

单词 attributions
释义 attributions 英ætrɪb'juːʃnz美ætrɪb'juːʃnz COCA¹⁸²¹⁵BNC³¹⁷¹⁰
名词 attribution:
assigning some quality or character to a person or thingassigning to a cause or sourceFurthermore, the canonical correlation existed between theattributionsfor failure of the vocational high school students and reading comprehension strategies.并且高职学生的失败归因方式与阅读理解策略间有典型相关存在。 The general manager of the group was demoted two weeks ago, and the current editor has been stripped of its top attributions and is about to leave.
集团总经理两周前被降职,现任主编被剥夺了最高权限,正准备辞职走人。 yeeyan

There is not significant difference between the attributions of different majors and singleton or not.
文、理科及独生、非独生大学生在不同归因维度上均无显著差异。 cnki

There’s actually more to it than most attributions give him, for“ political” is often misunderstood.
事实上,亚里士多德所指比大多数引用所指丰富,因为“政治性的”通常被误解。 yeeyan

Among the lessons to be learned at this exhibition is that not all attributions are necessarily for ever.
此次展览会教给我们的其中一课是,并非所有的作品归属都必然会永久不变。 ecocn

Delete any author attributions, legal notices or proprietary designations or labels in any file that is uploaded;
在任何上传的文件中删除任何作者属性、法律通知或专有名称或标签; un

Facts may take the form of natural language statements or as attributions, relationships, or generalizations within a formal model.
事实可以采用自然语言语句的形式,也可以作为一个规范模型中的属性、关系或概要。 ibm

However opposites on the Team Management Wheel are prone to making negative attributions about each other.
然而,反面观点认为团队管理环容易导致互相对立。 infoq

In some Eastern cultures there's more of a view about faith and more attributions to situation.
而在东方文化中,人们更看重命运,更多地归因于实际情况中。 v.163.com

Keeping the team together, solving conflicts, doing public relations PR, tech support, setting up servers, banning troublemakers, brainstorming, etc. will be your attributions.
保持团队团结,解决争执,维护公共关系 PR,技术支持,架设服务器,惩罚捣乱分子,自由讨论,等等都是你的职责。 cnblogs

Objective To explore main categories, attributions and strategies of violence in medical facilities of Australia, and provide evidence to policy process on violence prevention.
目的通过分析澳大利亚医疗市场案例激烈冲突的主要类型、归因和应对策略,为制定相应政策提供科学依据。 dictall

Objective: To examine the characteristics of attributions to discrimination and its effect on positive and negative affect among Chinese migrant children.
目的:以群体成员资格可以改变的流动儿童为对象,探讨其歧视归因倾向及对积极和消极情感的影响。 dictall

Patterns of attributions which paint partners in a good light are associated with relationship satisfaction.
一个把另一半往好处想的归因模式对交往的满意度是有帮助的。 yeeyan

Such attributions falsely account for the lack of connection.
而这种归因错误地导致了和他人之间互动的缺失。 yeeyan

The more positive and forgiving early attributions are, the greater the likelihood of positive attributions throughout the marriage.
越积极,越愿意尽早原谅,那么在以后的婚姻中,就越有积极和好的可能。 yeeyan

Therefore, this research purpose lies in the different influence effects under different product attributions in WOM statement.

This paper discussed some kinds of the psychological attributions in mathematics examination for the senior middle school students.
通过对高中生数学应试心理归因的调查,探讨高中生数学应试的心理归因方式。 cnki

This is largely because of neglect or maltreatment, but it is also caused by the absence of parents relating to them based on attributions of who they are.
这主要是因为受到忽视或虐待。不过也可能是由于父母没有根据他们是谁来对待他们。 yeeyan

This research examined how success and failure outcome under competitive and noncompetitive reward structures influenced childrens achievement attributions in terms of genders.
本研究的目的是考察奖赏结构和结果效价对男女儿童归因风格的影响。 dictall

Attributions can often be hypotheses rather than unshakable facts.
作品的归属通常是一种假定,而非不可动摇的事实。 ecocn




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