

单词 poetics
释义 po·et·ics 英pəʊˈetɪks美poˈɛtɪksAHDpō-ĕtʹĭks 高COCA²²⁴⁷²BNC³⁷²⁰⁸iWeb³²⁸⁶⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
study of poetic workspoet-,诗人,-ics,学问,学说。poet诗人-ics名…学⇒n.诗学⁹⁷;诗学论文¹;写诗的章法²n.诗学⁹⁷论文诗法;亚里士多德的诗论;关于诗的论文;诗情
用作名词Autobiography is one of the important part of feministpoetics.自传体小说是女性主义诗学的重要组成部分。 The clarification and exposition of the concepts on poetic essence is of great significance for establishing the modern poetics system and developing contemporary poetic art.
对这些诗歌本质论的清理与论述,对于现代诗学体系的建立和当代诗歌艺术的发展不无重要意义。 cnki

The development of Tagore's poetics covers three important phases.
泰戈尔诗学经历了三个重要的发展阶段。 cnki

The Russian Formalists were sponsors of a revolution in poetics.
俄国形式主义者是诗学革命的发起者。 cnki

The ancient poetic tragedy theory arose at the first phase. Poetics is its theoretic framework, and drama tragedy its object studied.
第一是古代的诗学悲剧理论阶段,诗学是其理论框架,戏剧悲剧是其研究对象。 cnki

Aristotle's Poetics we know actually not to have been one of the texts written by Aristotle but rather to be a compendium of lecture notes put together by his students.

Beyond word meanings, the poetics of song, epic tales, origin myths and everyday stories cannot be translated, or at least not well, without losing expressive power, nuance, and affect.
除了词义之外,歌谣、史诗故事、原始神话和日常见闻中的意境也是不可译的,或者说不牺牲表现力、不接受细微差别、不改变情感影响就无法翻译到位。 ecocn

Even though this kind of variety cannot affect poets' feelings among the concept of poetics, certainly will determine different expressing ways.
这种差异性尽管不能从诗学概念上影响诗人的感觉,但一定会决定不同的表达方式。 blog.sina.com.cn

In this book, Lefevere points out that translation is essentially a rewriting of the original information in the service of dominant poetics and ideology.
在这本书中,他指出翻译实质上就是译者在主流意识形态和诗学标准的影响下对原文信息的摆布和重写的过程。 cnki

It is concerned more with verse than prose and represents the Poetics of Gongorism.
它更多关注诗句而非散文,代表了贡戈拉流派的诗学。 yeeyan

Jakobson has an interesting point in Linguistics and Poetics about that moment when we're nearby and an accident takes place or something like that.

Moreover they realized to study the influence on Chinese Achaean poetics that the Taoism language view has made, but the studies were not systematic.
而且他们虽然认识到了道家语言观对古代诗学的影响,但只是从某一方面进行探寻,并未对其做出全面的论说。 iciba

Mr Khoury, who is closely associated with the Palestinian cause, weaves his politics and poetics together.
扈利密切关注巴勒斯坦的解放事业,他把自己对政治的看法和诗歌论交织在一起。 ecocn

Much of my poetics is pragmatic; none of it is systematic.
我的诗学大部分是实用性的;完全不成体系。 iciba

No immortal lines this week, and my boyfriend, or ex- boyfriend, I should say, has decided that our poetics are incompatible.
这星期没啥不朽的句子,。我的男朋友,或者说我的前男友,我得说,断定我们的诗歌互不相容。 yeeyan

Poetry and poetics are notable important branches among human multiple culture of nowadays.
诗歌与诗学,是当今人类多元文化里不可轻慢的重要分支。 blog.sina.com.cn

Soon, we found, after the writing of “The outline of poetics”, Haizi moved towards deeper solitude.
很快,我们发现,写出《诗学提纲》后的海子,走向了更深的孤独。 blog.sina.com.cn

The key to the Black Mountain poetics is to be found in American pragmatism as exemplified by John Dewey.
黑山诗学的基调可以从以约翰·杜威为范例的美国实用主义及其盲目乐观主义中看到。 hicoo

Therefore, the fatal problem existing in Xiao Gang's poems is absolutely not of morality, but poetics.
这样,萧纲诗歌中存在的致命问题,根本不是一个道德问题,而是一个诗学问题。 cnki

This is one of the reasons why in the golden age of Arabic scholarship in the Middle Ages, there was so much dispute about the Poetics.

Wang Anyi's exploration in the two aspects of writing and literature concept forms her unique novel poetics.
王安忆在创作和文学观念两方面的探索形成了她独特的小说诗学。 cnki

Weapon of choice: Aristotle. Whoever reads the Greek philosopher's Second Book of Poetics ends up dead.
特别武器:亚里士多德。不管是谁,只要读了这位希腊哲学家所著诗选的第二卷,最终都会死于非命。 yeeyan

Whoever reads the Greek philosopher's Second Book of Poetics ends up dead.
不管是谁,只要读了这位希腊哲学家所著诗选的第二卷,最终都会死于非命。 yeeyan




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