释义 |
PNBR 基本例句 粉末丁腈橡胶¹⁰⁰ The crosslinking of macromolecules and encapsulant content more thatn 5 PHR can lower the toughening effect ofPNBRon SAN.NBR大分子的交联作用及包覆剂含量大于5份都会降低PNBR对SAN的增韧效果。 The preparation of high abrasion fi ne furnace blackfilled powdered nitrile rubberby co -precipitation using polymeric resin as encapsulant was studied.研究了利用高分子树脂凝聚包覆法制备高耐磨炉黑填充粉末丁腈橡胶的制备过程及其影响硫化胶物理机械性能的因素。 The preparation on process of powdered nitrile rubber by coagulation,its product specifications and applications were introduced.Its application market and economic benifit were also evaluated.介绍了新研制开发的凝聚法制备粉末丁腈橡胶PNBR的工艺流程、产品规格和用途。并对推广应用前景和经济效益进行了评价。 PNBRand HPVC are the basic materials in this paper, the influence of gelatin content of NBR, curing system and process conditions on physical-mechanical properties ofPNBR/HPVC TPE were investigated.以粉末NBR和高聚合度PVC为主体材料,考察了NBR的凝胶含量、硫化体系和加工条件对动态硫化PNBR/HPVC热塑性弹性体性能的影响。 newPNBR新型粉末丁腈橡胶 |