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词汇 pollens
释义 pollens
According to analysis, the pollens of CK2 Hole in Xiachahe of Haizi Farm, Anlong can be divided into55 families and genera, with more pteridophyte spores and woody pollens.
安龙海子农场下岔河 CK2孔的孢粉分析有55个科属,蕨类孢子及木本花粉较多。 cnki

Be due to a great variety and minute particle size and multivariate shape and great difference in particle's size, which brings difficulty to separation of pollens.
但由于花粉种类繁多、颗粒微小、不同种类花粉形状多变且大小相差很大,这给花粉的分选带来极大困难。 cnki

Few pollens were found on the stigma of69 accessions observed after pollination, which would cause low percentage of fertilization.
对柱头上的花粉量调查,发现观察的69个编号中,多数编号柱头上花粉量偏少。 zwyczy

Histochemical analyses of different tissues and pollens at different developmental stages of the transgenic plants showed that P1943 could only direct GUS expression in binucleate pollens.
对转基因植株不同发育阶段的组织和花粉进行组织化学分析,发现 P1943只在双核的花粉细胞中可以检测到 GUS表达。 ricedata

The dyeing rate and germination rate of ripe pollens of masson pine were90.
成熟花粉采后立即测定,染色率达90。 dictall

The germination response of pollens on stigma was observed with a fluorescence-microscope.
利用荧光显微法观测花粉在柱头上的萌发情况。 cnki

The period of highest pollen vitality in a day lies between10 am to13 pm, and the flowering time when the pollens just disperse made the highest vitality.
一天中花粉活力最高时段为10时至13时; 不同的花朵开放状态的花粉活力以雄蕊刚散粉时为最高。 cnki

The pollens of long style strains had pollination ability, while conducting artificial supplementary pollination, they could set seeds normally.
花粉具备正常授粉能力,人工辅助授粉结实正常,自交繁殖无需保持系。 cnki

The pollens of plant possess specialities of family form.
植物花粉的形态特征具有种属特异性。 cnki

Wall degraded pollens were identified with0.1% wallflower white test and its vitality was tested by fluorochromatic reaction with fluorescein diacetate FDA.
用0.1%荧光增白剂检测脱壁完全, FDA荧光检测表明花粉原生质体具有生活力。 cnki

When the proteins of pollens were treated with ultrapure water and mercaptoethanol, no specific band was observed among the self- incompatible lines and the compatible lines.
以双蒸水和巯基乙醇作为提取液处理花粉,均未发现自交不亲和系共有的特征带。 cnki

However, the fertility of pollens in the line transferred from W6111S differed greatly, and fertility segregation occurred among individual plants, indicating that its sterility is not stable.
而由 W6111S转育的株系,花粉育性差异大,且单株之间育性有分离,说明其育性不是很稳定。 cnki

In plants, TAG mainly accumulates in seeds, pollens and fruits of many species.
在植物中, TAG主要在种子、花粉和许多物种的果实中积累。 cnki

Morphological characteristics of some recent and fossil pollens of Liquidambar.

Objective To investigate the species of the airborne pollens, their diffusion rules and correlation with pollinosis in Southern suburban area of Chonqing city.
目的调查重庆市南郊空气中气传花粉的种属和飘散规律及与花粉症的相关性。 dictall

Objective To study the species, quantity and pathogenicity of air carried pollens in Southern Shandong Province.
目的探讨鲁南地区气传花粉的种类、分布、数量及其致病性。 cnki

Objective: Palynological and microscopical studies on pollens and leaves of 11 Aralia spp… Methods: An observation under scanning electron microscope.
目的:研究木忽木属植物花粉及叶片显微形态特征。方法:扫描电镜观察。 cnki

Some honey source pollens have been studied under the light microscope and the scanning electron microscope with photos of SEM, and components of mass of pollen grains have been also examined.
本文对我国一些蜜源植物花粉形态特征用光学显微镜作了各种数据测定,并对花粉形态进行了扫描摄片研究。对蜂花粉团成分也作了观察。 cnki

The following results were obtained: 1 After cold treatment, some of the pollens became empty and the cytoplasm oft hose pollens shrank.
在半薄切片中发现低温处理后一部分花粉细胞质收缩,整个细胞变瘪变空的衰退现象。 cnki

The result shows that the shapes and the terminations of the pollens are slightly affected by high temperature on the very day of blooming.
结果表明,开花当天的高温处理,对花粉形态和花粉在柱头上的萌发都有一定影响。 cnki

The sensitizing pollens were mainly from Artemisia, humulus, populus and pinaceae.
主要致敏花粉是蒿属、艹律草、杨树及松树花粉。 cnki

The study aimed to discuss the content changing of total saponin during the callus culture of Panax notoginseng pollens on different media.
探讨不同培养基上三七花粉愈伤组织培养过程中总皂甙含量的变化情况。 dictall

The mature pollens of10 maize varieties lines were treated with EMS. The induction effects on the germinating rates, the physiological damage of M1 and M2 were studied.
本试验用含有 EMS的石蜡油溶液处理10个玉米材料的成熟花粉,研究了 EMS对花粉离体萌发率、 M1代生理损伤以及 M2代的诱变效应。 cnki

These steps help to control common allergens, including dust mites, mold, animal dander and pollens.
这些步骤有助于控制常见的过敏原,包括尘螨,霉菌,动物皮屑和花粉。 yqtechan

To compare with parents, the mutation plants' vigor of pollens, germination percentage of pollens, and length of pollen tube were investigated.
本试验中对突变株及其亲本的花粉活力、花粉萌发率、花粉管长度进行了研究。 cnki

When going out, those allergic to pollens should take some allergy medicine before going out.
如果要出门,在出去前,服用一些防过敏的药物。 kekenet




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