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词汇 poloidal
释义 po·loi·dal 英pəʊ'lɔɪdəl美poʊ'lɔɪdəl BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺
Firstly, the toroidal poloidal decomposition for incompressible velocity fields is used to describe the vertical velocity, vorticity and helicity in the three dimensional atmosphere motions.
本文首先将不可压缩流体速度场的螺-极分解用来描写三维大气运动的垂直速度、涡度和螺度; cnki

The application of distribute control systemDCS in poloidal field power supply of HT-7 superconducting tokamak device is described.
介绍了集散控制系统在世界第四大超导托卡马克装置极向场控制系统中的应用。 cnki

The increase of the rotation velocity of poloidal plasma flow results in the edge plasma disturbance eliminating and plasma energy confinement improvement.
等离子体流极向旋转速度提高,边缘扰动被抑制,等离子体能量约束得到改善。 cnki

The magnitudes of poloidal field are comparable to but these of toroidal field are much smaller than those of the observations of plate motion.
极型场成分与地表运动的观测值是相当的,但环型场成分则远远小于观测值。 cnki

The main performance parameters and the application in the poloidal field power supply system of them were given.
具体给出了它们的主要性能参数及其在极向场电源系统中的应用。 dictall

The ratio of poloidal to toroidal component of mantle convection determined the proportion of seismic energy released in the thrust, normal, or strike-slip earthquakes.
地幔对流的垂直运动与水平运动分量的比率,决定了逆冲、引张与走滑型强震的能量释放份额。 cnki

With consideration of the effects of atomic process, a simple code modeling the correction to poloidal charge-exchange recombination spectroscopy CXRS measurement is developed.
考虑到原子过程的影响,对极向 CXRS测量过程进行了数值模拟。 cnki

At last, the poloidal and toroidal magnetic field with D- shaped is obtained.
最后求出了 D-型截面下的极向磁场以及环向磁场分布。 com

Due to the poloidal wave vector, the incident direction of lower hybrid wave launching into plasma will be changed.
由于极向波矢的存在,低杂波进入等离子体的入射方向会发生改变。 hjby

During experiments of lower hybrid wave current drive, the change of LHW drive power will be accompanied by the change of the edge electric field, poloidal rotation velocity and Reynolds stress.
在低杂波注入实验中,改变低杂波驱动功率,从而改变边缘电场、等离子体旋转速度和边缘静电雷诺胁强。 cnki

Experiment result shows that the system can be used for measuring plasma poloidal magnetic field in HL-1M Tokamak.
实验结果显示该系统可用于 HL1M托卡马克的极向场测量。 cnki

In this paper, the design, characteristics. , magnetic field and magnetization curve of a new poloidal field coil in the HL-1 device are presented.
本文描述HL-1装置新极场线圈的设计研制、特点、磁场和铁芯磁化曲线。 cnki

In this paper, the magnetic field created by a poloidal linear current in a toroidal ideal conducting cavity is studied.
本文研究在环形理想导体空腔中极向线电流产生的磁场。 cnki

In the last, the incident angle of lower hybrid wave launching into plasma is simply estimated and discussed under the different poloidal phases.
最后在不同极向相位差下对低杂波进入等离子体的入射方向进行了简要的计算和讨论。 hjby

Not only the poloidal field representing the vertical flow of but also the toroidal field representing the horizontal flow of the mantle's mass is obtained.
不仅获得了表征地幔物质垂直对流的极型对流场,而且还获得了表征地幔物质水平流动的环型对流场。 cnki

Superconducting poloidal fieldPF coils of the HT7U device are composed of conduit, superconducting material and insulator. It has complex orthotropic properties.
HT7U装置的超导极向场线圈由导管、超导材料和绝缘体组合而成,具有复杂的正交各向异性的性质。 cnki

The results indicate that the sheared poloidal flow can be generated in the plasmas due to radial variations in Reynolds stress.
结果表明,由于雷诺胁强的径向变化,托卡马克等离子体可以自发地产生剪切极向流。 cnki

The results indicate that sheared poloidal flow can be generated in Tokamak plasma due to radially varying Reynolds stress.
结果指出,在托卡马克等离子体边缘,雷诺胁强的径向变化可以产生剪切极向流。 cnki

The results indicate that the sheared poloidal flow can be generated in tokamak plasma due to the radially varying Reynolds stress.
结果表明,雷诺胁强的径向变化可以自发产生托卡马克等离子体的剪切极向流。 cnki

The unstable mode is not sensitive to the ion temperature gradient parameter and the poloidal wavelength.
高比压下的不稳定模对离子温度梯度和角向波长的变化的响应减弱。 cnki

The poloidal field power supply control system of the nuclear fusion device- EAST is constituted of three layer networks: WINDOWS monitor layer, QNX realtime control layer, Fieldbus layer.
核聚变装置 EAST极向场电源控制系统由三层网络组成: WINDOWS监测层、 QNX实时控制层、现场总线执行层。 cnki

This paper introduces the design scheme and technical requirement of quench protection control system for the poloidal power supply, which will be used in the EAST Tokamak.
介绍了将应用于 EAST超导托卡马克装置的极向场电源失超保护控制系统的设计方案和技术要求。 cnki




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