

单词 poetess
释义 po·et·ess 英ˈpəʊɪtɪs美ˈpoɪtɪsAHDpōʹĭ-tĭs ☆☆☆☆☆高四八COCA⁹³¹¹⁷BNC⁷⁵⁰⁹¹iWeb⁵⁵¹³⁴

a woman poetpoet-,诗人,-ess,表阴性。词根记忆poet诗人-ess表阴性⇒n.女诗人
用作名词She is the greatest livingpoetess.她是当代最伟大的女诗人。
Emily Dickinson was apoetesswho had a great influence on American poetry.狄金森是对美国诗歌有重大影响的女诗人。noun.poet
同义词 artist,author,bard,dilettante,dramatist,librettist,lyricist,lyrist,maker,muse,odist,parodist,rhymer,rhymester,versifier,writerballadist,metrist,poetaster,rhapsodist,rimer,sonnetist
poetasternoun poet
rhymernoun poet
rhymesternoun poet
versifiernoun poet
artist,author,balladist,bard,dilettante,dramatist,librettist,lyricist,lyrist,maker,metrist,muse,odist,parodist,poetaster,poetess,rhapsodist,rhymer,rhymester,rimer,sonnetist,writer Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad. Chtistina Georgina Rossetti. British poetess.
笑一笑而忘掉,比愁眉苦脸地记住要好得多。英国女诗人罗塞蒂. C.G。 crazyenglish

It is said that due to her offense of a wealthy official, the poetess was banished to the Huanglong area.
韩佳:据说这位女诗人得罪了一位权贵,于是就被发配到了黄龙附近。 blog.sina.com.cn

She is a patriotic poetess of strong national consciousness made in personal misfortune and national calamity.
国家的危难和个人生活际遇的不幸,使其成为具有强烈民族思想的爱国诗人。 cnki

The study of poetess plays an important role in the women study of ancient China.
女性词人研究是中国古代女性研究中重要的一环。 cnki

The tragic sense embedded at the core of her poems results from the fact that the poetess knows the imperfection of life as well as the limit of human faculty.
其诗内核是悲剧性的,因为诗人懂得生命的残缺,了解人力的有限。 dictall

And just because of those poems, she is considered as “ the greatest and most creative poetess” and“ the greatest poetess after Sappho in the West”.
正因为这些诗作,她被誉为“最伟大、最具创造性的诗人”和“西方自萨福以来最伟大的女诗人”。 cnki

Chapter three the subject matter that the poetess was commonly used has carried on type analysis to Qing Dynasty.
第三章对清代女诗人常用的题材进行了类型分析。 cnki

Do you know there was a poetess, called Xue Tao, in the Tang Dynasty?
你知道唐朝有一位叫薛涛的女诗人吗? blog.sina.com.cn

Emily Dickinson, a famous19th century American poetess, enjoys equal popularity with Whitman and is conferred the pioneer of the20th century English and American Imagist movement.
狄金森是与惠特曼齐名的19世纪美国著名女诗人,一直被称为20世纪初英美意象派的先驱。 dictall

Emily Dickinson, a famous American poetess of the19th century, is a unique and unprecedented poet.
十九世纪美国著名女诗人艾米莉·狄金森是一个独特、超前的诗人。 iciba

Emily Dickinson, a famous19th century American poetess, enjoys equal popularity with Whitman and is conferred the harbinger of the20th century English and American Imagist movement.
艾米莉·狄金森是与惠特曼齐名的十九世纪美国著名女诗人,一直被称为二十世纪初英美意象派的先驱。 iciba

Four characters in the novel, in pursuit of their respective goals, had misinterpreted and made use of the living and works of poetess Swann.
小说中四个主要人物为了达到各自不同的目的,在思索与困惑中对女诗人斯旺的生活与作品进行了一定的曲解与擅用。 cnki

Liu Rushi, a poetess in late Ming and early Qing dynasty, was greatly appraised by Mr Chen Yinge for the independence and freedom in her poetry.
柳如是明末清初女诗人,其人品及诗品均以独立自由之精神倍受陈寅恪先生的欣赏。 cnki

Odveig Klyve, a famous Norwegian poetess, writer and film director was, born in1954.
奥德维格•克里维,出生于1954年,挪威当代著名女诗人、作家、电影导演。 blog.sina.com.cn

Remember, I like writing, you always said: “The future will certainly be a poetess.”
记得,我很喜欢写诗,你总爱说:“以后一定是一个女诗人。” pklei

She also constructed the sentimental view of the mythic poetess and her milieu which Ms Gordon's biography has now so effectively dispelled.

The American poetess Emily Dickinson in the19th century is well-known for her original imagery and unbound language style.
美国19世纪著名女诗人艾米莉·狄金森以新颖独特的意象和不拘一格的语言形式著称。 cnki

The vogue also affected the poetess whose spiritual world were suffused hazy concern of Taoism.
这样的风气也影响了唐代女性从而使她们的心灵世界弥漫着迷蒙的道教情怀。 cnki

This paper expounds on the love motif in the poems of Wei Ya, a poetess in Hongkong.
文章对香港女诗人韦娅诗文创作中的“爱的主题”作了诗意的阐释。 cnki

This paper is to interpret the mysterious poetess by means of exploring the linguistic deviations in her poetry.
本文试从实现狄金森这一独特诗风的语言手段语言变异出发,解读这位神秘女诗人。 dictall

Through analysis of its forming reasons, the author reveals different types of poetess groups and the content of their poems, and explain reasons of the development of female literature.
通过分析形成原因,揭示不同类型女词人群体及其作品的内涵,道出女性文学发展的缘由。 dictall

Poetess Inverting the Dream.
颠倒梦想女诗人。 cid-ee61a0819a6550d8.profile.live.com




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