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词汇 pojo
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Otherwise you either don’t define any association or just define a value- typed property in the child POJO to represent the parent POJO’s ID property similar argument for the other direction.
另外,你要么不定义任何关联,要么在子 POJO中定义一个值类型的属性来表示父 POJO的 ID另一个方向也是类似的。 infoq

The development use case is very compelling: if you've become spoiled with POJO and test- friendly frameworks in recent years then this framework might be right up your alley.
开发用例非常引人注目:如果你已经被 POJO和近年来测试友好的框架宠坏了,那这个框架也是你的拿手好戏。 infoq

The POJO then has to be instantiated, inserted into, and removed from— and, because these actions are not atomic, it also has to contain appropriate synchronization protections.
然后必须实例化、插入并移除 POJO—由于这些操作不是原子操作,因此还必须包含恰当的同步保护。 ibm

Before we go into what they are let's clear one thing; In the current structure each intercepting filter is closely coupled with corresponding POJO Activity, and rightfully so.
在我们研究是些什么问题之前,让我们先搞清楚一件事:在当前的结构中,每个拦截过滤器紧密地与相应的 POJO活动耦合在一起。 infoq

Break a big POJO based on data change concurrency and frequency etc.
基于数据的修改并发量和频率等内容来分解大的 POJO。 infoq

By specifying special annotations, developers can create POJO classes that are EJB components.
通过详细说明这些特殊的注解,开发者可以创建 EJB组件的 POJO类。 ibm

Create the POJO with the appropriate annotations.
创建具有适当注解的 POJO。 ibm

Do this by creating a POJO that implements the“ serializable” interface.
操作方法是创建一个实现这个“可序列化”接口的 POJO。 ibm

EPL is a powerful language that enables you, the developer, to implement a comprehensive range of queries to “ extract” the events from the incoming data and invoke your business logic POJO.
EPL是一种强大的语言,可使开发者实现对事件的全程查询从输入数据中“提取”事件并调用你的业务逻辑( POJO)。 infoq

However, while sharing an overall philosophy, the two frameworks use very different approaches to deliver POJO services.
尽管使用了同样的设计哲学,这两个框架使用两种不同的方法为 POJO提供服务。

It is implemented as a POJO with methods to get and set the attribute values.
它作为一个 POJO实现,带有获取和设置属性值的方法。 ibm

It is not intended to describe all the scenarios around SCA POJO usage.
但本文并不打算描述所有与 SCA POJO使用有关的场景。 ibm

Now that the POJO is complete, it's time to write the serialization code.
既然 POJO已经创建完成了,下面就该编写序列化代码了。 ibm

SCA POJO invocation has high efficiency because it does not need to serialize or deserialize for input and response parameters.
SCA POJO调用的效率很高,因为它不需要对输入和响应参数进行序列化和解序列化。 ibm

Secondly, the SCA programming model is a POJO programming model, it's based on annotations, XML configurations, and dependency injection.
其次, SCA编程模型是一个 POJO编程模型,它基于注释、 XML配置文件以及依赖注入。 infoq

Since activities are POJOs, they could be tested as POJO, outside of the process they are applied.
因为活动是 POJO,它们可以在使用它们的应用之外作为 POJO来测试。 infoq

So, why would anyone want to use POJO components when deploying in an EJB3 container?
所以当在 EJB3容器中进行部署时,为什么每个人都想使用 POJO组件? infoq

The result is a simple POJO, as shown in Figure29.
得到的结果是一个简单的 POJO,如图29所示。 ibm

The programming model also defines a detachment model for the POJO Entity objects.
该编程模型还定义了 POJO实体对象的分离模型。 ibm

This method is generated for each reference defined by a POJO component.
将为 POJO组件定义的每个引用生成此方法。 ibm

This was a great choice at the time but later on as POJO and AOP became the dominant programming model we started seeing the limitations of the JMX core.
在当时这是一种极好的选择,但是后来当 POJO和 AOP成为占主导地位的编程模型时,我们意识到了 JMX核心的局限性。 infoq

To a certain extent, the ESB Proxy Service shields the COBOL client from changes that might affect the target POJO.
在某种程度上, ESB代理服务使COBOL客户端不受那些可能会导致目标 POJO改变的变更的影响。 infoq

We have chosen to consume a POJO to keep things simple.
出于简单考虑,本用例中我们选择消费一个 POJO。 infoq

You could also add new properties to the POJO without affecting the client.
你还可以在不影响客户端的前提下为 POJO添加新特性。 infoq

You should transfer to the UI a composite POJO instead of individual POJOs to have better network performance.
你应该向 UI传递一个组合 POJO而不是独立的 POJO以获得更好的网络性能。 infoq

You've essentially got declarative transactions on a POJO, an extremely useful capability for enterprise applications.
您现在已经得到了关于 POJO的声明性事务,这对企业应用程序非常有用。 ibm

POJO delegate classes are often used simplify invoking services in a common way.
通常,以通用的方式使用 POJO委托类来简化对服务的调用。 ibm

I only need to create a simple POJO and annotate it.
我只需要创建一个简单的 POJO并对它进行注释。 ibm




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