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词汇 poachers
释义 poachers ˈpoʊtʃəz COCA²⁷¹²⁹BNC²²⁰¹⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
n.偷猎者¹⁰⁰;侵入者poacher的复数原型poacher的复数 A female rhino was killed by a pair of tigers while she was having difficulty birthing a calf. Park staff removed her horn after she died to prevent poachers from taking it.
一只难产的雌犀牛被两只老虎所捕杀,为了防止偷猎者将犀牛角拿去贩卖,公园的工作人员已经将死去犀牛的角锯了下来。 yeeyan

Part of his mystique was that he was Rambo-ish— he would scare the hell out of the poachers.
他的传奇色彩还在于他是一个兰博式的人物——他会把偷猎者吓得魂飞魄散。 yeeyan

The poachers were preoccupied with their butchery and did not see the aircraft until it was at ground level, roaring across the plain toward them at160 miles an hour.
偷猎者正专注于屠杀,没有注意到飞机。直到我们贴近地面并以每小时160英里的速度呼啸着掠过原野朝他们冲去的时候才大惊失色。 yeeyan

They told Mark Owens that some of the more fearsome poachers possessed powers derived from witchcraft; they could become invisible, or ford rivers without being eaten by crocodiles.
巡防队员告诉马克·欧文斯,一些更吓人的偷猎者还拥有从巫术中获得的法力;他们可以隐身或者穿河涉水但不会被鳄鱼吃掉。 yeeyan

“ He was actively trying to get some poachers for the film crew,” Carr said.
“他非常积极地试图为摄制组找到一些偷猎者,”卡尔说。 yeeyan

“ We want to see poachers behind bars, not tigers,” says World Bank President Robert Zoellick.
“我们希望看到偷猎者站在铁窗后面,而不是老虎,”世界银行行长罗伯特佐? 利克说。 worldbank

“It is usual that poachers enter into Jarawa reserve areas to hunt wild animals, ” a tribal welfare officer blithely notes in an internal report on April's attack, obtained by Reuters.
“偷猎者经常会为猎取野生动物闯进加洛瓦保护区。”在路透社得到的一份关于四月份袭击事件的内部调查报告中,一位部落福利官员坦率地指出。 cri

A new programme uses DNA technology to track rhinos and their parts to help catch poachers.
一项利用 DNA技术追踪犀牛和犀牛身体部件的新保护计划有助于捕获偷猎者。 yeeyan

But there is no evidence in“ Deadly Game” that the alleged poacher was heavily armed, or armed at all, when he was shot, and it is by no means clear that Zambia tolerated the killing of poachers.
但是在《死亡游戏》中根本没有证据表明这名非法偷猎者在被枪杀时是全副武装的或者是携带武器的,而且赞比亚容忍杀死偷猎者的态度也是一点都不明确的。 yeeyan

Fouche and Owens were once allies in the fight against poachers, but fell out over what Fouche said were disagreements about tactics.
福凯与欧文斯曾经是并肩打击偷猎者的盟友,但彼此在策略上意见不合而分道扬镳了。 yeeyan

Government vets have made attempts to de-horn rhinos so they no longer have value for poachers, but the process must be repeated because the horns regrow.
政府兽医已试图先去掉犀角,使得它们对偷猎者不再具有价值,但这必须反复去做,因为犀角会再生。 yeeyan

Her body had been sprayed with bullets, but she had managed to escape the poachers.
她的身体上布满弹孔,但她还是设法逃脱偷猎者的魔爪。 yeeyan

However, aid that helps African nations fight poachers has dried up and the illegal ivory trade has returned to its previous high levels.
但是,帮助非洲国家打击偷猎者的援助日益减少,现在非法象牙贸易严重程度已恢复之前的水平。 yeeyan

If they were poachers they perhaps knew the landowners were on holiday.
如果是偷猎者,他们可能知道这片土地的主人当时在度假。 yeeyan

Often, poachers roam villages in groups of up to100, picking up thousands of tortoises over several weeks.
偷猎者通常组成100多人的团伙,在各个村落搜寻陆龟,几个星期就可以拣获数千只。 yeeyan

Pardhi poachers, for example, are one of the biggest threats to India’s dwindling population of tigers, which they have eradicated from several national parks.
例如,帕蒂种族的偷猎者是印度虎数量减少的元凶之一,现在一些国家公园内印度虎已经灭绝。 yeeyan

Rhinoceros poachers are killing an estimated two to three of the rare animals each week.
据估计,朝天犀牛偷猎者每周捕杀两至三只这种稀有动物。 kekenet

Still, poachers continued to infiltrate the park, and to the Owenses they seemed more dangerous than ever.
偷猎者仍在向公园区内渗透,对欧文斯夫妇来说,这些人似乎比以往更加危险了。 yeeyan

The Owenses realized that to stop the killing they would need to find employment for local people who would otherwise aid poachers.
欧文斯夫妇认识到,为了阻止对大象的杀戮行为,他们需要为当地的村民找工作,否则他们便会帮助偷猎者。 yeeyan

The confrontation with poachers brought troubles.
与偷猎者的对抗也带来了麻烦。 yeeyan

The owner said she could no longer afford to protect the animals from poachers.
其所有者说她再也无法养得起从偷猎者那儿保护下来的动物了。 yeeyan

The paws come from bears killed legally by hunters and also by poachers.
这些熊掌不仅来自合法猎手捕杀的熊,也来自偷猎者。 yeeyan

They were later declared to have been poachers, and the park authorities were accused of conspiring to intimidate their families.
事后,当局宣称她们是偷猎者,而巴蒂亚公园的高层却因串谋恐吓她们的家人遭到起诉。 ecocn

Vietnam confirmed that the last rhinoceros in the country was killed earlier this year, most likely by poachers.
越南政府证实该国最后一只犀牛于今年早些时候被杀,凶手很可能是偷猎者。 ecocn

Well- managed national parks may be able to keep out poachers and loggers, for example, but they can't protect against temperature changes, he said.
例如,管理完善的国家公园或许能够阻止偷猎者和伐木人的进入,但是他们无法抵挡气温变化。 yeeyan

Word reached them that one band of commercial poachers had targeted them for assassination, blaming them for ruining their business.
有传言说一支商业性的偷猎者团伙已经将他们锁定为暗杀对象,并指责他们毁掉了偷猎生意。 yeeyan

Poachers are becoming far more organized and armed with sophisticated weapons and night vision equipment.
偷猎者越来越有组织性,装备有尖端武器,甚至还有夜视设备。 yeeyan

Poachers, looking to sell tiger bones for medicinal purposes, have ravaged the population.
那些想把老虎骨头卖做药物的偷猎者已经摧残了这个物种。 yeeyan




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