

单词 attracted
释义 at·tract·ed 英ə'trækt美ə'trækt 高COCA⁶⁹⁰⁵BNC⁴⁵⁶²iWeb³³²⁷¹Economist²⁸¹⁵

vt. 吸引,引诱; 引起…的注意

pull towards, make sth come nearer; get the attention of, arouse interest or pleasure in

vi. 具有吸引力,引人注意

possess the power of drawing objects to or toward it; be pleasing or winning

direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes;

Her good looks attract the stares of many men

The ad pulled in many potential customers

This pianist pulls huge crowds

The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers

be attractive to;

The idea of a vacation appeals to me

The beautiful garden attracted many people

exert a force on a body causing it to approach or prevent it from moving away;

the gravitational pull of a planet attracts other bodies


❌ Her songs attracted us.

✔️ Her songs attracted our attention.

说“引起注意”时不可在attract后仅接人称代词,而应说attract sb's attention。


❌ The woman tried to attract him with money.

✔️ The woman tried to tempt him with money.


attract, allure, captivate, charm, enchant, fascinate


1.从词义上说:attract和captivate是“吸引”; allure是“引诱”; charm、enchant和fascinate是“迷惑,使着魔”。

2.从“吸引源”上说:attract和captivate用的是吸引者所具有的性质或特性; allure用的是美丽的、有魅力的东西或有效的手段、美好的前途等; charm、enchant和fascinate用的是符咒或魔法,更多的是用魔法般的事物。例如:

Her beauty captivated many.她的美貌吸引了许多人。
The swindler allured her by hopes.这骗子用希望引诱她。
This is a very charming village.这是一座非常迷人的村庄。
The witch enchanted the princess.女巫迷惑了公主。
The boy was fascinated by all the toys in the big department store.这孩子为大百货店里所有的玩具所迷惑。

3.从结果上说:attract指被吸引者有感应; captivate指控制住兴趣或感情; allure指被引诱而堕落或克服某人的抵触情绪或冷漠态度; charm指迷住其感官或心灵; enchant指激起羡慕或使其销魂; fascinate则指无法抵抗或不能逃脱。例如:

He was captivated by Mary.他被玛丽所迷。
Don't be allured into bars by the pretty waitresses.不要被美丽的女招待引诱至酒吧间。
Young children should rather be allured to learning by gentleness and love, than compelled to learning by beating and fear.对小孩子应该通过温柔和爱来诱导他们学习,而不能用打和恐吓强迫他们学习。
I was charmed with her fine singing.她那优美的演唱使我陶醉。
She was enchanted by the flowers you sent her.你送给她的花,她很喜欢。
Snakes are said to fascinate small animals and birds.据说蛇能蛊惑小动物和小鸟。

4.从程度上说:captivate意义最弱,只是暂时地吸引而不是长期地控制; enchant意义最强,已近乎疯狂。








16世纪30年代进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的attractus:ad 去) +trahere (拉),意为被……拉过去
用作动词 (v.
~+名词attract a lot of publicity出尽风头attract admiring glances招引钦佩的眼光attract disapproving comment引起非议attract large crowds吸引大批的民众attract many onlookers吸引许多旁观者attract overseas investors吸引海外投资者attract sb's attention引起注意attract sb's curiosity引起好奇心attract sb's eye吸引某人的目光attract tourists吸引观光者~+副词attract irresistibly不可抗拒地吸引attract physically体格上诱惑attract powerfully强烈地吸引attract really真有吸引力attract away吸引走~+介词attract to把…引向attract to sb对…有吸引力attract towards把…引向attract with lamps以灯火引诱
attract away v.+adv.

吸引走 excite the admiration, interest, or feelings of sb away

attract sb ⇔ away from sthTelevision has attracted away a lot of audience from the cinema.电视把很多观众从电影院吸引走了。
attract to v.+prep.

使…受…吸引〔诱惑〕 cause (sb/sth to come towards sb/sth else)

attract sb/sth to sb/sthI don't know what attracts me to him, but I keep wanting to see him.我不知道他有什么吸引我的地方,然而我总想看见他。
She attracted others to virtue.她诱人行善。
It attracted many visitors to the place.它吸引了许多来客到这地方。
In this substance, the atoms are attracted to one another.在这种物质中,原子相互吸引。
Certain metals are attracted to a magnet.某些金属受磁石的吸引。
I am attracted to her.我为她所吸引。
She was attracted to the man by his goodness.她因那人的亲切而爱他。
All his life,Jim has been attracted to success.吉姆一生都渴望成功。
Insects are attracted to flowers by their colour, scent and nectar.昆虫为花的色彩、香气和花蜜所吸引。
He felt himself so powerfully attracted to the scientific ideal.他感到自己被这一科学理想十分强烈地吸引住了。近义词 windrawinvitecaptivatefascinate反义词 repelrepulse
S+~+AIt is a property of matter to attract.物质具有吸引的性质。
Like charges repel each other, unlike charges attract.同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。
Her flirtatious manners are intended to attract.她的轻浮举止是想引人注意。
S+~+ n./pron.Salt attracts moisture.盐吸潮气。
Magnets attract nails.磁铁吸引铁钉。
The earth attracts the moon.地球吸引月球。
In space, all bodies attract other bodies.在空间,一切天体都相互吸引。
Positive electricity attracts negative.正电吸引负电。
Positive and negative types of electricity attract one another.正负电互相吸引。
The moon attracts the earth's seas towards her.月球吸引地球上的海洋。
The N poles and S poles of two magnets will attract each other.两个磁体的N极和S极互相吸引。
Like attracts like.物以类聚。
Flowers attract bees.花儿吸引蜜蜂。
Light attracts insects.灯光引诱昆虫。
Bright lights attract moths.亮光可以吸引飞蛾。
Such a life does not attract me.这样的生活吸引不了我。
This scenery attracts many tourists.这里的景色吸引着许多旅游者。
The museum attracts many visitors.博物馆吸引许多观众。
The panda attracted many children.那只熊猫吸引了不少孩子。
Bright colours attract babies.鲜艳的颜色吸引婴儿的注意。
This picture attracts a large audience.这部影片招引了大量的观众。
A signal fire might attract rescuers.信号火光会把救援的人引来。
Perhaps he attracted her because he was so different from other boys.他对她有吸引力也许是因为他和其他年轻人都不相同。
Our university attracts students from other parts of the country as well.我们学校也吸引了国内其他地方的学生。
He shouted to attract attention.他大声呼喊以引人注意。
I tried to attract his attention.我试图引起他的注意。
The actress attracted much attention.那个女演员引起了很大的注意。
His speech attracted the attention of the audience.他的演说吸引了听众的注意。
Her beauty attracted all eyes.她的美貌引人注目。
A new star attracted the notice of the astronomer.新发现的一颗星引起了那位天文学家的注意。
Cathode rays are attracted by a positive charge.阴极射线被阳电荷所吸引。
I was attracted by his winning modesty.我被他谦虚可亲的风度所吸引。
He was irresistibly attracted by her charm.他不能自已地被她的魅力所吸引。
My attention was attracted by his character.他的性格引起我的注意。
It was attracted by a lure.它被饵所诱。
Her attention was attracted by his peculiar attire.他那奇特的服装引起了她的注意。






The scenery attracted her to loiter on the way.路上的风景引诱她一直在徘徊。
用作动词The flower showattractedlarge crowds this year.今年的花展吸引了大批观众。
She gave a quiet cough toattractmy attention.她轻轻地咳了一声好引起我注意。
His comments were bound toattractcriticism.他的评论必然会招致批评。as in.amatory
同义词 admiring,amorous,aphrodisiac,ardent,devoted,doting,erotic,fervent,fond,languishing,lovesick,loving,passionate,rapturous,romantic,sentimental,tender,wooing,yearning
反义词 hateful,unfriendlyas in.charmed
同义词 captivated,delighted,mesmerizedbedazzled,beguiled,bewitched,enraptured,enticed,entranced,fascinated,hypnotized,lured,pleased,possessed,protected,soothed,spellbound,temptedmoonstruck,under a spell,won over
反义词 disenchanted,disinterestedas in.enamored
同义词 captivated,enchanted,fascinated,hookedbewitched,charmed,devoted,enraptured,entranced,fond of,gone on,infatuated,loving,smitten,takenamorous,besotted,crazy about,dotty,has a thing about,nuts about,silly about,stuck on,swept off one's feet,wild about
反义词 disenchanted,hatinguninterestedas in.enthusiastic
同义词 anxious,ardent,avid,concerned,eager,earnest,exuberant,fanatical,fervent,forceful,keen,passionate,pleased,rabid,rhapsodic,vigorous,warm,willing,zealousagog,animated,athirst,bugged,crazy about,devoted,dying to,ebullient,exhilarated,fascinated,fervid,gaga,gone on,gung-ho,hearty,hog-wild,intent,keyed-up,lively,nutty,obsessed,red-hot,spirited,tantalized,thrilled,titillated,unqualified,vehement,wacky,wholehearted
反义词 apathetic,cold,cool,disinterested,dispassionate,dull,frigid,happy,impotent,indifferent,lethargic,uncaring,unconcerned,unenthusiastic,unexcited,uninterested,unpassionate,unwilling,unworried,weakdoubting,pessimistic,wearyas in.fascinated
同义词 absorbed,aroused,delighted,enamored,enchanted,enthralled,excited,intoxicated,mesmerized,thrilledbeguiled,bewitched,charmed,dazzled,engrossed,enraptured,enticed,entranced,hypnotized,infatuated,overpowered,seduced,sent,smitten,tantalized,titillated,transfixed,transportedfond of,in love with,sold on,stuck on,under a spell
反义词 bored,indifferent,unhappy,disenchanteddisenthralled,disinterested,repulsed,tired,uninterestedas in.interested
同义词 absorbed,attentive,engrossed,excited,implicated,involved,keen,obsessed,responsive,sympatheticaffected,awakened,biased,caught,drawn,enticed,fascinated,fired,gone,hooked,impressed,inspired,inspirited,lured,moved,occupied,open,predisposed,prejudiced,roused,sold,stimulated,stirred,struck,taken,touchedeat, sleep, and breathe,intent,into,on the case,partial,partisan
反义词 bored,disinterested,ignorant,inattentive,indifferent,uncaring,unconcerned,unenthusiastic,uninterested,fair,impartial,OK,unbiased,unmovedapathetic,incurious
amatoryadjective affectionate, desirous
charmedadjective enchanted
attracted,bedazzled,beguiled,bewitched,captivated,delighted,enraptured,enticed,entranced,fascinated,hypnotized,lured,mesmerized,moonstruck,pleased,possessed,protected,soothed,spellbound,tempted,under a spell,won over
enamoredadjective in love
amorous,attracted,besotted,bewitched,captivated,charmed,crazy about,devoted,dotty,enchanted,enraptured,entranced,fascinated,fond of,gone on,has a thing about,hooked,infatuated,loving,nuts about,silly about,smitten,stuck on,swept off one's feet,taken,wild about
enthusiasticadjective interested, excited
agog,animated,anxious,ardent,athirst,attracted,avid,bugged,concerned,crazy about,devoted,dying to,eager,earnest,ebullient,exhilarated,exuberant,fanatical,fascinated,fervent,fervid,forceful,gaga,gone on,gung-ho,hearty,hog-wild,intent,keen,keyed-up,lively,nutty,obsessed,passionate,pleased,rabid,red-hot,rhapsodic,spirited,tantalized,thrilled,titillated,unqualified,vehement,vigorous,wacky,warm,wholehearted,willing,zealous
fascinatedadjective captivated, spellbound
absorbed,aroused,attracted,beguiled,bewitched,charmed,dazzled,delighted,enamored,enchanted,engrossed,enraptured,enthralled,enticed,entranced,excited,fond of,hypnotized,in love with,infatuated,intoxicated,mesmerized,overpowered,seduced,sent,smitten,sold on,stuck on,tantalized,thrilled,titillated,transfixed,transported,under a spell
interestedadjective concerned, curious
absorbed,affected,attentive,attracted,awakened,biased,caught,drawn,eat, sleep, and breathe,engrossed,enticed,excited,fascinated,fired,gone,hooked,implicated,impressed,inspired,inspirited,intent,into,involved,keen,lured,moved,obsessed,occupied,on the case,open,partial,partisan,predisposed,prejudiced,responsive,roused,sold,stimulated,stirred,struck,sympathetic,taken,touched And we might be attracted to the thought that the value of life is increased by its very preciousness.

Do the people you find yourself attracted to have certain characteristics?
你觉得吸引自己的人是不是都有相似的特征? yeeyan

Do you feel attracted to her?

“ If we brought a parade with us, we would have attracted attention, ” Tony reminded him.
“如果我们带着大队人马杀过去,会引起他们的注意。”托尼提醒杰克。 yeeyan

Ask about where he started his career and what attracted him to this particular industry or area of expertise.
问一问他的职业生涯从哪儿开始、是什么吸引他进入这个行业或专业领域。 hxen.com

But what little of it I came to understand from the outside attracted me greatly in one way.
但是我从其外表上所了解的那一点点,就在某种程度上大大地吸引了我。 yeeyan

Eventually all people who are gay realise that not only are they sexually attracted to members of the same sex, but that this attraction is not transitional.
最后所有有同性恋倾向的人都认识到不是只有他们才被同性的性感吸引,但是这种吸引是不会转变的。 yeeyan

Examining speech and style of writing, experts noticed that people are not only more attracted to, but are also more likely to stay in a relationship with someone who talks like them.
在对口头和书面语做过研究后,研究人员注意到人们不仅更易被那些在说话上和自己相似的人吸引而且更愿意与这样的人谈恋爱。 yeeyan

He had to be attracted to the woman, imagine spending his life with her.
那个女人一定要能够吸引他,使他可以假想与其共同生活。 yeeyan

Like many newcomers to the framework, I was first attracted to the data grid.
像许多刚接触该框架的新人一样,我最初被数据网格吸引。 infoq

My story had attracted publicity, so there were radio and television interviews.

Once you’ve passed through the introductions, it’s time to get the woman you want attracted to you.
一旦你经历了介绍阶段,就是让这个你想把的女人变得被你吸引的时候了。 blog.sina.com.cn

There are so many reasons why we're attracted to one face versus another.
我们之所以受一张脸的吸引而不是另一张,其原因有许多。 yeeyan

This was not, however, what attracted America’s Progressives to the Swiss model.
然而,这并不是吸引美国的进步主义者转向瑞士模式之处。 ecocn

We must involve and engage with our audiences in an honest dialogue while never compromising on those core values which attracted people to us in the first place.
我们必须与受众开展诚实的对话,同时决不在核心价值的问题上妥协--正是这些价值观最初把人们吸引到了我们这里。 putclub

What do you think attracted the band to you?
你认为是什么吸引这支乐队来找你? yeeyan

What do you think are its best features and what attracted you to it?
你认为它的最佳特性是什么,又是什么吸引了你? infoq

While advertising has plunged, free newspapers still have some of the advantages that attracted publishers to the business in the first place.
虽然广告收入已经下降,免费报纸还具有的一些优势可以吸引出版商投入这个行业。 yeeyan

Women are not attracted to men who don't know what they want in life.
女人不会被那些不知道自己在生活中想要什么的男人所吸引。 hjenglish




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