

单词 political affairs
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It is significant to see how women's issues steadily moved from domestic or private sphere to the field of public or political affairs, from parochial vision to global view.
考察女性议题如何逐步从家庭或私人领域转向公共或政治领域,从地方性的视角扩展到世界性的视野显得很重要。 cnki

On the one hand, LI Bais visit to Mount Jiuyi showed his respect to Emperor Shun and strong desire for participation in political affairs;
李白崇尚舜帝,登临九疑,表现了积极入世,希望得到援引的心态; dictall

They joined in this long-drawn-out war through joining various women's organizations, such as participating in the election, in political affairs, in production and reform activities.
这一时期,根据地妇女政治参与的主要形式有:参加各种各样的妇女组织,参选,参政,参加抗战、生产和生活改革。 cnki

At that time, some palace political affairs appeared, and the palace power organization completed.
在吕后把持政权的十五年中,宫廷政治出现,宫廷的权力机构也进一步完备起来。 cnki

Being a son of a member of government doesn't qualify him to talk about political affairs.
他虽身为政府官员的儿子,却不够资格谈论政治。 christianlovedating

Political affairs and religion are subjects of daily conversation.
政治和宗教是人们日常谈论的话题。 tdict




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