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释义 PMDDCOCA⁸⁶¹⁵³
Personnel Management Development Directorate 人事管理开发委员会
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder PMDD is the most severe form of PMS, with the prominence anger, irritability, and internal tension.
经前情绪障碍 PMDD是 PMS中最严重的形式,表现为愤怒、易激惹、精神紧张。

The assessment of patients with possible PMS or PMDD should begin with the history, physical examination, chemistry profile, complete blood count, and serum TSH.
对可能患有经前期综合征或经前情绪障碍的患者需要从以下几方面进行评估:病史、体格检查、化学检查、全血检查及血清 TSH。

There is likely overlap between the disorders, but PMDD is not depression.
很可能两种疾病有所交叉,但是 PMDD不是抑郁症。 yeeyan

But how long women must stay on an SSRI to keep PMS or PMDD at bay depends on whether they have PMS or PMDD, a new study has found.
但是,女性必须服用 SSRI多久才能控制 PMS或 PMDD有赖于他们是否有 PMS或 PMDD症状,一份新研究发现。 yeeyan

For severe PMS or PMDD, this injection can be used to temporarily stop ovulation.
当出现严重 PMS或经前不悦症的时候,注射此药可暂时抑制排卵。 yeeyan

Freeman and her colleagues likewise found that just as subjects with PMDD were especially prone to relapse, so were those subjects with a history of depression about half the sample.
Freeman及其同事同样发现,正如 PMDD被试特别易于复发,有抑郁史的被试大约样本的一本也是如此。 yeeyan

However, most supporters of PMS as a social construct do not dispute PMDD's medical status.
然而,把经前综合症视为一种社会建构产物多数拥护者并没有质疑经前不悦症的医学地位。 yeeyan

Recently an oral contraceptive named Yaz has become the only birth control pill approved to treat PMDD.
最近,一种名为 Yaz的口服避孕药已成为唯一被核准的治疗经前不悦症的避孕药。 yeeyan

So are women who have PMDD the same women who are also subject to depression?“ No, ” Freeman said.
那么,是不是有 PMDD的女性同样是抑郁患者? “不,”Reeman表示。 yeeyan

Suppose a patient has both PMDD and a history of depression.
假设患者同时有 PMDD和抑郁史。 yeeyan




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