

单词 ponies
释义 po·ny 英'pəʊni美'poʊni COCA²⁷⁰²⁸BNC¹¹⁸⁷⁸

any of a variety of small horses

a range horse of the western United Statesan informal term for a racehorse;

he liked to bet on the ponies

a literal translation used in studying a foreign language often used illicitlya small glass adequate to hold a single swallow of whiskeyany of various breeds of small gentle horses usually less than five feet high at the shoulderpony express驿马快信的制度…Shetland ponyponies 设得兰…pony report每日要闻报道…pony edition报纸航空版pit pony英井下用马…pony up付帐pony engine小火车头pony girder矮大梁Welsh pony威尔士矮马pony truss矮桁架pony roll筒子,卷线管,盘卷,…pony axle空转轴,导轴…pony rougher第二架粗轧机…pony size小型的小尺寸的…cow pony牧用小型乘马…pony ladle小浇包,浇勺…pony motor辅助电动机,起动机,…pony truck小车pony press预压辊polo pony马球马
近义词 horse马trot疾走mount登上nag不断唠叨jigger小滑车crib婴儿小床steed马charger充电器
用作名词n.His father gave him a pony as a Christmas present.他父亲给了他一匹小马驹作为圣诞礼物。
用作名词Rhett bought his daughter aponyto ride on.瑞德给他的女儿买了一匹小马来骑。
The boy got aponyas a birthday gift.这个男孩得到的生日礼物是一匹小马。
She drank aponyof brandy.她喝了一小杯白兰地。用作动词I wish you'dponyup the money you owe.我希望你将欠的钱付清。
It is time toponyup on that bill.是照帐付钱的时候了。 George Best was spotted by scouts running wild with a pack of Connemara ponies through the discotheques and boutiques of the Ulster hills.
在阿尔斯特山的夜总会和小店附近,球探注意到了跟着一群康尼马拉小马狂奔乱跑的乔治·贝斯特。 yeeyan

The New Forest in south Hampshire is famous for the cows, ponies and donkeys that roam freely through the woods and villages.
南罕布什尔的新森林,出名的景物是:在林间和村庄自由漫步的牛、矮种马和驴。 yeeyan

While temporarily lost in the Mongolian outback, I came across these ponies all huddled together.
在蒙古国内地,我一不小心迷了路,结果就遇到了这样一小群聚在一起的矮种马。 yeeyan

“ These services by and large will be limited by the fact that they are one- trick ponies,” said Mike Jude, an analyst with Frost and Sullivan.
Frost和 Sullivan的分析家麦克.裘得说:“这些服务大体上来说会被一个现实限制,那就是他们只是一招鲜。” yeeyan

A woman hung clothes to dry as ponies walked past in the snow- clad town of Kufri, India.
印度, 库夫里: 一边是一名妇女正在晾衣服,一边是小马驹穿过白雪覆盖的小镇。 blogbus

And, while kids love ponies and pony rides, my sense is that, if you were going to buy a horse, you’d want something larger.
当然,小孩子喜欢矮种马,对于他们来说这是不错的坐骑,但是在我看来,如果您要是打算买一匹矮种马的话,您就有点玩的过火了。 yeeyan

Earth Ponies, the first My Little Pony line, had much success on toy store shelves everywhere and paved the way for the20 or more collections that exist today.
地球矮种马,第一条小马驹生产线,在每个玩具商场的货架上都获得成功,并且比现在要多至少20种。 yeeyan

Finally, I grabbed her favorite animals, ponies, and asked how many there were.
最后,我抱来了她的宠物------小马,问她总共有多少只。 yeeyan

He would invade Thailand with a force of10,000 Chinese guerrillas disguised as Thai—on10, 000 Tibetan ponies.
他想用一支1万人的中国游击队伪装成泰国人入侵泰国——座骑是1万匹藏马。 yeeyan

I’d never been to an animal home before and wasn’t prepared for the shock.Not only dogs, but cats, a couple of ponies, three pygmy goats and several rabbits wanted new homes.
我从未光临过动物之家,一进去吓了一跳。不光有狗,还有猫,一对小马,三只矮羊和一群兔子。 ebigear

Maybe it's a sign of idealism, in an endearing belief in the goodness in people and the brotherhood of man that makes people trot out their lowest moments like circus ponies.
也许它是双赢的,是对于人性本善四海皆兄弟这一信念的理想化。他们出于这一目的,像马戏团的小丑一样向人们展示自己人生的低谷。 yeeyan

Now you can find almost any type of pony including Tropical Ponies, Teeny Tiny Ponies and many more.
如今你几乎能够找到任何小马驹的种类,包括热带小马,超级微小的小马驹或者其他品种。 yeeyan

Scott, a captain in the British navy, took four compatriots with him, along with skis, food, water and a team of supply ponies.
斯科特是不列颠海军的一位舰长,他带了四位同伴,还有雪橇、食物、水以及一队拉补给品的小马。 yeeyan

That helped their ponies run longer and faster.
这样有助于他们的马匹跑得距离更长,时速更快。 hjenglish

Two specialists oversee the formaldehyde unit, which on a visit in July contained four dead ponies, a wild boar, an upended cow and, in good “ Godfather” style, a horse’s head in a plastic bag.
两位专家在今年7月视察了甲醛工作区,罐中浸泡着四头死去的小矮马、一头野猪、一头倒置的家牛以及一具包裹在塑料袋中的骏马头颅,尽显“教父”的风格。 ecocn

When the ponies canter on to the lush grounds of Guards Polo Club near Windsor Castle this weekend, they will herald one of the highlights of the English summer society calendar.
到了本周末,在温莎城堡的御林军马球俱乐部里,当小马在草场上慢跑的时候,英国夏季社交日程中的一大亮点即将拉开帷幕。 yeeyan




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