

单词 pneumonitis
释义 pneu·mo·ni·tis 英ˌnuːməˈnaɪtɪs, ˌnjuː-美ˌnuməˈnaɪtɪs, ˌnju-AHDn›”mə-nīʹtĭs, ny›”- COCA¹⁵⁵²⁰⁶BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb⁴¹⁰⁶¹

inflammation of the lungs; caused by a virus or an allergic reactionFeline pneumonitis vaccine猫肺炎疫苗aspiration pneumonitis吸入性肺炎feline pneumonitis猫肺炎eosinophilic pneumonitis嗜酸细胞性肺炎…cholesterol pneumonitis胆固醇性肺炎…diffuse rheumatoid pneumonitis弥漫性类风湿性肺炎…Chlamydia mouse pneumonitis鼠肺炎衣原体…chlamydozoan feline pneumonitis猫肺炎衣原体…aspiration pneumonitis of newborn新生儿吸入性肺炎…
pneumon-itis发炎⇒n.局部急性肺炎 ObjectiveTo assess the pulmonary function after three-dimensional conformal radiation treatment of lung cancer in relation to radiation pneumonitis.
评价肺癌三维适形放疗前后肺功能与放射性肺炎发生程度的关系。 cnki

The patient died of respiratory failure two months later, because of recurrent biliptysis and bile pneumonitis.
但两个月后,病人仍因为上述症状复发及胆汁性 肺炎导致呼吸衰竭而死亡。 iciba

All cases of sirolimus- induced pneumonitis were recorded and a retrospective review of the case notes of such patients was undertaken for the purpose of this analysis.
所有的西罗莫司诱导性肺炎病例都被记录了下来,为了本研究分析,我们对这些患者的病历进行了回顾性调查。 dxy

Aspiration involves two problems: airway occlusion from particulates in food and gastric acid- induced chemical pneumonitis.
吸入涉及到两个问题:食物中颗粒引起的气道阻塞和胃酸引起的化学性肺炎。 blog.sina.com.cn

CT is valuable in detecting earlier changes of radiation-induced pulmonary injury, radiation pneumonitis.
结论CT对于发现放射性肺损伤的早期表现—放射性肺炎有价值。 cnki

Grade I/ II radiation esophagitis and pneumonitis occurred in 54.2% and12.5% .
II级急性放射性食管炎和放射性肺炎发生率分别为54.2%和12.5%。 cnki

Howeer, severe side effects such as anemia, leukopenia and pneumonitis were significantly more common in the combination group.
然而,贫血、白细胞减少和肺炎等严重副作用在联合治疗组更常见。 iciba

In patients with kidney cancer renal cell carcinoma, lung inflammation pneumonitis and decreases in kidney renal function also have been reported.
另据报道,在伴有肾癌肾细胞癌的患者中已发生肺炎和肾功能降低。 dxy

In all4 patients, sirolimus- induced pneumonitis resolved following cessation of therapy but took weeks to months for complete recovery.
全部4名患者的西罗莫司诱导性肺炎都在治疗结束得到消散,但数周至数月后才完全康复。 dxy

Inhalation may result in chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary edema.
吸入氯气可引起化学性肺炎和肺部水肿。 agsg-gas

Objective: To observe the clinical effect on the treatment of radiation pneumonitis caused by lung cancer radiotherapy with traditional Chinese medical method for nourishing kidney and lung.
目的:观察补肾养肺法治疗肺癌放疗所致放射性肺炎的临床疗效。 dictall

Objective: Deeply to comprehend the ultrastructure of pneumocystis carinii and microphathologic behaviour of the pneumonitis caused by pneumocystis.
目的:深入了解卡氏肺囊虫的超微结构及其所致肺炎的超微病理特点。 cnki

Objective:The decrease false ball to paralyze sufferer again and again the aspiration pneumonitis occurrence.
目的:减少假性球麻痹患者反复吸入性肺炎发生。 chemyq

One of the people who died developed pneumonitis, respiratory failure, renal failure, and arterial thrombosis. The patient died of cardiac arrest.
死者之一曾出现肺炎、呼吸衰竭、肾衰竭以及动脉血栓等症状,最后死于心脏骤停。 who

One form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis is known as farmer's lung because the farmer inhales thermophilic actinomycetes in moldy hay that set off the reaction.
过敏性肺炎的一种类型农民肺,由于农民吸入耐热的放线菌,它由发霉的干草中繁殖生长。 bioon

Purpose To investigate the clinical character and treatment of cytomegalovirus CMV pneumonitis offer renal transplantation.
目的探讨肾移植术后肺部巨细胞病毒 CMV感染的临床特点及治疗对策。 cnki

Radiation pneumonitis, a common complication after radiotherapy, not only severely influences the therapeutic effect but also endangers the life of patients.
放射性肺炎已成为肿瘤放疗后常见并发症,严重影响了治疗效果甚至危及患者生命。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Symptoms of some diseases, including asthma, hypersensitivity, pneumonitis, and fever, may also show up soon after exposure to some indoor air pollutants.
接触了某些室内空气污染源后,也可能迅速出现某种疾病的症状,这类疾病包括哮喘、过敏、肺炎以及发烧。 ebigear

Usual Interstitial PneumonitisUIP is a histologic diagnosis.
普通性间质性肺炎是组织学诊断。 mdchome

Pneumonitis is usually associated with fever.
间质肺炎常伴有发热。 kuenglish




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