

单词 poorly
释义 poor·ly 英ˈpʊəliː美ˈpʊrliAHDp‹rʹlē ★☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷⁰⁷⁶BNC⁹⁵⁸²iWeb⁵⁷⁷³Economist²⁸⁰⁶

somewhat ill or prone to illness;

my poor ailing grandmother

feeling a bit indisposed today

you look a little peaked

feeling poorly

a sickly child

is unwell and can't come to work

`ill' is often used as a combining form in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner; not well;

he was ill prepared

it ill befits a man to betray old friends

the car runs badly

he performed badly on the exam

the team played poorly

ill-fitting clothes

an ill-conceived plan

poorly off贫困的没钱的…poorly differentiated低分化的, 分化不良…poorly carbonated juice未饱充汁poorly heated加热不好的very poorly drained排水极劣poorly nourished医 营养不良的…poorly attenuating yeast低发酵力酵母…poorly sorted分选差的poorly graded分选差的play one's cards poorly做事不慎重be poorly off生活贫困be poorly mounted骑着劣马think poorly of 对 … 评价低…
poor-ly像⇒adv.贫穷地³²;不充份地;贫乏地adj.身体不舒服的²⁶;心情恶劣的¹⁷近义词 ill坏的badly差的sick有病的seedy褴褛的ailing生病的weakly虚弱地feebly贫乏地sickly病弱的unwell不舒服的scantily不够地peaked有遮檐的inadequately不够地indisposed不愿意的defectively有缺陷地off-color颜色不佳的unsuccessfully失败地out of sorts身体不适off-colour颜色不佳的under the weather不舒服disappointingly使人失望地below par低于票面价值不适…

用作副词The widow and children are verypoorlyoff.那寡妇和孩子们一贫如洗。
These streets are verypoorlylit.这些街道的照明很差。
These fruit trees yieldedpoorlylast year.去年这些果树产量很低。用作形容词They were all feeling verypoorly.他们都感到身体非常不适。
My daughter's a bitpoorlytoday, so she didn't go to school.我女儿今天有点不舒服,所以她没去上学。adj.not well
同义词 illailing,below par,failing,indisposed,low,mean,out of sorts,rotten,sick,sickly,under the weather,unwell
反义词 healthy,welladv.unsatisfactorily
同义词 badly,crudely,inadequately,insufficientlydefectively,incompetently,inexpertly,inferiorly,meanly,shabbily,unsuccessfully
反义词 satisfactorily,well
awfullyadverb badly
badlyadverb inadequately
cheaplyadverb economically
advantageously,at a bargain price,at a discount,at a reduced price,cheap,dirt-cheap,discounted,inexpensively,moderately,on sale,poorly,reasonably,shabbily,shoddily
humblyadverb meekly
illadjective sick
a wreck,afflicted,ailing,below par,bummed,diseased,down,down with,feeling awful,feeling rotten,feeling terrible,got the bug,indisposed,infirm,laid low,off one's feet,on sick list,out of sorts,peaked,poorly,queasy,rotten,run down,running a temperature,sick as a dog,under the weather,unhealthy,unwell,woozy
indifferentlyadverb rather badly
inadequately,not very well,poorly As mentioned previously, if the application performs poorly or breaks at the single user load level, it is not useful to continue performance testing the application at higher load levels.
前面已讲过,如果应用程序在单用户负载级别上表现不佳或崩溃,那么继续在更高负载级别上进行应用程序的性能测试是没用的。 ibm

On the other hand, a poorly designed language can inhibit the acceptance of an otherwise promising technology.
另一方面,一个设计很差的语言则会阻止大家接受可能很有前途的技术。 ibm

One of the group’s biggest challenges is finding a metal that conducts heat poorly, so heat is not transferred from one side of the chip to the other.
这个团队最大的挑战之一是寻找一种导热很差的金属,这样的话,热量就不会从一边传到另一边了。 yeeyan

But over time she finds out he’s addicted to porn and treats her poorly as well.
但是经过一段时间以后,她发现他是个色情狂,而且对待她非常恶劣。 yeeyan

GM is still expected to phase out or sell most of its other poorly performing brands, including Pontiac, Saab, and Saturn.
通用预期仍将取消或卖掉大部分其他业绩不佳的品牌,包括庞蒂亚克、萨博以及土星。 yeeyan

Helicopters perform poorly in hot weather and at high altitude.
直升机在天气炎热和海拔较高时表现不佳。 ecocn

If not members of the elite or the privileged military, poorly.
如果不是精英成员或享有特权的军人,那么很贫困。 yeeyan

If performance evaluations are done poorly, managers are better off not doing them at all—especially if by not doing evaluations, the alternative is more frequent coaching and communication.
如果业绩评估做得很差,管理者最好就不要再做了——不做评估的话,管理者也就更有余地去训练员工,和员工进行交流了。 yeeyan

It appears that after being primed with the word stupid, the brain expected to do poorly and did not show signs of surprise or conflict when it made an error.
很明显,在被“愚蠢”这样的词语引导后,大脑预期到会表现很差,因此当出错时并没有显示出吃惊或矛盾的信号。 yeeyan

Kentucky performs poorly in most categories on this list.
肯塔基州在大部分的指标上表现很差。 yeeyan

Likewise, it is recommended that testing be halted if the application performs poorly at the10- user level.
同样,如果应用程序在10个用户级别上表现不佳,那么我建议您终止测试。 ibm

Not surprisingly, London and the south-east are the strongest areas for the internet, while Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland scored poorly.
毫不奇怪,伦敦和东南部是互联网经济最强的区域,而威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰则显得较差。 yeeyan

Once we disaggregate the measure, we find that these countries do very poorly in the dimensions of rule of law, accountability and corruption, participation and human rights.
一旦将生活发展指数抽离,我们会发现,这些国家在法律、责任制和官员腐败,公共参与以及人权方面,做的非常之差。 yeeyan

The truth is, almost everything we do is done poorly when we first start doing it — that’s how we learn.
真相是,几乎所有那些我们做不好的事情是我们第一次接触的事物——这就是我们怎么学的。 yeeyan

The army is very poorly equipped.

These bugs typically live in the cracks of poorly- constructed homes in rural or suburban areas.
这些臭虫一般生活在农村或郊区建筑条件较差住房的缝隙中。 who

They might not have understood because you explained it poorly.
也许他们没有理解只是因为你没有解释清楚。 yeeyan

They ranked Tsinghua poorly in this area.
清华在这方面的排名都较差。 yeeyan

This leads to the problem that users that need access to “ poorly positioned” content must click through a long path to navigate, and they have to do this over and over again.
这可导致以下问题:需要访问“极难定位”内容的用户必须从头到尾单击一遍很长的导航路径,并且必须一次又一次地执行此操作。 ibm

TO SKI, however well or poorly, is a reminder— whatever one may for a long time have suspected—that one is alive, and that living is tremendous fun.
无论身体健康还是欠佳,滑雪去,这是一个提示不管一个人长时间有什么可怀疑的——你还活着,而且活着是极其有趣的。 ecocn

Whatever the case, a poorly written script can end up chewing up a ton of memory before you know it.
无论在哪一种情况下,编写很差的脚本可能在您知道之前以消耗大量内存告终。 ibm

Yet most of those urbanites are also likely to live in poorly, or at least haphazardly, designed cities.
然而大部分城市人还可能生活在缺乏设计,或者至少是胡乱设计的城市中。 yeeyan

You know a product launch is bad when the head of the company admits that the launch was poorly done.
你知道当这个公司的头也承认这个推出是差劲的时候,那这个产品的推出就是差劲的。 yeeyan




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