

单词 polio
释义 po·li·o 英ˈpəʊliːˌəʊ美ˈpoliˌoAHDpōʹlē-ō' ★☆☆☆☆高S四八COCA¹⁸³⁰⁰BNC²²³⁶⁶iWeb¹⁵¹⁷⁸Economist⁸⁵⁹⁹

an acute viral disease marked by inflammation of nerve cells of the brain stem and spinal cordpost-polio sequelae小儿麻痹症之病状再回…mouse polio鼠脊髓灰质炎…
近义词 poliomyelitis脊髓灰质炎infantile paralysis医小儿麻痹症…acute anterior poliomyelitis小儿麻痹

用作名词One of thepoliovaccines is a killed vaccine.一种脊髓灰质炎疫苗就是死病毒疫苗。
Polio has been virtually eradicated in Brazil.在巴西脊髓灰质炎实际上已经根除。
He was struck down bypoliowhen he was a boy.他在孩提时患了小儿麻痹症。
Dr. Hall is studying a new treatment forpolio.贺尔医师正在研究小儿麻痹症的新治疗法。 At the moment, for example, batches of vaccines for diseases like polio and yellow fever are tested on monkeys.
比如说目前,有很多针对小儿麻痹症与黄热等疾病的疫苗在猴子身上进行了实验。 ecocn

One of the best books I’ve read on the subject is David Oshinsky’s Polio: An American Story.
我读过关于这个主题最好的书是戴维欧斯卡的《小儿麻痹症:一个美国历史》。 yeeyan

The International Health Regulations and the need to finish the job of polio eradication were all important issues.
《国际卫生条例》和完成根除脊髓灰质炎这项工作都是重要的问题。 who

The spread of polio could end this year.
今年有可能终止脊髓灰质炎的传播。 who

What places polio eradication most in jeopardy now is the funding gap, which we must deal with equally rapidly to ensure that children in the Horn of Africa and other high-risk areas are protected.
现在对根除脊髓灰质炎造成最大危险的是供资方面的空白,我们必须同样迅速地予以处理,以便确保非洲之角及其它高危地区的儿童得到保护。 who

Although among Africa’s richest countries, it is the only one in the world with cases of urban polio.
尽管名列非洲最富裕的国家,它也是世界上唯一有城市脊髓灰质炎病例的。 ecocn

But critics ask whether it is worth conducting a campaign on the scale of the one used against polio to eliminate a generally harmless virus.
可是评论家质疑是否值得进行一场像当年针对脊髓灰质炎一样的大规模运动来消灭一个大体上无害的病毒。 yeeyan

By delivering on these priorities, we can ensure that this polio vaccine, other vaccines and lifesaving medicines get to all those who need them.
通过实施这些重点,我们能够保证向所有需求者提供这一脊髓灰质炎疫苗、其它疫苗和拯救生命的药物。 who

Countries in the Horn of Africa are increasing their level of planning, coordination and streamlining their polio eradication strategies to cut the corridor of transmission of the poliovirus.
非洲之角的国家正在提高其计划、协调和优化根除脊髓灰质炎战略的水平,以便切断脊髓灰质炎病毒的传播路线。 who

For example, because of donors’ generosity, we are on the threshold of ending polio once and for all.
例如在捐助者的慷慨帮助下,我们已经站到了消除小儿麻痹症的门槛上。 yeeyan

For polio, as you will know from the report, this is one milestone in the final stretch that has not been met.
关于脊髓灰质炎,你们将从报告中了解到,这是在最后阶段未能达到的一个里程碑。 who

Foremost among these is the drive to eradicate polio.
其中最重要的是根除脊髓灰质炎的运动。 who

Having eliminated one viral disease, the authorities decided they ought to be able to get rid of another: polio.
消灭了一个病毒引起的疾病后,当局认为他们应该可以消灭另外一个:小儿麻痹症。 ecocn

Here is a vial of polio vaccine.
这是一小瓶脊髓灰质炎疫苗。 who

I am referring to polio eradication.
我指的是根除脊髓灰质炎。 who

I must remind you. We need to finish the job of polio eradication, as guided by the ongoing independent evaluation.
我必须提醒你们,按照正在进行的中立评估,我们要完成消灭无脊髓灰质炎的工作。 yeeyan

If and when polio is eradicated, it will be only the second disease that humans have stamped out after smallpox.
如果脊髓灰质炎得以根除,它将仅仅是继天花之后人类根除的第二种疾病。 who

Improved routine immunization: Partnerships focused on reducing diseases like polio and measles are also helping build a stronger foundation for the delivery of both new and existing vaccines.
改进的常规免疫:关注于减低诸如脊髓灰质炎和麻疹等疾病的合作也为新的和现有的疫苗交付提供一个更加坚实的基础。 blog.sina.com.cn

One of the most significant current examples of international commitment is polio eradication.
国际承诺的现有最突出事例之一是脊髓灰质炎的根除。 who

There is no cure for polio, it can only be prevented.
目前没有治愈脊髓灰质炎的方法,只能预防。 who

They agreed to step up their vigilance and their vaccination programmes in order to meet polio eradication targets this year.
他们同意提高警惕并加速他们的疫苗规划,以便实现今年的脊髓灰质炎根除目标。 who

This review examines polio communication efforts in India and Pakistan between the years2000 and2007.
本文对2000至2007年间印度和巴基斯坦小儿麻痹症的传播工作进行了回顾。 who

Travellers who have in the past received three or more doses of OPV should be offered another dose of polio vaccine before departure.
过去接受过三剂或更多口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗的旅客应当在出发前服用一剂脊髓灰质炎疫苗。 who

We have reached a critical point in our drive to eradicate polio.
在我们根除脊髓灰质炎的努力中,我们已达到一个临界点。 who

You will be considering reports on two of these opportunities: the eradication of polio and the eradication of guinea worm disease.
你们将审议的报告涉及这些机会中的两个:根除脊髓灰质炎和根除麦地那龙线虫病。 who

Polio will be the first disease to be eradicated in the21st century and only the second disease ever wiped out by humankind, after smallpox.
脊髓灰质炎将是21世纪根除的第一种疾病,并且只是继天花之后永远消灭的第二种疾病。 who




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