

单词 poorness
释义 poorness 英'pɔrnəs美'pɔrnəs COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹

the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessionsless than adequate;

the relative poorness of New England farmland

the quality of being meager;

an exiguity of cloth that would only allow of miniature capes

the quality of being poorly made or maintained;

she was unrecognizable because of the poorness of the photography

poor,贫穷,贫乏,-ness,名词后缀。poor-ness名词后缀⇒n.贫穷⁴⁷;缺乏²²;拙劣³¹近义词 poverty贫困scarcity缺乏weakness软弱meagreness瘦exiguity些须leanness贫瘠indigence贫穷neediness穷困feebleness衰弱deficiency缺乏mediocrity平常meagerness不足scantiness缺乏destitution穷困deprivation剥夺inferiority自卑inadequacy不充分impoverishment贫穷poor quality品质低劣的scantnessscant的名词形式…

用作名词Thepoornessof the play disappointed the audience.这出剧的拙劣令观众失望了。noun.want
同义词 destitution,impecuniousness,impoverishment,meagerness,need,poverty
反义词 luxury,wealth
beggarynoun poverty
degeneracynoun corruption
griminessnoun dirtiness
grubbinessnoun dirtiness
impecuniositiesnoun poverty
impecuniositynoun poverty
abjection,aridity,bankruptcy,barrenness,beggary,dearth,debt,deficiency,deficit,depletion,destitution,difficulty,distress,emptiness,exiguity,famine,hardship,impecuniousness,impoverishment,inadequacy,indigence,insolvency,insufficiency,lack,meagerness,necessitousness,necessity,need,neediness,pass,paucity,pauperism,pennilessness,penuriousness,penury,pinch,poorness,privation,reduction,scarcity,shortage,starvation,straits,underdevelopment,vacancy,want Measures have to be taken to solve such problems as monotony in content, poorness in quality and lack of dissemination means so as to improve the level and grade of campus culture.
我国现有的校园文化尚存有内容单一,质量不高,传播手段缺乏等等不足。 cnki

Now, Three Gorges Area is facing with at least three great serious problems:the ecological environment worsening, the economic poorness and the settlement of millions of people and so on.
前言:三峡库区面临着生态环境恶化、经济贫困化、百万移民安置等三大难题。 chemyq

Results There was a significant difference in the first-rank symptoms FRS, delusion, flattening of effect poorness of thought between the schizophrenic patients with or without MR P0.01.
结果:精神发育迟滞合并精神分裂症组与精神分裂症患者一级症状 FRS中逻辑推理、妄想、情感平淡、思维贫乏等症状的差异具有显著性 P0.01。 cnki

The demanded product design to be regarded as the first step of product design will affect directly on the excellence or poorness of product's designing quality.
需求产品设计作为产品设计的第一步,直接影响产品设计质量的优劣。 cnki

A habit of dissimulation is a hindrance, and a poorness to him.
在他这样的一个人,一种掩饰的习惯是一种阻挠,一个弱点。 iciba

Any equivocation implies the poorness of the decision making process in the first instance, and is never contemplated by a great leader.
任何模棱两可都暗示着这个决策的制定过程在一开始就是拙劣的。 这样的决策不会是出自一个优秀的领导者。 yeeyan

By using Gini- coefficient and five-share method to measure, the tendency of our citizen's richness and poorness appears enlarging step by step during the changing process in our country.
用基尼系数和五等份法来衡量,我国转轨进程中的居民贫富差距呈逐步扩大趋势。 cnki

Modern Chinese people expected to save the nation from poorness and weakness by developing education.
在国穷民困、内乱外辱的近代中国,教育救国的理想承载着国人期望。 cnki

The poorness in his life hurt his body. But he never gave up and used to struggle against his illness tenaciously. He went on to compose the magnificent movements.
生活当中的贫穷折磨着他的身心,但是坚强乐观的他始终没有放弃对生活的激情,继续为人类谱写出华美的乐章。 hpfans

The poorness of the play disappointed the audience.
这齣剧的拙劣令观众失望了。 atomicmartinis

They were very proud in spite of poorness, just like those wealthy farmers.
可是他们身处贫困仍非常骄傲,就像那些拥有财富的农场主一样。 tingclass

This paper analyzed the reasons and measures of sensitivity poorness defect about120 emergency valve in the process of production.
系统的分析了120型紧急阀在生产中存在的灵敏度不良问题的原因及措施。 cnki

Though, Christmas market showed the dark side of this time as well: the poorness.
可是,圣诞市场也展示了此时黑暗的一面:贫穷。 kekenet

Poorness, unique and ancientness are intrinsic attributes of Gobi desert flora in the Centre Asia.
贫乏性、独特性和古老性是亚洲中部戈壁荒漠植物区系的固有特性。 cnki




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