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词汇 poles
释义 Pole·s 英pəʊl美poʊl COCA⁷¹⁰⁶BNC⁵³⁶⁷

long thin rounded piece of wood or metal, used especially as a support for sth or for pushing boats, etc. along


either of the two points at the exact top and bottom of the Earth, which are the opposite ends of the axis on which it turns; either of the two ends of a magnet or the terminal points of an electric battery

a long usually round rod of wood or metal or plastica native or inhabitant of Polandone of two divergent or mutually exclusive opinions;

they are at opposite poles

they are poles apart

a linear measure of 16.5 feeta square rod of landone of two points of intersection of the Earth's axis and the celestial sphereone of two antipodal points where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects the Earth's surfacea contact on an electrical device such as a battery at which electric current enters or leavesa long fiberglass sports implement used for pole vaultingone of the two ends of a magnet where the magnetism seems to be concentrated
propel with a pole;

pole barges on the river

We went punting in Cambridge

support on poles;

pole climbing plants like beans

deoxidize molten metals by stirring them with a wooden pole直接源自古英语的pal,意为;最初源自古典拉丁语的palus,意为,杆。
用作名词 n.
动词+~carry a pole拿杆climb up pole爬上杆fix a pole立竿子gather dry pole拾干杆hold a pole in one's hand手里拿着杆put up a pole立一个杆wave a pole挥舞杆子形容词+~celestial pole天极magnetic pole磁极negative pole负极positive pole正极the North P-北极the South P-南极breakaway pole一碰就倒的柱子carrying pole扁担fishing pole渔杆good pole好杆long pole长杆short pole结实的杆子starting pole赛马起跑点标杆thin pole细杆子upright pole笔直的拉杆utility pole电线杆名词+~flag pole旗杆lamp pole灯柱ski pole滑雪杆tent pole帐篷支架totem pole图腾柱trolley pole电车顶上的触轮杆介词+~at opposite poles截然相反,各走极端at the pole最后一刻from pillar to pole东奔西跑,走投无路up the pole在困难中,疯狂jump with pole撑竿跳~+介词pole in the ground在地上的柱子
用作名词n.poles apart

截然相反 be widely separated; having nothing in common

up the pole

发疯的,古怪的 crazy, eccentric

近义词 barstaffstick
用作名词n.The flag is attached to a pole.这面旗系在一根旗杆上。
They erected a telephone pole.他们竖起一根电话线杆子。
It was difficult to get the pole over the hedge.要把这根竿子传递过树篱很困难。
This boat has a special instrument fitting round the pole.这条船的桅杆上系着一个特殊仪器。
This carrying pole reminds me of our bitter days in the past.这根扁担使我想起了过去的苦难生活。
We leaned the poles back against the wall.我们把这些竿子斜倚在墙上。
Lash the piece of wood to the pole to make it longer.把这块木头绑到那根竿上使它更长些。
The teacher asked the students to hop the pole.老师要学生用一只脚跳过这支杆。
He fastened the ox joke to the wagon pole.他把牛轭套在车辕上。
Some of the telephone poles were knocked down by the surging water.一些电话线杆被汹涌的洪水冲倒。
A rope was stretched between thepoles.一根绳子被拉在柱子中间。
He lowered the flag on the pole.他将杆上的旗降下。
Loop the rope around the pole.把绳子环绕在柱子上。
English is spoken from pole to pole.英语在世界各地都通用。


the North Pole和the South Pole是专有名词,定冠词the不可省略。

The hut was made ofpolescovered with grass mats.茅屋用木杆搭成,上面以草席覆盖。
He had put up a basket on apolein the back yard.他在后院一根柱子上安一个球篮。
When Scott reached the South Pole he found Amundsen had anticipated him.当斯科特抵达南极的时候,发现阿蒙森比他到得更早。
He flew to Europe via the North Pole.他经由北极飞到欧洲。 Can Poles only worship the defeated, the fallen and the murdered?
波兰人只能崇尚被击败、被打倒以及被谋杀吗? ecocn

For, unlike any previous successful mission to Mars, Phoenix has landed not in the planet's tropics but near one of its poles.
并不像先前成功着陆与火星的探测器,凤凰号并没有着陆与星球的热带,而是靠近其中一个极点。 hjenglish

The water appears to be more abundant at the moon's frigid poles, suggesting that water forms in the soil and gradually moves to cooler regions.
在月球寒冷的两极处,水的含量似乎更为丰富,这表明水在土壤中形成,并逐渐向温度较低的地区移动。 yeeyan

As the spin stopped, the oceans would all fall back toward the poles, drowning everything north of Chicago and south of Buenos Aires and creating two massive circumpolar oceans.
当地球完全停止转动时,海水将向两极倒灌,淹没整个芝加哥北部和布宜诺斯艾利斯南部,在极圈附近造成两处新的海洋。 yeeyan

As are result, animals and plants are migrating toward poles or higher elevations in search of more hospitable habitats.
这一切进程都导致动植物向两极或是更高海拔处迁移,寻找更适宜居住的栖所。 yeeyan

As it does so, sunspots begin to appear close to the poles of the sun.
在这一过程中,太阳黑子一开始看起来是位于接近太阳两极点的区域。 ecocn

At each solar maximum, the corona sloughs off the magnetic fingerprint of the previous cycle by pushing it to the poles.
在每次太阳极大期,日冕通过把气体推向两极而使前一活动周期的磁性特征消退掉。 ecocn

Because the Poles had a war guarantee from Britain that, should Germany attack, Britain and her empire would come to Poland’s rescue.
因为波兰人从英国那里得到了安全保证,如果德国发动进攻,不列颠和她的帝国就会赶到波兰来营救。 yeeyan

But he might also remind Poles why they voted him out of office as prime minister.
不过他也会提醒波兰人,当初为什么要投票罢免他的总理职务。 ecocn

But why only the Poles?
但是为什么只提到波兰人呢? ecocn

But Poles object to being blamed for the crimes of their Nazi occupiers, too.
但是波兰人拒绝为纳粹占领者犯下的罪行承担责任。 ecocn

Czechs, Hungarians and Poles have accepted compromises over history in order to have normal relations with Russia.
捷克人,匈牙利人和波兰人已经接受了历史的妥协,以便与俄罗斯建立正常关系。 ecocn

It will clear up questions about its curiously high density, whether it has ice at its poles and where its atmosphere comes from.
这将解开水星密度为何如此之高,水星的两极是否存在冰以及水星的大气从何而来等疑问。 ecocn

Like others in eastern Europe, the Poles think the problem has been caused by richer countries. But as the biggest EU member in the region, they need an energy policy, too.
和其它东欧国家一样,波兰人认为这一问题是由富裕国家造成的,但是作为该地区的最大的欧盟成员国,波兰也需要自身的能源政策。 ecocn

Most scientists believe the likeliest places for water are at the poles of the moon, where there are craters in permanent shadow.
大多数科学家认为,月球的两极是最有可能存在水的地方,因为那里是常年处于阴暗之中的陨石坑。 yeeyan

Much of it resulted from volcanoes blasting out gases like carbon dioxide and water vapour, which allowed ice also a mineral to form near the poles of Earth, and possibly on Mars too.
许多矿物都是由火山喷发出的气体形成的,像二氧化碳和水蒸汽,它们使冰也算是一种矿物聚集在地球两极附近,火星上的情况可能也是如此。 ecocn

Observations from three spacecraft suggest that water is widely distributed over a thin layer of the lunar surface rather than locked up in icy enclaves predicted to lie at the moon’s poles.
从三座航天器发回的观察结果显示:水广泛地分布在月面薄薄的一层上。而不像之前所预计的那样,以冰冻形式封藏在月球的极点。 yeeyan

Over half of all chickens exported from America to Cuba come from Alabama, along with almost all the wooden telephone poles.
从美国出口古巴的鸡肉,多半来自亚拉巴马州,而木制电话线杆则差不多全是该州所出。 ecocn

That may be a reason why Poles are returning from Britain, but it hurts Polish exporters.
这可能是波兰人从英国返乡的一个原因,但这对出口商却是不利的。 ebigear

The researchers found the most notable phytoplankton declines in waters near the poles and in the tropics, as well as the open ocean.
研究人员发现,在两极附近的水域和热带地区浮游植物的跌幅最为显著,在开阔的海洋也是如此。 yeeyan

They donated clothes and food to volunteer truckers for distribution to needy Poles.
他们捐献衣物和食品,由志愿者分发给需要它们的波兰人。 yeeyan

Yet the Poles have clear goals for their six months in charge.
然而,波兰人对掌权的六个月任职期间有着清晰的目标。 ecocn

Yet for many Jews and Poles, the uprising was not heroic, but the harbinger of death.
然而在犹太人和波兰人眼中,那次起义不是英雄般的,反是死亡的先兆。 ecocn

You might hope that this columnist would travel by leisurely boat through the Panama Canal but he, too, wings it, when work calls, over the great circles close to the melting poles.
你或许希望这篇文章的专栏作家能悠闲地坐着轮船穿越巴拿马运河。不过,当工作召唤之时,他却生出双翼,绕很一大圈来到了冰雪融化的极点。 ebigear

Poles, for example, may be well placed to move from construction to agricultural labour.
例如,波兰人可能有很好的条件从建筑业移动到农业。 ecocn

Poles and others should drop the suggestion that the Soviet Union was the moral equivalent of Nazi Germany, and that contemporary Russia should acknowledge this.
波兰人和其它国家的人应该放弃把苏联和纳粹德国在道德上对等,并要求当今的俄罗斯承认这一点的主张。 ecocn




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