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词汇 polysemy
释义 po·ly·se·my AHDˈpälēˌsēmē,-lə̇ˌ-; pəˈlisəm- 高COCA¹²¹⁵⁷⁶BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰

the ambiguity of an individual word or phrase that can be used in different contexts to express two or more different meaningspoly-,多,复,聚,-sem,语义,记号,词源同semantic.poly-多-semy⇒n.意义的分岐¹²;一词多义⁸⁸n.语一词多义⁸⁸;多种解释近义词 lexical ambiguity词法的歧义性,词法多义性…反义词 monosemy语词、短语等的单…

用作名词Polysemy is a prevailing phenomenon in languages.一词多义现象在语言中普遍存在。
Amibiguity often arises due topolysemyand homonymy.歧义多因为多义词和同义词引起的。as in.ambiguity
同义词 doubt,uncertainty,vaguenessanagram,doubtfulness,dubiety,dubiousness,enigma,equivocation,incertitude,inconclusiveness,indefiniteness,indeterminateness,obscurity,puzzle,tergiversation,unclearnessdouble meaning,double-entendre,equivocacy,equivocality,polysemousness
反义词 certaintyclarity,clearness,definiteness,explicitness,lucidity
ambiguitynoun uncertainty of meaning
anagram,double meaning,double-entendre,doubt,doubtfulness,dubiety,dubiousness,enigma,equivocacy,equivocality,equivocation,incertitude,inconclusiveness,indefiniteness,indeterminateness,obscurity,polysemousness,puzzle,tergiversation,uncertainty,unclearness,vagueness It belongs to the field of semantics and the study of polysemy has long been focused on by scholars of linguistics, literature and philosophy.
一词多义现象属于语义范畴,普遍存在各种语言中,长期以来备受语言学家,文学家和哲学家的关注。 dictall

The paper, from the cognitive perspective, explores the generative mechanism and cognitive analysis of polysemy.
从认知的角度,主要探讨一词多义现象的根源、生成机制及认知分析。 dictall

The comparison of literature language to science language indicates that the former is typical of implication and being polysemy while the latter is scientific, strict in logic and meaning.
文学语言与科学语言相比较,前者的根本性质是文学性追求含蓄蕴藉和多义,后者的根本性质是科学性,强调严密的逻辑性和语义的明确性; cnki

The traditional method for text retrieval is based on single term matching which matches words of queries with words of documents. It can't solve the problems of synonymy and polysemy in practice.
传统的文本检索方式是基于提问集合和文本集合的单纯语词匹配检索,然而这并不能解决检索实践过程中存在的同义和多义问题。 cnki

Also, this paper need to solve many practical problems of dealing with Chinese literature, such as Chinese Segmentation, polysemy and so on.
并且解决了处理汉语文献过程遇到的许多实际问题,如汉语分词、语词多义性等等。 fabiao

As a common language phenomenon, Polysemy is always the focus of linguists.
一词多义是常见的语言现象,一直是语言学家关注的焦点。 cnki

As a result, men conceptualize the world in a certain period, and the items of polysemy are connected by particular metaphorical devices.
多义词是对世界的概念化达到一定阶段的结果,其义项之间是通过特定的隐喻机制联系起来的; cnki

As an important and pervasive semantic phenomenon across languages, polysemy has attracted much attention of linguists working in various branches of linguistics.
一词多义是语言中普遍存在的现象,语言学家们对此有广泛深入的研究。 cnki

Chinese vocabularies have characteristics of indeterminateness, polysemy, flexibility of parts of speech and the lack of morphology changing.
汉语的词汇具有词性的不定性、多义性、词类活用、词法缺少形态变化等特点。 cnki

It can be applied to the study of polysemy and semantic change.
这一理论可用来研究词语多义现象和语义转变。 cnki

Prepositions develop their polysemy on the basis of their spatial concepts by metaphorical mapping, which produces abundant colorful metaphorical meanings of the prepositions.
介词在其空间概念的基础上通过隐喻性映射发展了介词的多义性,从而产生了大量丰富多彩的隐喻含义。 dictall

The aim of it is to discuss the nature and features of polysemy and to explore the possibility of the construction of polysemy network.
并在这一理论框架下,对多义的本质和特点进行讨论分析,旨在探讨多义的认知特征和多义网络建构的可能性。 cnki

This thesis sets up the theoretical framework of analyzing and interpreting polysemy network based on fundamental theories of cognitive linguistics.
本文主要以认知语言学的基本理论为基础,构建分析和解释多义网络的理论框架。 cnki

Using latent semantic analysis to extract feature, the affect of synonymy and polysemy in text representation process is eliminated and the dimension of text vector is reduced.

Polysemy is a significant language phenomenon. It appears widely in every language and common everyday words are likely to be polysemous.
一词多义这种显著的语言现象,广泛存在于每一种语言,日常用词中,更是如此。 fabiao

Polysemy is a common phenomenon in different languages.
一词多义是各种语言中的普遍现象。 magsci

Polysemy is a pervasive phenomenon in human language.
一词多义是人类语言中存在的普遍现象。 youguow

Polysemy is a significant language phenomenon, and it appears widely in every language.
一词多义是一种重要的语言现象,普遍存在于各种语言现实中。 cnki

Polysemy is prevalent in language.
多义词是语言中的普遍现象。 cnki




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