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词汇 pomp
释义 pomp 英pɒmp美pɑmpAHDpŏmp ★☆☆☆☆高GCOCA³³⁴³²BNC²⁴⁶⁰⁷iWeb²¹⁶⁸⁴Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

cheap or pretentious or vain displayceremonial elegance and splendor;

entered with much eclat in a coach drawn by eight white horses

来自古法语pompe,盛况,盛典,壮观的仪式,来自拉丁语pompa,游行,行列,来自希腊语pompe,庄严的仪式,行列,古希腊时期的重要节日,如祭祀酒神Dionysus,来自pempein,派遣,送出,行进。后词义贬义化为炫耀,展示,讲排场等。pomp and circumstance排场
GRE难词记忆pomp→prompt v.提示→提示他这是在炫耀 pom砰砰响p→盛大的场面少不了砰砰燃放的烟花⇒盛况GRE难词记忆pomp→pump n.泵→水泵厂开业的盛况近义词 show证明sight视力glory光荣vanity自负display显示pageant 盛会splendor光辉ceremony仪式grandeur庄严spectacle景象splendour光彩showiness华丽pageantry盛典solemnity庄严exhibition展览eclat 巨大成功ostentation卖弄majesty最高权威magnificence豪华gaudery华丽的服饰

用作名词The king was crowned with greatpomp.国王加冕,典礼极为壮观。
Give me health a day, and I will make thepompof emperor ridiculous.只要给我一天的健康,我会使皇帝的荣华变得荒谬可笑。
He was buried with greatpompand solemnity.他的葬礼盛大而隆重。
The princess got married with greatpompand circumstance.公主结婚时,举行了盛大的婚礼。
Fashion andpompruined more ample sums.时髦和浮夸需要更多的钱。noun.pageantry, display
同义词 fanfare,formality,grandeur,solemnity,splendoraffectation,array,ceremonial,ceremony,flourish,grandiosity,magnificence,ostentation,pageant,panoply,parade,pomposity,ritual,shine,show,state,vainglory
反义词 insignificance,dullness,modesty,simplicityplainness
ceremoniesnoun etiquette
ceremonials,conformities,decorum,formal courtesies,formalisms,formalities,forms,niceties,politeness,preciseness,prescriptions,proprieties,protocols,strictness,usages
ceremonynoun etiquette
ceremonial,conformity,decorum,form,formal courtesy,formalism,formality,nicety,politeness,pomp,preciseness,prescription,propriety,protocol,strictness,usage
displaynoun public showing;spectacle
act,affectation,arrangement,array,arrayal,blaze,bravura,dash,demonstration,example,exhibit,exhibition,expo,exposition,exposure,fanfare,flourish,for show,frame-up,frippery,front,grandstand play,layout,manifestation,ostentation,ostentatiousness,pageant,panorama,parade,pedantry,pomp,presentation,pretension,pretentiousness,revelation,sample,scheme,shine,showboat,splash,splendor,splurge,spread,unfolding,vanity
displaysnoun public showing;spectacle
acts,affectations,arrangements,arrayals,arrays,blazes,bravuras,dashes,demonstrations,examples,exhibitions,exhibits,expos,expositions,exposures,fanfares,flourishes,for shows,frame-ups,fripperies,fronts,grandstand plays,layouts,manifestations,ostentation,ostentatiousnesses,pageants,panoramas,parades,pedantry,pomp,presentations,pretensions,pretentiousness,revelations,samples,schemes,shine,showboats,splashes,splendors,splurges,spreads,unfoldings,vanities
fanfarenoun cheering
alarum,array,ballyhoo,demonstration,display,flourish,hullabaloo,panoply,parade,pomp,shine,show,trumpet call
glorynoun great beauty
brightness,brilliance,effulgence,fineness,gorgeousness,grandeur,luster,magnificence,majesty,pageantry,pomp,preciousness,radiance,resplendence,richness,splendor,sublimity,sumptuousness It is probably no heresy to say, though, that this situation cannot be called exactly healthful, hardly a fitting heirship to three centuries of britannia's pomp and glory.
不过,如果说这种局面不能被称为真正健康的,更不具备对大不列颠三个世纪的壮丽与辉煌的适当的继承权,恐怕不能算异端邪说。 ebigear

Was it really his body that was buried in Westminster Abbey in1658, with jarring pomp and ceremony?
1658年那场盛况空前的葬礼之后,葬于威斯敏斯特教堂的究竟是不是他的遗体? ecocn

Amid all the pomp and celebration, one of the darker aspects to the wedding was how thin she was too.
围绕着盛况和庆典,美中不足的一点是,新娘太瘦了。 yeeyan

At some stage this year, two exceptionally important Chinese diplomatic envoys will be transported with great pomp and ceremony through the gates of Edinburgh Zoo.
在今年的某个时候,两位特别重要的中国外交使者在经过爱丁堡动物园大门时,将受到热烈而华丽仪式的欢迎。 yeeyan

BRITISH environmentalists were in their political pomp in the middle of the past decade.
英国环境保护论者在过去十年中处于政治盛况。 ecocn

But for all the pomp and theatre, it did not answer one simple question: who is now in charge of Russia?
但是相对于盛况空前的就职典礼,它却没有回答一个最简单的问题:现在谁掌管俄罗斯? ecocn

By then, the pomp will have been replaced by politics.
到时盛大的景象将被严肃的政治取代。 hxen

Ceremonies recalling the pomp of the empire lasted six hours as the funeral cortege processed through the city.
追忆奥匈帝国盛况的仪式历时六个小时,葬礼队伍缓慢地穿越了整个城市。 hxen

Funerals of very famous people are always conducted with great pomp and circumstance.
著名人士的葬礼通常会举办得十分盛大壮观。 kekenet

In March of this year Mr Netanyahu was humiliated during a White House meeting devoid of the customary pomp.
在今年的三月,内塔尼亚胡因为在白宫开会期间没有得到像往常一样的盛情招待而感到蒙羞。 ecocn

Later in London, where he was greeted with the best of British pomp, a regal Mr Obama confirmed that yes, even a reduced Britain can be a really, really special friend to America.
稍后在伦敦,奥巴马受到了英国最盛大、豪华的接待,他确信:是的,即使是经济衰退的英国也可以是美国最最特别的朋友; ecocn

Look at me, my son. I do not love pomp.
看着我,我的儿子,我不爱奢华。 ebigear

Owing to the small size of the mausoleum chapel, the mosaics do not create the impression of vain, cold pomp.
由于陵墓教堂规模过小,这些马赛克没给人产生一种空虚、冷清的浮华印象。 yeeyan

Patriotic bunting as a frigid display of archaic pomp?
爱国旗帜在呆板地展示古代的盛况? yeeyan

Sessions judges toured the country, as in some places they still do, and they simply took the pomp and dignity of court procedure with them, using ritual to create a sense of gravity.
在任法官在全国巡游有些地方现在还这样做,他们带着司法程序的壮观和尊严的气质,通过仪式来体现司法的严肃。 yeeyan

She was talking to people and sharing her ideas, but without the pomp and circumstance that's usually associated with politics.
没有隆重的仪式和政治活动相关的环境,她只是正在和人们交谈,交流自己的想法。 yeeyan

So that we may say that Paris's great prodigality, its wonderful festival, its Beaujon folly, its orgy, its stream of gold from full hands, its pomp, its luxury, its magnificence, is its sewer system.
因此我们可以这样说,巴黎最大的挥霍,它奇妙的节日,波戎区的狂欢,它的盛宴,它的挥金如土,它的豪华,它的奢侈,它的华丽,就是它的阴渠。 ebigear

The deal with Arafat, which was consummated with pomp and sentiment in the Rose Garden handshake of September1993, was deeply flawed.
与阿拉法特的这份协议,于1993年在玫瑰园以同步交换方式达成,带有虚饰和情绪化的成分,是有严重缺陷的。 yeeyan

Vanity, it may be, chose to mortify itself, by putting on, for ceremonials of pomp and state, the garments that had been wrought by her sinful hands.
一些人可能是为了抑制自己的虚荣心,才在一些堂皇庄重的场合专门穿戴由她那双有罪的手缝制的服装。 hjenglish

You know, sometimes I’ll go to an eighth- grade graduation and there’s all that pomp and circumstance and gowns and flowers.
你知道吗,有时候我去参加八年级初中毕业典礼,那里张灯结彩、花团锦簇、学生一个个礼服盛装。 iciba

Pomp, pageantry and symbolism mark the first day of this visit.
辉煌典雅、华丽壮观、象征性强是这次访问第一天的特点。 ebigear

Pomp and patriotism have no place in a museum dedicated to Germany’s armed forces. Instead, it offers a meditation on mankind’s addiction to state violence.
博物馆壮丽和爱国主义没有彰显德国的军事力量,相反它提供了一个让人类对这个沉溺于战争暴力国家的深思。 ecocn

Pomp and patriotism have no place in a museum dedicated to Germany’s armed forces.
浮夸和爱国主义在一个以德国军事力量为主的博物馆里是没有一席之地的。 ecocn




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