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词汇 plunged into
释义 plunged into短语¹⁰⁴⁵⁰
The other night our street was plunged into darkness by a power cut and the boys were truly shocked.
有一晚,我们所在的街区因为电力故障陷入了黑暗,孩子们确实是受到了打击。 yeeyan

The country was plunged into a deep political crisis when Mr Rosenberg recorded a video accusing the president of ordering his murder, and then supposedly arranged it himself.
罗森伯格录下了一段视频,以指控总统策划谋杀他,而之后据称这是他一手安排,危地马拉因此陷入了深度的政治危机。 putclub

The government was plunged into crisis when it failed to muster an outright majority in the Senate for its foreign policy.
由于其外交政策未能获得上议院绝大多数议员的认可,致使政府陷入这场危机当中。 ecocn

The price rises have once again plunged into poverty millions of people who spend more than half their income on food.
价格上涨再次导致百万人陷入贫困,他们不得不将收入的半数用在购买食物上面。 ecocn

Australia, plunged into grief despite its carping, talked of holding a state funeral for him.
陷入悲痛的澳大利亚人议论纷纷,谈论着要为他进行国葬。 ecocn

But his sensitive and touching portrayal of a gay man plunged into a mid-life crisis after the accidental death of his lover could see him secure an Oscar nomination.
而他此次演绎的这个同性恋男人,在爱人意外死亡后陷入中年危机,敏感又令人为之动容,看来非常有可能还会为他获取一个奥斯卡提名。 yeeyan

But unexpectedly, she was plunged into deep sorrow by the first line.
但让她想不到的是,她看了第一行字,就陷入了深深的悲痛之中。 yeeyan

EVER since Greece plunged into a sovereign-debt crisis in2009, investors have focused on which European country might be next.
自从希腊于2009年陷入政治债务危机以来,投资者们等着看会是哪个欧洲国家随后遭殃。 ecocn

Having buttoned the overcoat round her shoulders he plunged into the webs of vapour which by this time formed veils between the trees.
他把披在她身上的外衣的扣子扣好,就钻进了雾气织成的网里,这时候,夜雾已在大树之间织成了一张张薄纱。 hjenglish

He left behind him an immense city plunged into darkness, where the only lights were the reflections of his headlamps.
他驶出伦敦市,这个大都市一下就陷入一片黑暗之中,只有他的车的前灯反射出光亮。 yeeyan

He plunged into the new job with Kennedy enthusiasm.
他以肯尼迪式的热忱投入这一新工作。 ecocn

Sometimes the victim was immersed, the liquid then being heated, or he was plunged into the already boiling contents, usually head first.
有时受刑人被浸泡在冷的液体中,随后被逐渐加热,或者是他被丢进已经沸腾的液体中,通常是头部朝下。 yeeyan

Soon she plunged into a period of genuine grief.
很快,她陷入了真正的痛苦之中。 yeeyan

The spontaneous protests are the largest since the country plunged into recession in 2008, and they're made up mainly of young people who have set up camps in main squares across the country.
这次民众自发的抗议活动是自2008年西班牙陷入经济危机以来最大的一次。 示威人群主要由年轻人组成,这些年轻人在西班牙各地的广场安营扎寨。 yeeyan

There is no option but a swift burial, with as much dignity as possible, in a land plunged into grief.
对于这座彻底陷入悲恸的土地,赋以最大尊重的简单安葬实在是一种无奈之举。 yeeyan

When Rome eventually fell in476— due to corruption, disease and enemies at its borders— Europe plunged into a thousand years of darkness.




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