

单词 podgorica
释义 podgorica
The biggest is a huge aluminium factory on the edge of Podgorica.
最为严重的就是波德戈里察附近的一个大型铝厂。 ecocn

The country does not have a unified capital anymore, dividing its common institutions between Belgrade in Serbia and Podgorica in Montenegro.
它没有统一的首都,将公共政府机构分为塞尔维亚的贝尔格莱德和黑山的波德戈里察。 ebigear

But amazed medics in Podgorica managed to save him when the bullet passed straight through his chin and nose missing his brain, say police.
但医生在波德戈里察惊讶设法挽救了他的子弹时,通过直通他的下巴和鼻子失踪他的脑子里,说,警察。 minisoyo

The capital, Podgorica, has been expanding fast in recent years.
首都,波德戈里察,最近几年飞速地扩展中。 ecocn

We followed a tight, winding road into Podgorica and then after lunch at a beachside cafe we drove the narrowest road, almost a one way road around the villages and towns of the coastal inlets.
我们采取了严密,到波德戈里察曲折的道路,在一个海边的咖啡馆,然后午饭后我们开车最狭窄的道路,几乎周围的村庄和城镇的沿海口单向道路。 blog.sina.com.cn

Podgorica, Montenegro, October13,2008--Smoldering Balkan tensions erupted as tear gas- wielding police battled protestors in the center of the Montenegrin capital, Podgorica.
2008年10月13日,黑山共和国的波德戈里察——巴尔干火药桶的紧张局势再度爆发,在黑山共和国首都波德戈里察市中心,挥舞着催泪瓦斯的警察与抗议者激战。 yeeyan




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