

单词 ponder
释义 pon·der 英ˈpɒndə美ˈpɑndɚAHDpŏnʹdər ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝6八COCA⁸³⁹⁵BNC²²⁸²⁹iWeb⁸⁷⁰⁴Economist¹⁰⁴³³

vt. & vi. 思考; 沉思

spend time in considering a fact, difficulty, etc.

reflect deeply on a subject;

I mulled over the events of the afternoon

philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years

The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate








用作动词 v.
~+名词ponder the advisability of such a course of action估量采取这样行动的可行性ponder the events of history回顾种种历史事件~+副词ponder long长时间思考ponder well考虑好ponder bitterly苦苦地思考ponder closely接近地思考ponder darkly邪恶地思考ponder meditatively沉思地思考ponder monotonously单调地思考ponder moodily不高兴地思考ponder morbidly不健康地思考ponder patiently耐心地思考ponder perplexedly困惑地思考ponder philosophically镇静地思考ponder sagely明智地思考ponder seriously认真地思考ponder silently静静地思考~+介词ponder on深思某事ponder on the reasons of考虑…的原因ponder over a problem考虑一个问题
ponder over〔on,upon〕 v.+prep.

深思某事( consider a matter deeply)

ponder over〔on,upon〕 sthWe pondered over the present state of affairs.我们考虑了当前的情况。
Give me a few days to ponder over it.给我几天时间好好考虑这个问题。
The young captain is pondering over a thorny problem.年轻的上尉正在思考一个棘手的问题。
Successive committees have pondered over this problem without finding a solution.连续几届委员会都考虑过这个问题而未找到解决的办法。
She pondered bitterly upon the meaning of life.她苦苦地思索生活的意义。方振宇词汇奥秘pondpend 称量+er动词后缀→称量→衡量,权衡→思量,思考→深思,考虑
比较记忆ponderableadj.有重量的;值得一想的;有价值的衍生词ponder+ous表形容词,…的→深思熟虑,考虑得太多就沉重了→ponderousadj.沉重的,笨重的 👇ponderouslyadv.沉重地,笨重地;冗长无味地,生硬地)
源自pound 重量,重量单位,称重量,引申为掂量,在头脑里掂量掂量→思考;pond 池塘,象池塘水一样深沉寂静→思考时的状态
GRE难词记忆ponder 音“庞德”→庞德经过仔细考虑,还是决定和关羽决一死战非常记忆pond池塘〖熟词〗+er二〖拼音〗⇒池塘边二师兄在沉思pondpend称量+er动词后缀→称量→衡量,权衡→思量,思考⇒深思,考虑pond音似pound,引申为重量+er⇒掂重量⇒﹝衡量词根记忆pond重量+er→掂重量→仔细考虑→沉思词根记忆pond重量+er→掂重量→思索,考虑词根记忆pond重+er=分出轻重=沉思近义词 muse沉思pore毛孔mull思索brood一窝think认为study研究weigh衡量reflect反映consider考虑meditate沉思weigh up衡量ruminate深思speculate推测excogitate想出contemplate注视think about考虑over在 … 的上方…mull over仔细考虑chew over仔细考虑think over仔细考虑deliberate深思熟虑的wonder about对 … 好奇brood over郁闷地沉思, 沮丧地苦想…
S+~+AHe pondered for a few minutes and then left.他沉思片刻后走了。
She pondered for some minutes before giving an answer.她思考了几分钟才作答复。
She cast her eyes over the paper, pondered, caught the meaning.她把眼光盯在那文件上,思考着,领会着其中的含义。
When I asked her advice, she pondered and then told me not to go.当我征求她的意见时,她沉思了一会儿,然后叫我不要去。
S+~+ n./pron.We pondered many things.我们考虑许多事情。
He pondered his words thoroughly.他仔细掂量了自己的话。
He sat pondering the advice he received.他一边坐着一边仔细考虑他得到的劝告。
The cabinet would do well to ponder the advisability of such a course of action.内阁最好还是考虑一下这一行动步骤的可行性。S+~+wh-to- vWe pondered where to meet him.我们考虑在哪儿与他见面。
The prisoner pondered how to escape.囚犯盘算如何越狱逃跑。
We pondered whether to tell him.我们考虑是否要告诉他。
We should ponder what to do next.我们应考虑下一步该怎么办。
You needn't ponder how to behave at the party.你没必要考虑自己在舞会上如何表现。S+~+ v -ingThey're pondering moving their offices outside London.他们在考虑把办事处搬出伦敦。S+~+wh-clauseWe pondered what he had done.我们衡量他所做的事。Pponderationn.沉思过磅称重Pponderabilityn.可估量性可称量性Pimponderabilityn.无重量性无法估计无法测知的性质Pponderablea.可估量的可称量的有重量的n.值得估量的事物Pimponderablea.无重量的无法计算的不可估价的n.无法衡量的事物



ponder可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时常常与介词on或over连用; 用作及物动词时可接名词、代词、带疑问词的不定式、动名词、疑问词从句作宾语。

用作动词You should pause andpondernow.你现在应该停下来仔细考虑一下。
Heponderedlong and deeply over the question.他对该问题作了长时间的深思。
Weponderedwhether to tell her.我们考虑是否要告诉她。
Heponderedfor some minutes before giving an answer.他思考了几分钟才作答复。
They areponderingmoving their offices outside London.他们正在考虑把办事处搬出伦敦。verb.think about seriously
同义词 consider,contemplate,deliberate,evaluate,examine,mull,mull over,puzzle over,reflect,speculate,weighappraise,brood,cerebrate,cogitate,daydream,debate,dwell,excogitate,figure,meditate,mind,moon,muse,reason,revolve,roll,ruminate,study,woolgatherbuild castles in air,give thought to,noodle around,perpend,pipe-dream,put on thinking cap,think out,think over,turn over
反义词 discard,disregard,forget,ignore,neglect,agree,go along
bat aroundverb talk over
debate,discuss,think about
brainstormverb problem-solve
analyze,conceive,conceptualize,conjure up,create,deliberate,dream up,invent,plan,ponder,put heads together,rack brains,share ideas,think
brainstormedverb problem-solve
analyzed,conceived,conceptualized,conjured up,created,deliberated,dreamed up,invented,planned,pondered,put heads together,racked brains,shared ideas,thought
broodverb agonize over
be in brown study,bleed,chafe inwardly,consider,daydream,deliberate,despond,dream,dwell upon,eat one's heart out,fret,gloom,grieve,lament,languish,meditate,mope,mull over,muse,ponder,reflect,repine,ruminate,sigh,speculate,stew over,sulk,sweat out,sweat over,think about,think upon,worry
broodedverb agonize over
ate one's heart out,bled,chafed inwardly,considered,daydreamed,deliberated,desponded,dreamed,dwelt upon,fretted,gloomed,grieved,lamented,languished,meditated,moped,mull over,mused,pondered,reflected,repined,ruminated,sighed,speculated,stew over,sulked,sweated out,sweated over,thought about,thought upon,was in brown study,worried
cerebrateverb think
cogitate,contemplate,deliberate,mull over,ponder,ratiocinate,reason,reflect,use one's head And with the recent upheavals in equity and fixed income markets, the financial industry is left to ponder: What change is next?
随着最近股票证券和固定收入债券市场的大动荡,金融业陷入沉思:接下来会发生什么变化? yeeyan

That is something to ponder while stuck in the Delhi traffic.
当你在德里遇到堵车时,可以思考下这个问题。 ecocn

The karma is forgiven and the two ponder their plight as the disharmony continues through the night.
业力被原谅了,他们都在思考他们的困境。因为,不和协持续了一整晚。 blog.sina.com.cn

“ Donkeys are strong, they are quick runners that may ponder! And if people want, donkeys can drive them to mountains”.
“强壮的驴是可以思考的跑路迅速的动物,并且,只要人们愿意,驴就可以载它们去山里”。 yeeyan

A miniature conquest of sorts, it was also an opportunity to sit and ponder away from the group.
这是一个小小的胜利,也给我离开人群坐下来沉思的机会。 yeeyan

Because if you never ponder on those negative thoughts and never say those negative words, they can never manifest into your world.
因为如果你从不消极地思考,就永远不会说消极的话,它们就永远不会出现在你的世界里。 yeeyan

I did not have time to ponder this question. At that very moment the crane entered the scene.
我没有时间仔细思考这个问题,因为就在这时一辆起重机进入了我的视线。 yeeyan

I think of Orwell's classic,1984, when I ponder these issues.
当我思考这些问题时我想起了奥韦斯1984年的名著。 ibm

In one of the tests, half of the participants were asked to ponder on the information they were given and then decide which among similar products to buy.
在一个试验中,一半的参与者被要求对他们所得到的信息进行仔细考虑,然后在那些相似的产品中做出购买决定。 edu.sina.com.cn

Nevertheless, amidst all this hustle and bustle you're also reading and writing more than usual, try to take some time on Friday the24th to ponder how to establish better relations with others.
不过,尽管你很忙你的阅读和写作也比平时多,24日周五的时候尽量思考下,如何与别人建立更好的关系。 hjenglish

Next time you bury a beer bottle stuffed with money in a park, you should ponder what cameras and sensors may be hidden in the trees nearby.
下次你要是再把塞满钱的酒瓶埋在公园哪里,需要事先考虑下你周围的树上有没有什么摄像机或传感器之类的东西隐藏其中。 putclub.com

Now, I ponder whether they are ready to face the challenges that await them and worry like a mother hen if I've done a good enough job preparing them.
如今我所思考的问题是他们是否作好了面临挑战的准备,并且也像一个母亲那样担心,是否自己已经为他们做了足够的准备。 ibm

She undertook this globetrotting adventure for two reasons: to feed her wanderlust and to ponder her own final resting place.
她着手这趟全球旅行是有两个原因:一是满足她的旅行癖,二是考虑自己最终的安息之地。 ecocn

The game is pointless, of course. But it has made him ponder the whole date and time arrangement people take for granted.
这种游戏当然没什么意义,但是笔者却由此思考起来人们已习以为常的整套日期和时间的表示法。 ecocn

Then the sisters began to ponder: where would the little girl sit on the family tree?
这时,姐妹俩开始思考:这个小姑娘在家谱图上应该放在那个位置? yeeyan

Then ponder that question and answer it.
然后你思考和回答这个问题。 yeeyan

There's not space to cover them in depth here, but you may like to ponder some of them.
在这里限于篇幅无法深入讨论它们,但您可能会思考其中的一些问题。 ibm

This year the earth spoke, like God warning Noah of the deluge. Its message was loud and clear, and suddenly people began to listen, to ponder what portents the message held.
今年,就像上帝警告诺亚一样,地球明确有力的传达了它的信息,并且,人们突然开始倾听了,思考这信息所蕴含的征兆。 yeeyan

Through programmes offering cheap telescopes for the masses, teaching materials and global heritage projects, astronomers are inviting us all to look up and ponder our place in the Universe.
通过这个项目为大众提供廉价的望远镜,学习的原材料和全球化的传统项目,天文学家正在引导我们所有人仰望上空,沉思我们在宇宙中的所在。 yeeyan

We can ponder over the ways and means for raising funds before the construction work starts.

We wonder if, had some professors been on the platform, would they have paused to ponder how John Stuart Mill might have parsed the choices?
我们想知道,如果当时有些教授在站台上,他们会不会只是站在那里考虑,要是换做约翰·斯图尔特·密尔,他会怎样分析这些选择呢? blog.sina.com.cn

Whether they are ancient or more recent, you will find something worthwhile to ponder and reflect upon.
无论是古代的或者是近代的,您都将发现一些值得思考和反思的东西。 ibm




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