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词汇 attitude
释义 at·ti·tude 英ˈætɪˌtuːd, -ˌtjuːd美ˈætɪˌtud, -ˌtjudAHDătʹĭ-t›d', -ty›d' ★★★★☆小初高四六研I牛46八COCA¹²⁸⁶BNC¹⁴⁴⁴iWeb²⁴⁰¹Economist³⁶⁵³


way of thinking or behaving


a position of the body; posture

a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways;

he had the attitude that work was fun

the arrangement of the body and its limbs;

he assumed an attitude of surrender

a theatrical pose created for effect;

the actor struck just the right attitude

position of aircraft or spacecraft relative to a frame of reference the horizon or direction of motion



attitude, policy, position, posture, stand

这五个词的共同意思是“立场”“态度”。其区别在于:stand用于表明某人的观点、立场时常用个人感情色彩,虽然它并不排除这种感情是建立在理智或理性基础之上的; attitude表示个人或团体的感情色彩,而这种感情往往是不明说的或不明确的; policy指某人估计其要求、利益、目标或原则之后而制定的一种明确的信念结构形式,也可指行为的一般准则; position则指较冷静和克制的态度,经常用于指人在经过长时间的深思熟虑之后作出的决定; posture指确切的军事部署。例如:

In the temperance question,Mr. Dent takes his stand on total abstinence.在戒酒问题上,登特先生是采取滴酒不沾的立场的。
His attitude towards her amounted to loathing.他对她的态度简直就是厌恶。
My position on civil liberties is well known.我对人权自由的立场是众所周知的。
It's a bad policy to lend money to unemployed friends.把钱借给失业的朋友是不太聪明的做法。
The government adopted an uncompromising posture on the issue of independence.政府在独立这一问题上采取了毫不妥协的态度。attitude,air,manner










attitude和aptitude自然倾向、天资同源,在意大利语中词根apt-变成了att-。它原本是一个艺术领域的专业术语,表示雕像或绘画作品中人物的姿势,反映了人物的某种精神状态。比如趋近意味着喜欢,远离意味着厌恶。表示“态度”的attitude其实是短语“attitude of mind”思想倾向的简略形式,本意就是人的思想对于某种事物的倾向。
用作名词 n.
动词+~abandon an attitude放弃一种态度adopt an attitude采取一种态度assume an attitude采取一种态度change one's attitude改变态度keep a firm attitude持坚定的态度maintain an attitude保持一种态度preserve an attitude坚持一种态度reflect an attitude反映一种态度retain an attitude保持一种态度revise one's attitude修正看法show an attitude表现出一种态度strike an attitude装腔作势take an attitude采取一种态度形容词+~aggressive attitude挑衅的态度bold attitude大胆的态度broad attitude宽宏的态度business-like attitude讲究实际的态度carefree attitude无忧无虑的态度casual attitude不够郑重的态度clear attitude鲜明的态度commendable attitude可取的态度compromising attitude妥协的态度condescending attitude屈尊俯就的态度consistent attitude始终如一的态度cool attitude冷静的态度correct attitude正确的态度cover-up attitude掩饰的态度critical attitude批判的态度defensive attitude防卫的姿态defiant attitude对抗的态度determined attitude坚决的态度docile attitude驯服的态度earnest attitude诚挚的态度equivocal attitude模棱两可的态度firm attitude坚决的态度forward-looking attitude向前看的态度friendly attitude友好的态度general attitude总的看法good attitude正确的态度hands-off attitude不干涉的态度hardened attitude坚定不移的态度hostile attitude敌对的态度impartial attitude公正的态度indulgent attitude纵容的态度inflexible attitude不可改变的态度ironical attitude讽刺的态度irreconcilable attitude势不两立的态度irreverent attitude无礼的态度liberal attitude大方的态度listening attitude倾听的态度modest attitude谦虚的态度negative attitude否定的态度noble attitude高尚的态度objective attitude客观的态度official attitude官方的态度optimistic attitude乐观的态度passive attitude消极的态度patronizing attitude屈尊俯就的态度pessimistic attitude悲观的态度political attitude政治态度positive attitude肯定的态度realistic attitude现实的态度religious attitude虔诚的态度repressive attitude压制的态度resolute attitude坚决的态度rigid attitude严厉的态度sane attitude清醒的态度sceptical attitude怀疑的态度scientific attitude科学的态度scornful attitude蔑视的态度self-approving attitude自以为是的态度self-centred attitude以自我为中心的态度serious attitude严肃的态度social attitudes处世的态度statuesque attitude雕像般优美的姿势stick-in-the-mud attitude顽固保守的态度stiff attitude生硬的态度stoical attitude淡泊的态度studied attitude慎重的态度surly attitude粗暴无礼的态度sympathetic attitude同情的态度threatening attitude威胁的态度tough attitude强硬态度tyrannical attitude专横的态度uncertain attitude暧昧的态度unsatisfactory attitude不满意的态度violent attitude凶暴的态度virulent attitude充满敌意的态度wait-and-see attitude观望态度watch-and-wait attitude观望态度~+名词attitude problem态度问题~+介词attitude about关于…的态度attitude about race关于种族的见解attitude of …的态度,…的姿态attitude of defiance挑衅的态度attitude of flight飞行姿态attitude of indifference漠不关心的态度attitude of tolerance克制的态度attitude on the subject对这个问题的态度attitude to对…的态度attitude to labour劳动观念attitude towards对…的态度
用作名词n.with attitude

惹人注意的,醒目的 unusual in a way that attracts attention

词源解释attitude和aptitude自然倾向、天资同源,在意大利语中词根apt-变成了att-。它原本是一个艺术领域的专业术语,表示雕像或绘画作品中人物的姿势,反映了人物的某种精神状态。比如趋近意味着喜欢,远离意味着厌恶。表示“态度”的attitude其实是短语“attitude of mind”思想倾向的简略形式,本意就是人的思想对于某种事物的倾向。
非常记忆at在〖熟词〗+titu踢土〖拼音〗+de的〖拼音〗⇒在踢土的人态度很差发音记忆“爱踢球的”→尽管人们对国足态度不一,但青少年踢球的热情无法阻挡→态度发音记忆“爱踢球的”→尽管人们对国足态度不一,但青少年踢球的热情无法阻挡⇒态度发音记忆“爱踢球的”→尽管人们对国足态度不一,但青少年踢球的热情无法阻挡词根记忆att=apt能力,倾向近义词 airmanneroutlookposture
用作名词n.His attitude has softened.他的态度软了下来。
Attitudes are beginning to change.人们的态度开始变了。
McPherson's general attitude suggested that he regarded me as an upstart.麦克弗森总的态度表明,他认为我是一个暴发户。
I don't like your attitude.我不喜欢你的态度。
I don't care what attitude you take.我不管你采取什么态度。
I dislike her unfriendly attitude.我不喜欢她不友好的态度。
He assumes a firm attitude.他采取坚决的态度。
I resented his attitude.我对他的态度感到愤慨。
They maintained an uncertain attitude.他们持一种暧昧的态度。
The young man,striking a theatrical attitude,read aloud a poem by Shakespeare.那个年轻人做戏似地朗读了莎士比亚的一首诗。
Such an attitude as exhibited by him shows a lack of consideration of others.他表现出这样一种态度,说明他不关心别人。
The teacher is angry at the poor attitudes of the students.老师对学生的恶劣态度很生气。
He seems to have undergone a change in attitude recently, and has become much more cooperative.他的态度近来似乎发生了转变,现在很愿意合作。
As she went into the room,she saw toys lying in tumbled attitude on the floor.她走进房间便看见地板上乱七八糟的玩具。
He sat there in a listening attitude.他坐在那里,静静地听着。
They sat around in easy attitudes.他们以轻松自在的姿势坐在四周。
The artist painted the model in various attitudes.美术家画模特儿的各种姿态。
He stood there in an attitude of despair.他绝望地站在那里。
She lay sprawled across the sofa, in an attitude of complete abandon.她伸腿撂胳膊地躺在沙发上,完全是一副无拘无束的姿势。
The photographer caught her in the attitude of prayer.摄影师捕捉了她祈祷的姿势。
In the photo she stands in the attitude of a sailor looking afar.在照片中,她的姿势是水手伫立远望。
She received guests with a respectful attitude.她恭恭敬敬地接待了客人。~+ prep. -phraseShe has no reason to change her attitude about him.她没有理由改变她对他的态度。
They took an attitude of readiness for combat.他们采取了准备战斗的姿态。
We should adopt an attitude of persuasion towards him.我们对他应该采取规劝的态度。
He stuck an attitude of offended dignity and marched out of the room.他装出一副被冒犯了尊严的样子,气冲冲地走出房间。
Her attitude on the subject has undergone no modification.她对这一问题的看法没有改变。
I realized that my attitudes, almost all my attitudes on these matters were completely wrong.我认识到我对这些问题所抱的态度,几乎所有态度都完全错了。
What's your attitude to this idea?你对这个意见有何看法?
He shows a very positive attitude to his work.他的工作态度非常积极。
Have you noticed a great change in his attitude to this matter?你注意到他对这个问题的态度已有了很大的变化吗?
The government's attitude to the refugees is no sympathetic.政府对难民并不持同情态度。
Her attitude to me changed.她改变了对我的看法。
She has a good attitude towards work;she's always cheerful.她有良好的工作态度;她总是高高兴兴的。
Attitudes towards body wastes vary from fussy distaste to a belief that such substances may possess magical or curative powers.对待人体排泄物有各种不同的态度,从过分挑剔的厌恶一直到相信这种东西可能具有魔力或疗效。~+that-clauseShe took the attitude that acting was a sort of recreation.她所持的看法是演戏是一种再创造。




attitude后常接towards/to,指“对于……的态度,看法”,如her attitude towards/to the question她对这个问题的看法。值得注意的是,因上面例子中的宾语是question,有时候可以用on代替to,如her attitude on the question。

用作名词We must maintain a firmattitude.我们必须采取坚定的态度。
She shows a very positiveattitudeto her work.她工作态度非常积极。
He has a mellowattitudeto life.他对生活有种成熟的看法。
As you get older, yourattitudetowards death changes.人随著年龄的增长,对死亡的看法也会有所改变。
They sat around in easyattitude.他们以舒适的姿势围坐在一起。noun.mental outlook
同义词 angle,approach,belief,demeanor,mindset,mood,notion,outlook,perspective,philosophy,point of view,position,posture,reaction,sentiment,slant,stance,stand,standpoint,temperament,view,viewpointair,disposition,headset,inclination,leaning,opinion,predilection,temper,thinkingframe of mind,mental state,school of thought,vantage point,way of looking,way of thinking,where one is atnoun.stance
同义词 manner,position,posture,standaspect,bearing,carriage,mien,pose
actnoun pretended behavior
affectation,bit,chaser,dissimilation,fake,false front,feigning,front,performance,phony,pose,posture,pretense,put on,sham,show,shuck and jive,simulation,soft soap,stall,stance,stunt,sweet-talk
appearancenoun outward aspect, characteristic
approachnoun plan of attack, resolution
attitude,concept,course,crack,fling,go,idea,lick,manner,means,method,mode,modus operandi,new wrinkle,offer,procedure,program,shot,stab,style,technique,way,whack,wrinkle
approachesnoun plan of attack, resolution
attitudes,concepts,courses,cracks,flings,go,ideas,licks,manners,means,methods,modes,modus operandis,new wrinkles,offers,procedures,programs,shots,stabs,styles,techniques,ways,whacks,wrinkles
aspectnoun visible feature
aspectsnoun visible feature
airs,appearances,attitudes,bearings,conditions,countenances,demeanor,expressions,faces,facets,forms,looks,manners,miens And you may be right. But what can you do with your own attitude?
你也许是正确的,但你可以就自己的态度做些什么呢? cri

The “ I want it NOW” attitude is satisfied with credit. You can have it now!
“我现在就要”的态度是用贷款来满足的,你当然可以马上得到它。 yeeyan

All of this will also be reflected in your attitude, so that it tells the interviewer that you are a responsible and hardworking person.
所有这一切都会在你的态度中表现出来,因此这会让面试官知道你是一个既负责任又肯勤奋工作的人。 kekenet

Another attitude that invites the presence of God into our atmosphere is one that honors Him above all others.
另一个可以邀请神加入到我们的氛围中来的态度,就是我们需要荣耀他超过其他一切事情。 yeeyan

Approach the community with an attitude of contributing back.
要以一种回馈的态度来进入社区。 yeeyan

But this is not all: It requires a different attitude.
但是,不仅如此:它还要求采取另一种态度。 ibm

Did you tell them that attitude is everything?
你是否告诉他们态度决定一切? yeeyan

He grew painfully aware that the family was divided in its attitude.

He took up a compromising attitude towards the question.

He was niggled by her careless attitude.

Her attitude towards this matter coincides with mine.
她对这件事情的态度和我的一致。 hxen

Her attitude was reckless.

If you start asking yourself the correct questions, and answering them, then a transformation in your attitude occurs.
如果你开始用正确的问题问自己并做出回答,那么你的态度就会发生变化。 yeeyan

It not only depends on your capabilities, but your attitude for work.
编程不仅依赖你的能力,而且还取决你工作的态度。 cnblogs

It is something about his attitude.

It requires the right attitude and the right motivation.
这需要正确的态度和正确的动机。 yeeyan

Loneliness can be an attitude or an outlook on life.
孤独可以是对生活的一种态度或一种愿景。 yeeyan

Much will also depend on the attitude of the Iraqis themselves.
很多事情也将取决于伊拉克人自己的态度。 ecocn

Realizing the incredible value of learning what not to do should have a profound effect on our attitude.
当你意识到“学会不去做什么”的不可思议的价值,这可能对你的态度有一个至深的影响。 yeeyan

Reinforce this by cultivating an attitude of gratitude.
通过培养感激的态度加强这一观点。 yeeyan

That’s my attitude.
这就是我的态度。 yeeyan

That attitude involves likewise for him some of the absurd consequences.
对他来说,这种态度同样包含一些荒谬的结果。 yeeyan

The difference is not in age, but in their attitude towards life.
区别不在于年龄,而在于他们对待生活的态度。 yeeyan




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