇则偏爱此方式。 ecocn

She tells, for example, about writing a letter to the Pope in response to his statement that condoms are not effective at preventing the spread of HIV.
她讲述到一个例子,蒲伯认为避孕套在阻止艾滋病的传播中未能卓有成效,她写了一封信反驳了他的的评论。 yeeyan

The initiative was consistent with a chorus of calls for debt relief from all over the world, led by Pope John Paul II and my friend Bono.
该提案也是为了响应以教皇约翰·保罗二世和我的朋友博诺为首的来自全世界的要求免除债务的呼声。 yeeyan

The tradition began as a nod to how far society has come since1557, when Pope Paul IV first established The Index of Prohibited Books to protect Catholics from controversial ideas.
这个传统是为了适应多远社会的到来,因为1557年,教皇保罗四首先建立起“违禁书籍索引”,以防止天主教徒受到有争议的想法之害。 yeeyan

The Pope doing his business is just one of dozens of famous people caught with their pants down by the craftsmen of a workshop in the Catalonian city of Estartit.
这数十个正在大便的名人中还包括罗马教皇。加泰罗尼亚泥人工厂的手工者们将这些大人物都塑造成了脱下裤子排便的样子。 chinabroadcast

The pope has left for America, where he will meet with President Bush, the United Nations, and religious leaders of other faiths.
罗马教皇已动身前往美国。在美国,教皇将会见布什总统,拜访联合国,以及会见其他教派的领导人。 ecocn

Their Pope can just stick his head out anytime he wants and watch all of us down here?
他们的教皇随时只要把脑袋伸出来就可以看到下面我们所有人? yeeyan

Then we flew on to Denver, where we welcomed Pope John Paul II to the United States.
接着我们又飞往丹佛,在那里迎接访问美国的教皇约翰.保罗二世。 yeeyan

Those who took part in the ceremony spoke of the privilege they felt to be present and of how much the Polish pope meant to them.
参加这次宣福礼的人说,他们因为能来出席而感到无上荣耀,以及这位波兰籍教皇对他们有多么重要。 voanews

TO ERR is human; to forgive, divine, was the pithy view of Alexander Pope.
是人就会犯错,是神就会宽恕,这是亚历山大蒲柏观点的精髓。 ecocn

Who elects the Pope? Well the cardinals.

You may not find him especially sexy, but as Pope Alexander VI in the TV series The Borgias, he gets more than his share of action.
你可能不会发现他特别性感,但是作为在电视系列剧《博尔吉亚》罗马教皇亚历山大六世,他所获得的不仅仅是演技。 yeeyan

Pope Benedict said he continues to follow with attention and concern the situation in Georgia and feels especially close to the victims of the conflict.
教皇本笃十六世说,他一直在注视和关注格鲁吉亚的局势,并且感觉跟格鲁吉亚武装冲突的受害者格外亲近。 ebigear

Pope Benedict, unlike his predecessor, has not ignored the problem of clerical sex abuse and has improved procedures for tackling it.
教皇本笃和他的前任不同,他没有无视牧师性虐待的问题,而是改进措施处理此事。 ecocn

Pope Benedict urged the world's Catholics to practice peace and tolerance during2010 in his traditional New Year's message.
罗马教皇本笃在他的传统新年讲话上呼吁世界天主教徒在2010年要和平与包容。 iciba




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