

单词 attributor
释义 attributor 英'ætrɪbjuːt美'ætrɪbjuːt COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺
vt. 认为…是; 归因于

… regard sth as belonging to, caused by or produced by sb/sth


a quality forming part of the nature of a person or thing

a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished;

self-confidence is not an endearing property

an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity
attribute or credit to;

We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare

People impute great cleverness to cats

decide as to where something belongs in a scheme;

The biologist assigned the mushroom to the proper class

用作动词 v.
~+介词attribute to把…归因于attribute one's success to hard work把成功归因于辛勤的工作attribute one's failure to poor judgment把失败归咎于判断错误attribute the success to sb把成功归功于某人用作名词 n.形容词+~best attribute好品性~+介词an attribute of a fighter战士的象征an attribute of a gentleman绅士的品性an attribute of human beings人类的一种特征an attribute of kingship王位的象征
attribute to v.+prep.

认为某事〔物〕属于某人〔物〕believe sth to belong to sb/sth

attribute sth to sb/sth/v-ingI attribute our success to him.我把我们的成功归功于他。
I never attribute mean motives to anyone.我从不把卑劣的动机加在任何人身上。
They attributed the blame for the reverses to their superiors.他们认为挫折的责任在于他们的上级。
He attributed his failure to poor judgment.他把失败归因于判断错误。
She attributes her great age to a carefully planned diet.她把她的长寿归功于精心安排的饮食。
She attributed her illness to the cold weather.她把自己的病归因于寒冷的天气。
The doctors have attributed the cause of the illness to an unknown virus.医生们把这种疾病的起因归于一种未知的病毒。
She attributes her success to hard work and a little luck.她认为她的成功来自勤劳和一点点运气。
Her teachers attributed her learning difficulties to emotional problems.她的老师们把她的学习困难归因于感情问题。
The President attributed the worsening situation to increased guerrilla activity.总统把日益恶化的情势归因于游击队活动增加。
Jim wrongly attributed his failure to bad luck.吉姆错误地把自己的失败归咎于运气不佳。
He attributed it,I believe,to a political cause.我相信,他把这件事的动机归因于政治。
To what do you attribute this delay?你说这次延误的原因是什么?He partly attributes his good health to careful living.他把健康部分归因于生活起居处处留心。
We attribute our success to being in the right place at the right time.我们把成功归于天时地利。
He attributes his success to working hard.他认为他的成功是艰苦工作的结果。
Someone knew enough felt that his crime would be attributed to her.有个人充分了解情况,认为他犯下的罪一定与她有关。
The car accident was attributed to faulty brakes.这次车祸被认为是刹车失灵造成的。
This incident cannot be attributed merely to carelessness.这个事故的发生不能单纯归因于疏忽。
Lung cancer has been partly attributed to smoking.人们认为肺癌部分是由于吸烟引起的。attribute sth to sbMost experts have attributed the drawing to Michelangelo.大多数专家认为这幅画出自米凯朗琪罗之手。
The remark was later attributed to Karl himself.这话后来被认为是卡尔本人说的。
The unsigned painting was wrongly attributed to Raphael.这幅未署名的画被误认为是拉斐尔的作品。
Marcello's work was at first attributed to his brother Benedetto.马尔赛洛的作品起初被认为是他的兄弟本内代托所作。
This comedy has been traditionally attributed to Mark Twain.这出喜剧据传为马克·吐温所作。
This play is usually attributed to Shakespeare.人们通常认为这出戏剧是莎士比亚所写。
This song is usually attributed to Schubert.这首歌曲通常被认为是舒伯特的作品。attribute sth to sb/sthHe attributes wisdom to his teacher.他认为他的老师有智慧。
Some scientists attribute intelligence to ants.有些科学家认为蚂蚁有智力。
He attributed this pottery to the Bronze Age.他认为这种陶器是青铜时代的遗物。用作名词n.be an attribute of

是…的本性〔象征〕a quality forming part of the nature of a person or thing

近义词 qualityv.ascriben. characteristic
用作名词n.One of the main attributes of this plastic is its ability to bend without breaking.这种塑料的主要特性之一是其可弯曲而不会断裂。
Peter had all the attributes of a first-class athlete.彼得拥有一流运动员应具备的所有特质。
They appeared to possess all the attributes of a ruling class.他们似乎具有统治阶级的一切特征。
Any incomes policy must embody the attributes of fairness and flexibility.任何收入政策都应该具有公平与灵活性之特征。
Organizing ability is an essential attribute for a good manager.组织能力是优秀管理者的基本品质。
Kindness is one of his best attributes.仁慈是他的好品性之一。
Intelligence is a uniquely human attribute.智慧是人类特有的一种能力属性。
What are the main attributes of the Prime Minister?首相的主要品质是什么?
A scepter is one of the attributes of a king.权杖是帝王的象征之一。
The eagle was the attribute of Jupiter.鹰是丘比特的象征。
It is surprising how soon historical personages became invested with romantic attributes.令人惊奇的是历史人物很快就带有传奇的色彩。Many people's success can beattributedto hard work and a bit of luck.很多人的成功都可以归于勤奋加上一点儿运气。用作名词Public perception can also create a legal right for an attribute of a product.公众的认知也能为产品的某个属性创造法律权利。
The attribute that indicates that the same copy of a routine cannot be used by another task.一种属性,表示某一例行程序的同一副本不能被另一个任务使用。
Grounding is a necessary attribute to ascension.根植是提升的必要特征。 According to Attributor, a company that develops anti- piracy and content monitoring solutions, the daily demand for pirated books can be estimated at up to3 million people worldwide.
根据 Attributor专注于开发反盗版和内容监控解决方案的公司的说法,全球对盗版书籍日均需求量估计已突破300万人。 yeeyan

Contextualists hold that attribution of knowledge depends on the context of attributor, and epistemic standard varys along with context.
语境主义者主张,知识的归因依赖于归因者的语境,知识的标准随着语境的不同而不同。 dictall

No matter the details of Attributor's methodology, it is clear that e-book piracy is a growing concern for the publishing industry.
不管 Attributor研究方法的细节如何,很明显电子书盗版正受到出版业的日益关注。 yeeyan




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