

单词 aubergines
释义 aubergines ˈoʊbəʒiːnz COCA¹⁶⁵²⁹²BNC⁴⁴⁸⁴⁸
n.茄子;茄子般的紫红色aubergine的名词复数;v.拍卖auction的第三人称单数原型aubergine的三单 Roll- cut aubergines with a slant angle.
茄子斜刀切滚刀块。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ THANK God she survived, ” says Faqir Muhammad, a vegetable-seller with bearded gravitas, seated cross- legged before a heap of aubergines in the ancient walled city of Lahore.
“感谢真主她还活着,”古城拉合尔一位蓄有庄严胡须的菜商, Faqir Muhammad,盘腿坐在一大堆茄子前,这样说道。 ecocn

a GM backlash is under way in India, focused on insect-resistant aubergines.
在印度一种抵制转基因的活动已在进行中,主要焦点是抗虫茄子。 ecocn

Austria has banned the sale of cucumbers, tomatoes and aubergines imported via Germany, while Russia has banned the import of some vegetables from Germany and Spain.
奥地利禁止出售德国进口的黄瓜、番茄和茄子,俄国也已经禁止从德国和西班牙进口这些蔬菜。 hjenglish

Her cheeks puffed out like aubergines.
她的双颊鼓得像茄子。 www.smth.edu.cn

Now they are growing melons, tomatoes, onions and aubergines, and they raise ducks as well as chickens.
现在,他们种甜瓜、番茄、洋葱和紫茄子,他们像养鸡一样还养鸭子。 ecocn

On a small outdoor grill were the charred remains of the eight aubergines that the family had been cooking that Sunday morning for their breakfast.
在屋外的烤架上,还可以看到那八根被烧焦茄子的残骸,本来是他们星期天的早餐。 yeeyan

One shows men shooting aubergines ineffectively out of metal pipes, lampooning the regime’s claim that the city’s peaceful protesters were using weapons against Syria’s security forces.
一个视频中人们用金属管费力的打茄子,嘲笑当局声称该市的和平抗议者用武器袭击安全部队。 ecocn

Taking the skin of purple aubergines as raw material and using water as solvent, we can extract low- cost, high safety and good stability natural edible yellow aubergine pigment.
本文研究以紫色茄子皮为原料,用水作为溶剂提取出成本低,安全性高的天然食用茄子黄色素的方法。 cnki

The deep colour of the Purple Majesty variety comes from the same compounds found in blueberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, red cabbage and aubergines.
这种紫色贵族品种的深颜色来自于在蓝莓,黑茶藨子,红球甘蓝和茄子中发现的同种化合物。 yeeyan




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