

单词 pock
释义 pock 英pɒk美pɑkAHDpŏk 高GCOCA³⁹⁷⁹⁵BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb⁴⁹¹³¹
a pustule in an eruptive disease
mark with a scar;

The skin disease scarred his face permanently

来自词根pok-鼓包,本意为“皮肤上的鼓包”。词根pok-鼓包,膨胀之物来自日耳曼语,源自原始印欧语词根*beu-膨胀。pock marks麻点, 痘痕pock mark痘痕pock forming unit疱斑形成单位…pock-forming unit痘疱形成单位, 疱斑…pock-marked麻子
近义词 pit坑mark记号scar疤痕

用作名词Residual effects from these conditions can cause long-term scarring andpockmarks.这些情况的残余后果就是,皮肤长期性的疤痕和痘印。
A tour guide said repeatedly that the this kind of road was just likepock.一位导游连声说路面简直像麻子一样。noun.flaw
同义词 blemish,hole,mark,pockmark,pustule,scar,spot
反义词 benefit
blemishnoun flaw
beauty spot,birthmark,blackhead,blister,bloom,blot,blot on the landscape,blotch,blur,brand,bruise,bug,catch,chip,cicatrix,defacement,defect,deformity,dent,discoloration,disfigurement,disgrace,dishonor,eyesore,fault,freckle,hickey,imperfection,impurity,lentigo,lump,macula,maculation,mark,mole,nevus,nodule,patch,pimple,pockmark,scar,second,sight,smudge,snag,speck,speckle,spot,stain,stigma,taint,tarnish,vice,wart,whitehead,zit
frecklenoun small discoloration on skin
marknoun blemish;character
John Hancock,John Henry,X,autograph,blaze,blot,blotch,brand,brand name,bruise,check,cross,dent,dot,impression,imprint,ink,label,line,logo,nick,pock,point,record,register,representation,scar,score,scratch,sign,signature,smudge,splotch,spot,stain,stamp,streak,stroke,symbol,tag,ticket,trace,trademark,underlining
swellingnoun physical growth;lump
abscess,blister,boil,bruise,bulge,bump,bunion,carbuncle,contusion,corn,dilation,distention,enlargement,hump,increase,inflammation,injury,knob,knurl,node,nodule,pimple,pock,protuberance,puff,puffiness,pustule,ridge,sore,tumescence,tumor,wale,wart,weal,welt A type of topography formed in areas of widespread carbonate rocks through dissolution. Sink holes, caves and pock-marked surfaces are typical features of a karst topography.
碳酸盐岩广布地区由溶解作用所形成的地貌类型。落水洞溶坑 ,溶洞以及疱状的地表面。均为岩溶地形的典型特征。 www.infopetro.com.cn

On a mesa south of Pinedale, Wyoming's busiest field is laced with dirt roads and pock-marked with well-heads and drilling rigs.
派恩代尔南面的一个台地是怀俄明州最繁忙的一块区域,四周散布着泥泞的道路,坑坑洼洼地分布着一些井眼和钻孔设备。 ecocn

The surface and cross-section of the pock flaws which appeared on the hot-dip galvanized coating were observed and analyzed by using SEM and energy spectroscopy.
通过扫描电子显微镜对热镀锌钢板镀层表面麻点缺陷的表面和断面形貌进行了观察,并对其进行了能谱分析。 dictall

“ I choose the apples that are pock-marked and are slightly bitten up by bugs, ” she told me while replacing the apples in my basket.
“我选有斑点并且有轻微的虫咬过的痕迹的苹果,”她一边跟我说着一边把我购物篮里的苹果都换掉了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Among them a tourist guide repeatedly sorry, said the road is like pock.
品牌女装其中一位导游连声抱歉,说路面简直像麻子一样。 blog.sina.com.cn

Aside from some twists of barbed wire, a tall and now cracked and pock-marked surrounding wall, number 25 is not much different from the largish houses across the potato fields opposite.
除了一些缠绕的带刺铁丝网,以及一堵高高的围墙现在有裂缝和凹坑,25号与土豆地那边颇大的房子没有什么区别。 ecocn

Based on CCD image measuring and image processing techniques, an online non- touch measuring system for measuring bearing pock is developed.
利用数字图像处理技术,设计出一种基于线阵 CCD成像技术的轴承表面缺陷非接触在线检测系统。 cnki

Henry had stolen one from the table when he ran away from home, and while the others took him to the river, I stole and pock-eted it.
亨利离家出走时,从桌上偷了块饼干,别的换生灵把他带到河边时,我把饼干偷过来放在口袋里。 ebigear

Henry had stolen one from the table when he ran away from home, and while the others took him to the river, I stole and pock- ered it.
亨利离家出走时,从桌上偷了块饼干,别的换生灵把他带到河边时,我把饼干偷过来放在口袋里。 waiyulm

I had contracted dragon pox shortly before arriving at school, and while I was no longer contagious, my pock- marked visage and greenish hue did not encourage many to approach me.
我在来学校前感染了龙疹,尽管不会再传染了,但我脸上标志似的麻点和绿色的皮肤都使得许多人不愿接近我。 blog.sina.com.cn

If you fancy “ chicken without sexual life”, “ husband and wife's lung slice” or even “ bean curd made by a pock-marked woman” then you will have to look elsewhere.
如果你爱吃“没有性生活的鸡”、“丈夫和妻子的肺切片”或“麻脸女人做的豆腐”,估计你得到别处看看了。 ebigear

Li's pock-marked wife was also waiting for him in a subdued, humble way.
李的麻脸妻子也在柔情满怀地等待着他。 chinashakestheworldbook

Many officers said their biggest challenge was staying upright on the city's bumpy and sometimes pock-marked roads.
很多警察称,穿着冰鞋在该市崎岖不平、有时还坑坑洼洼的路面上站稳是他们面临的最大挑战。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

On a steamy Wednesday afternoon in October, a well- worn jeep pulls off the pock-marked dirt road and ambles to a stop in the tall grass.
在十月的一个闷热的星期三下午,我们开着一辆破旧的吉普车从坑坑洼洼的土路上驶下,然后换马前行至高草丛里停下。 suiniyi

Scattered over the snow- covered, frozen ground and swamp were bushes stabbing their way up through the drifts like black pock marks on the face of the bleak prairie.
在雪盖的冻土地和沼泽上,稀疏的灌木丛刺破积雪,星罗棋布地、黑斑斑地布满荒原。 bab

The one on my right eyebrow, for example, and a couple of ancient pock marks and starbursts on my knees.
比如我右眼眉毛上的那一块,还有膝盖上那些很久以前留下的痘点和放射状疤痕。 blog.sina.com.cn

Therefore we consider that the pock formation ability in S. qingfengmyceticus may be determined by plasmid gene or genes.
据此,我们认为庆丰链霉菌中产生麻点的能力很可能由质粒基因所决定。 cnki

Vacant storefronts pock Penobscot Avenue, the main street, and the most popular hangout for teenagers is a supermarket parking lot.
空置的店面布满了整个布诺佩斯科特大道--这个主街区,是年轻人最爱去玩的地方,也是超级市场林立的地方。 yeeyan

Pock-marked no, not even ten thousand years from now.
王麻子、张小泉的刀剪一万年也不要搞掉。 dictall




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