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词汇 PML
释义 PMLCOCA²¹⁵⁴⁵²BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
And yet an alliance between the PPP and PMLQ, with the prime ministership going to the party that won the election, would also be rancorous.
人民党和领袖派的结盟将赢得大选,并获得总理职位,然而他们之间同样充满敌意。 ecocn

Taking the hint, some PML Q candidates have dropped the party symbol, a bicycle, from their campaign material.
这就意味着,某些 PML- Q的候选人就已经在游说中不会用到党派的标志物自行车。 ecocn

The “ king's party”, as the PMLQ is known, was routed. It won42 of a possible268 parliamentary seats.
被称为“国王的政党”的 PML-Q在选举中得到了应有的报应:在268个可被竞选的席位中仅获得了42个。 ecocn

The single big upset of the poll was the strong showing of the second opposition party, the Pakistan Muslim LeagueNawaz— or PML N.
投票过程中,一个大的烦扰便是第二大反对党巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟-纳瓦兹,或简称PML- N的强势出场。 ecocn

According to the private poll conducted in February, 22.8% of respondents said they would vote for the “ king's party”, as the PML- Q is known; 31.7% chose the PPP.
根据2月的一次私人民意调查表明,22.8%的受访者称他们会投给“国王的党”,这是 PML- Q的别称;31.7%的人选择了 PPP。 ecocn

As the former party of government, the PML Q has many strong land- owning candidates.
PML- Q作为前任执政党,它拥有许多实力雄厚的土地享有的候选人。 ecocn

At least, such schemes did not save Mr Mukhtar and other well- connected PML Q men from defeat.
至少,这样的策略是很难让穆卡塔尔先生与其他出身名门的 PML- Q参选人获胜。 ecocn

But they did so in timeworn fashion, with most Punjabis voting for the conservative, Punjab- based PML N, and most of the rest voting for the left-leaning Pakistan-wide PPP.
但是,这些人所采取的方式却太老掉牙了——大多数的旁遮普人投选了保守的以旁遮普为根据地的 PML- N,而剩下的大多数则投票给左倾的且在整个巴基斯坦都受欢迎的巴基斯坦人民党。 ecocn

By contrast, throughout the election campaign PMLQ candidates were able to abuse their former powers as the king's party.
相比之下,在整个选举活动中,代表 PML-Q政党的候选人却能指责前任政府力量是“国王的政党”。 ecocn

Certainly, PMLQ candidates commandeered government vehicles to ferry campaign workers and voters.
当然, PML-Q政党的候选人还征用了一些车辆来运送选举活动的工作人员与选民。 ecocn

He predicted victory for the former ruling party, a gang of cronies known as the Pakistan Muslim LeagueQ, or PML Q.
他曾预测前任执政党能赢得胜利,该党称作巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟,或简称PML- Q,是自己的一群亲信。 ecocn

Hitherto, the government has seemed too absorbed in bickering between the PPP and PMLN to give much thought to these problems.
迄今为止,由于人民党和穆盟谢里夫派争吵不休,联合政府深陷其中,无瑕顾及这些问题。 ecocn

In a three- horse race with the king's party and the PPP, the success of Mr Sharif's PML N is more complex.
在与国王的政党和巴基斯坦人民党的三方的竞赛中,谢里夫先生领导的 PML- N的成功更加复杂。 ecocn

In Punjab,33 out of35 district mayors are PMLQ supporters.
在旁遮普省,35位行政区市长中,33位都是 PML-Q的支持者。 ecocn

In such an arrangement, the PPP and PMLQ would share power in Punjab; and Mr Musharraf would keep his job.
在这种安排之下,巴基斯坦人民党与 PML-Q将会在旁遮普共享国家权力,而穆沙拉夫也会继任其职。 ecocn

Mr Zardari's alternative is to form a coalition with every party except Mr Sharif's— including the king's party, PML Q.
而扎尔达利的台阶则是与其它全部的政党组建联合政府,甚至包括了国王的政党 PML- Q,但除了谢里夫。 ecocn

No one we spoke with said they voted for the PML-Q, the main party supporting President Musharraf.
在我们所采访的人中,没有人说自己把票投给了支持穆沙拉夫总统的主要政党“巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟领袖派”。 ebigear

Of those polled, 50% said they would vote for the PPP, now led by Miss Bhutto's widower, Asif Zardari, 22% plumped for PML N and14% for PML Q.
那些接受调查的人中间,50%的人说他们会投选现在由布托女士的鳏夫阿斯弗•扎尔达利 Asif Zardari领导的巴基斯坦人民党,22%的人会全力支持 PML- N,而14%的人则会支持 PML- Q。 ecocn

ON A lofty platform, out of suicide- bomb range, Shahbaz Sharif, a leader of Pakistan's second opposition party, the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz or PML N, promises poor Lahoris change.
在自杀式爆炸的事发现场之外的一个高台上,沙赫巴兹•谢里夫作为巴基斯坦第二大反对党——巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟纳瓦兹简称 PML- N的领导人,他向可怜的拉合尔派承诺会改变现状。 ecocn

On May 5th, the day Mr Chaudhry's caravan came to Lahore, the PML- Q had to cancel a rival rally for lack of support.
在5月5日,乔托里先生的车队来到拉舍尔的那天, PML- Q甚至不得不取消了一次针锋相对的集会,原因是无人捧场。 ecocn

One, the PML-N, is lead by former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. The other, the PPP, is the party of assassinated former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.
巴基斯坦有两个主要反对党,一个是以前总理谢里夫为首的巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟,另一个是被暗杀的前总理贝娜齐尔.布托的巴基斯坦人民党。 ebigear

One unpublished survey in the summer put its national support at an astonishing20%, which is level with Mr Zardari’s PPP and only eight points behind PML-N.
根据今年夏天一份未公开的调查,正义运动党在全国的支持率高达20%,与扎里达尔领导的人民党持平,仅落后穆斯林联盟8个百分点。 ecocn

Scores of users have developed PML, a devastating brain disease that has left a dozen dead and many more badly and permanently disabled.
大量使用者已经患上了 PML,这是一种脑部退化疾病,它造成十多人死亡,并使很多人病情恶化且终生残疾。 yeeyan

That is why they voted to get rid of Mr Musharraf's proxies, the PML Q.
那也是为什么巴基斯坦穷人将选票投给其它党派,来让穆沙拉夫的傀儡政党 PML- Q下台。 ecocn

The election was manipulated in the PML- Q's favour, yet the PPP won the most votes.
那次选举受到了 PML- Q的操纵,但赢得多数选票的却是 PPP。 ecocn

The PPP released a statement Monday saying the decision by PML-N ministers to leave the cabinet would not weaken its determination to restore the sacked judges and to strengthen the parliament.
巴基斯坦人民党星期一发表声明说,巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟的部长们决定离开内阁,不会削弱巴基斯坦人民党恢复被解职法官职务、强化议会的决心。 ebigear

Then Mr Sharif is gone: whisked away by a motorcade that may include the two bullet-proof cars given to the PML- N by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.
接着谢里夫便离开了:被一个汽车列队匆忙地带走,这些汽车中可能还包括由沙特阿拉伯国王阿布杜拉赠送给 PML- N政党的两辆防弹汽车。 ecocn

This may help the PMLN, Pakistan’s second- biggest party, whose central and urban Punjabi strongholds have largely escaped the drenching, back to power.
但可能帮了巴第二大党 PML的忙,重新夺得大权,其控制的旁遮普中部城市地区这次幸免于难。 ecocn

With neither the PPP nor the PML N able to secure a consistent majority, their rivalry has contributed to a dire cycle of unstable civilian governments interspersed with army takeovers.
如今,巴基斯坦人民党或 PML- N都无法获得占优势的多数席位,而双方的竞争行为也就促成了一种可怕的恶性循环的产生,即国民政府的不稳定,时不时需要军方来进行接管。 ecocn

PML is a disease with grave prognosis.
PML是一种预后差的疾病。 ipathology




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