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polar bears短语¹⁴²⁹⁰ 基本例句 na.北极熊;🌏北极熊的采血点;爱上梁伟灏原型polarbear的复数 It would be impossible, for example, to directly link the increase in carbon emissions caused by a new coal plant to the polar bears' melting habitat. 例如,一个新发电厂导致二氧化碳气体排放增加,与北极熊栖息地持续融化,将两者直接联系起来,这是不可能的。 yeeyan There, under a sun that never sets, they anchor tents against freezing winds, post lookouts for polar bears, and begin coaxing the secrets of evolution from a rocky polar desert. 在那个极昼之地,他们在刺骨的寒风中固定好帐篷,设置好警戒北极熊的岗哨,然后从布满岩石的极地荒原中开始慢慢探寻进化的奥秘。 yeeyan When it disappears, it will be a disaster for all the Arctic life that depends on ice, from the polar bears that walk on it to the tiny creatures that live within it. 对于那些依赖冰层生存的北极生命而言——无仍是行走于上的北极熊还是寄居于内的细小生物——冰若全部融化将是一场浩劫。 ecocn “ From isotope analysis, we were able to get a good idea of its feeding ecology, and it fits very well at the top of the feeding chain of marine mammals” like polar bears today, she notes. “通过同位素的分析,我们已经能够大致掌握它的摄食生态了,而这也很符合位于食物链顶端的海洋哺乳动物的情况”就像现在的北极熊一样,她说。 yeeyan Adopt a polar bear. Factoid: These animals are highly nomadic, but scientists estimate that 60 percent of polar bears live in Canada. 领养北极熊:仿真陈述:这种动物是高度游牧的,但是科学家估计60%生活在加拿大。 yeeyan As the researchers pointed out, because polar bears live primarily on sea ice, their remains often end up in the ocean. 如同研究人员指出的,由于北极熊都生活在海冰上,它们的尸体最终留在了海洋中。 yeeyan But adding polar bears to the nation's list of endangered species, as some are now proposing, should not be part of those efforts. 但是像现在有些人提出的那样,把北极熊加到国家濒危物种名单中是不应该的。 yeeyan Camouflage is not just about chameleons changing their colors in an instant but it’s also about polar bears being white and not brown like the grizzlies. 伪装不仅仅指变色龙能瞬间改变颜色的行为,也包括其它现象如北极熊是白色的而非灰熊的那种棕色。 kekenet If our minds offer savannah, lions thrive and polar bears die. If we have arctic chills, the polar bears live and the lions die. 如果我们提供的是大草原,那么狮子繁荣昌盛,北极熊完蛋,如果我们提供的是寒冷的北极,那么北极熊生,狮子亡。 yeeyan In the Arctic, the North Pacific right whale and polar bears are probably threatened the most by hybridization. 在北极,北太平洋露脊鲸和北极熊可能是最受杂交威胁的两种物种。 yeeyan Losing sea ice cover in the Arctic would affect everything from the obvious, such as people who live in the far north and polar bears, to global weather patterns, said Serreze. 谢瑞兹说,失去北极海面上的冰会影响每一样东西——从显而易见的,如同住在极北之地的人们和北极熊,到全球气候模式。 yeeyan Research by an international team of scientists has found that all polar bears descend from a single female brown bear. 由国际科学家组成的一支研究小组发现,所有北极熊都是一种雌性棕熊的后代。 hxen Some researchers hope to use ancient DNA to introduce genetic diversity back into threatened populations, for example, those of polar bears. 一些科学家希望利用古生代 DNA将遗传多样性引入受到威胁的物种,举例来说,那些北极熊。 yeeyan The answer seems to be that, simply, late August is the period when polar bears in northern Alaska head north on to the sea ice, and that is what she was doing. 答案看起来是这样的:就因为八月底是阿拉斯加北部的北极熊游向北方的海冰的特定时段,文中这只母熊也正是这样做的。 yeeyan The grand prize winner snapped the shot while traveling on the Land of the Polar Bears expedition. 这是大奖得主在科学考察北极熊的土地上旅行时所拍摄的一张快照。 yeeyan The park is home to polar bears and other wildlife, including wolves, moose, and many rare bird species. 该公园是北极熊和其他动物,包括狼,驼鹿,许多珍稀鸟类野生动物的所在地。 yeeyan Walrus tusks are multitaskers, used to grip the ice when hauling out of the water, wielded as weapons in territory or mating battles, and even brandished against attacking polar bears. 海象的獠牙有多种功能:用牙卡住冰把自己从水里拖上来;在争夺领土或配偶的战斗中,充当武器;甚至能挥舞着象牙反击北极熊。 yeeyan When we see lions and polar bears, we marvel at how well these animals have adapted themselves to the savannah and the polar ice caps. 当我们看到狮子和北极熊,我们会惊叹于这些生物怎么能这么好的适应热带草原和极地冰盖。 yeeyan When you see it whole, you remember that it's not polar bears over there, and snakes over here; it's one place, one strange special place. 当你看到它的整体,你想到的并不是那里有北极熊,这里有蛇;它是一个居民区,一个奇怪而特别的地方。 yeeyan Which, for the great majority of the time that polar bears have been polar bears, has been a reasonable assumption. 绝大多数时候北极熊就是这个样子的,这看起来是一个合理的假设。 yeeyan Yup, I'm back in Finland with the snow, reindeers, and polar bears. 是的,我现在回芬兰了,回到了有雪,驯鹿和北极熊的芬兰。 yeeyan Polar bears, which hunt for seals along the ice’s edge, and walruses, which fish there, will both be hard- hit. 北极熊,他们沿着冰层边缘捕猎海豹,还有在那里捕鱼的海象都将受到严重的影响。 ecocn Polar bears are in danger, numbers dwindling in the Arctic because of melting ice. 北极熊现在很危险,因为北极冰雪融化使得它的数量在减少。 hjenglish Polar Bears are nearly undetectable by infrared cameras, due to their transparent fur. 红外线摄像机几乎探测不到北极熊,因为它们的皮毛是透明的。 kekenet |