

单词 pokery
释义 pokery 英'pəʊkərɪ美'pəʊkərɪ BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
The IEC is also wise to the jiggery- pokery that was perpetrated last time by unscrupulous data- entry staff in the national tally centre in Kabul.
对于国家统计中心的数据录入人员在上次选举中肆无忌惮的欺诈舞弊行为,独立选举委员会也一清二楚。 ecocn

Such jurisdictional jiggery- pokery is made possible in part by the Alien Tort Claims ActATCA, which lets foreigners bring alleged violations of international law before American courts.
根据《外国人侵权索赔法案》——该法案允许外国人将涉嫌侵犯国际法的部分带到美国法庭上,此类司法管辖权欺诈在某种程度上是可能的。 ecocn

The SEC is hoping these changes will help it spot jiggery- pokery more easily.
证券交易委员会希望这些变革能帮助他们更容易发现欺诈行径。 ecocn

There has been so much jiggery- pokery in this affair that it is impossible to know exactly what the true facts are.
这件事有人做了很多手脚,因而无法知道事实究竟如何。 http://dj.iciba.com

Unlike Law’s scheme, the company did not print the money to buy government bonds but a degree of financial jiggery- pokery was still involved.
与劳的方案不同的是,南海公司并未印发钞票以购买政府债券,然而仍包含着一定程度的金融欺诈。 ecocn




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