

单词 poof
释义 poof 英pʊf美pʊf ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁴²²⁹⁰BNC⁴⁸⁶⁴⁴iWeb²⁶⁴⁰²
offensive term for an openly homosexual man拟声词,模仿嗖或噗的声音,引申词义打粉,粉扑,男同性恋。比较puff.近义词 queen王后fagot柴把fairy仙女pouf厚坐垫queer古怪的poove男同性恋…fag尤英)苦工…pansy三色紫罗兰faggot束铁(柴捆nance娘娘腔的男人…

The poof of program correctness is an area of an application of modal logic.
程序正确性证明中应用了模态逻辑; cnki

The memory, it seemed, had vanished. Poof!
记忆看来消失了! yeeyan

With his dying breath, Poof used the Force to contain the power of the ancient artifact, the Infant of Saa.
弥留之际,普夫用原力压制住上古神器“沙之婴”的能量。 starwarsfans

“ I remember her hair with the poof at the front, ” she said, “ but I don’t think too many girls are doing that.”
“我记得她有一个蓬松的刘海,不过我不认为会有多少女孩效仿这个。” 史萝依说。 yeeyan

About five years prior to the Clone Wars, Yarael Poof was killed by the Anoo-dat radical, General Ashaar Khorda, stabbed by a vibro blade.
大约在克隆人战争爆发五年前,亚雷尔·普夫被安努达特族激进分子阿沙尔·霍达将军用振动刀捅死。 starwarsfans

Hidden beneath his traditional robes were four delicate arms which granted Yarael Poof remarkably dexterity.
藏在传统长袍里的是四条纤细的手臂,这为亚雷尔·普夫提供了非凡的灵活性。 starwarsfans

However, if one tells a lie then with a “ POOF!” they are instantly swallowed up by the mirror, never to be seen again.
不过,如果有人说谎的话,会被魔镜“噗!” 地一口吞掉,从此在这个世界上消失。 yeeyan

Now it was just a white poof about the size of a cap.
现在她的头发只剩下白色的一撮,就象一顶帽子大小。 yeeyan

One hour. Poof!
一个小时。没了! yeeyan

The rest of my run is anticlimactic: I sweep, free-fall, and land with a soft“ poof” in the foam.
我的漂流过程的剩下部分就有点虎头蛇尾了:我掠过瀑布表面、作自由落体运动,然后“扑”地一声轻轻落入激起的浪花中。 ibm

There are weapons, but when you shoot things, the target just disappears in a poof of smoke.
还有武器,不过当你射击物品时,目标只会消失在武器的硝烟中。 koudai8

Thick hair can be problematic both because certain hair styles don't look good with thicker hair and also because thick hair tends to“ poof” out like clown hair.
浓密的头发常会让人苦恼,一方面是因为浓密的头发梳起某些发型来会不好看,另一方面,太密的头发很容易蓬松的像个小丑。 yeeyan

Under the crafty Poof's instruction, Corobb developed potent mental skills.
在循循善诱的普夫的教导下,科罗布发展出强大的精神力。 starwarschina

Yarael Poof's appearance would be comical to most if not for the powerful presence in the Force he exuded.
如果不是因为他发出的强大原力,亚雷尔·普夫的外形在大多数人看来是十分滑稽的。 starwarsfans

You were in your bedroom,and all of a sudden, poof!
你在卧室里,突然,噗! yeeyan

Poof goes the axiom that taste can't be wrong.
让鉴赏力不会有错的公理见鬼去吧. cnblogs

Poof had two brains, one located inside his skull and the other in his chest cavity.
普夫有两个大脑,一个在头颅里,另一个在胸腔里。 starwarsfans

Poof was a tall being with spindly limbs and a long, slender neck which supported a bulbous head.
普夫是一个肢体细长的高个生物,瘦长的脖子上顶着一个灯泡似的脑袋。 starwarsfans




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