Polygonum wallichii
Polygonum wallichii
I saw the flames consuming the whole building
I saw the house painted
I saw the joy in her smiling face
I saw the lions of Rome yesterday
I saw the man himself
I saw them gun down innocent women and children
I saw them join hands and walk together
I saw the movie at the Hong Lou Cinema
I saw the movie at the Long Lou Cinema
I saw the old man in the death throes
I saw the Olympics on television
I saw the PLA men file away a moment ago
I saw the plane hit against the peak
I saw the policemen file away a moment ago
I saw the procession passby
I saw the same shoes in a shop last week
I saw the Tom Hanks
I saw the vase in the window of an antique shop
I saw the volcano vomit black smoke
I saw the whole accident with my own eyes
I saw through his game
I saw through his plot
I saw through the fraud
I saw Tom himself
I saw twelve saws saw three seesaws
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更新时间:2025/3/20 20:23:22