

单词 polarise
释义 polarise 英’pəʊləraɪz 高BNC⁶²⁴⁹³Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

cause to vibrate in a definite pattern;

polarize light waves

cause to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positionsbecome polarized in a conflict or contrasting situationpolar-ise表动词⇒vt.极化=polarise英.近义词 polarize 使极化
用作及物动词Economic crises usuallypolarisethe political debate.经济危机通常会使政治辩论两极化。 All these conflicting interests are helping to polarise further America’s politics.
这些利益冲突有助于进一步分化美国政治。 ecocn

That consensus is fraying. Just as it has on the wisdom of more fiscal stimulus, opinion is starting to polarise on monetary policy.
仅仅就像是否应该有更多的财政刺激上的共识正在瓦解一样,关于货币政策的意见也正在开始分化。 ecocn

If things polarise into a huge power struggle, swamps will become vampires, turning every little thing into an issue about themselves.
如果情况进入两极化到了极端的权力斗争,沼泽会变成一个吸血僵尸,把所有的小事情变成他们索取的工具。 blog.sina.com.cn

It has been long enough to polarise Peru and to create some unusual political bedfellows.
这个时间已经足够让秘鲁进行分化,诞生一些特殊的政治同盟了。 ecocn

Just as it has on the wisdom of more fiscal stimulus, opinion is starting to polarise on monetary policy.
就像不同国家对更多的财政刺激产生不同的看法一样,货币政策也开始分化。 ecocn

She uses these pulses to determine how to polarise the photons she sends back.
她利用这些脉冲检查她送回的光量子是如何极化的。 ecocn

The outcome will further polarise Ecuador's politics, by emboldening both the president and the opposition.
投票结果给总统和反对派都起了鼓励作用,这会进一步使厄瓜多尔的政治走上极端。 ecocn




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