释义 |
pontecorvo 基本例句 n.蓬泰科尔沃在意大利;东经 13º40' 北纬 41º27' Amid these competing narratives, film- makers have also had their say, starting with Gillo Pontecorvo’s1966 masterpiece, “The Battle of Algiers”. 在这些矛盾的叙述中,电影制片人同样有了自己的说法,最远可以上溯到杰罗.庞泰科沃1966年的杰作--《阿尔及尔之战》。 ecocn The other film was Gillo Pontecorvo's The Battle of Algiers, which I saw after I'd made my first feature film. 另外一部电影是 Gillo Pontecorvo的《阿尔及尔战役》,我是在制作了自己的第一部长篇电影后看到它的。 yeeyan |