

单词 polished off
释义 polished off短语²⁷²⁰⁰
na.“polish away”的变体;🌏被干掉
The cake was polished off be the children.
蛋糕很快被孩子们吃光了。 http://dj.iciba.com

The champion polished off his opponent in the second round.
冠军在经二回合时就把他的对手打败了。 iciba

The Dodgers polished off the Yankees in4 straight in the1963 World Series.
在1963年的世界对抗赛中道奇队连续4次轻取北佬队。 iciba

They tasted crisp and delicious, so quickly were polished off by us.
口感香脆好吃,很快就被我们吃完了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Domestic crops accounted for around 0.3% of the1.8 billion bottles that British drinkers polished off last year;
去年英国葡萄酒总消费量为18亿瓶,国内葡萄酿造的酒仅占其中的0.3%。 ecocn

He just accepts the fact that he polished off an entire pizza and moves on.
男人会接受他吃掉整个批萨的事实然后开始继续节食。 blog.sina.com.cn

He polished off his work in order to see his girlfriend.

In order to catch the train in time, he polished off two bowls of rice in5 minutes.

In this view, placental mammals evolved into distinct species before the asteroid hit of65 million years ago, and many would have survived the mass die-out that polished off the dinosaurs.
这种观点认为胎盘类哺乳动物在行星撞地球之前已经进化出了不同的物种而且很多都在令恐龙灭绝的灾难中幸存了下来。 yeeyan

Nonetheless, last year155,000 “ legacy” cases were polished off.
尽管如此,去年仍解决了155,000件“遗留”案件。 ecocn

She polished off the remaining potatoes.
她把剩下的土豆都吃光了。 iciba

The villain of the novel is polished off in the last chapter but one.

We were so hungry that we polished off mom's apple pie in ten minutes.
我们饿死了,十分钟就把妈妈的苹果饼吃得精光。 zzsy

We quickly polished off the job.
我们飞快做完这项工作。 www.jznu.edu.cn




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