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词汇 plunder
释义 plun·der 英ˈplʌndə美ˈplʌndɚAHDplŭnʹdər ★☆☆☆☆高四六GIST宝八COCA²⁵⁷²¹BNC³⁵⁵²⁹iWeb¹⁷⁷⁹⁷Economist¹⁵⁷⁸⁹

vt. & vi. 掠夺;抢劫

take goods from places by force;rob people,especially during war or civil disorder


the act of plundering


stolen goods;loot

goods or money obtained illegally
take illegally; of intellectual property;

This writer plundered from famous authors

plunder a town after capture;

the barbarians sacked Rome

steal goods; take as spoils;

During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners

destroy and strip of its possession;

The soldiers raped the beautiful country

plunder, burglarize, deprive, loot, rifle, rob

这组词都有“剥夺”“抢夺”的意思。其区别在于:rob指用公然恐吓、暴力或哄骗等非法手段剥夺他人的财物或名誉、地位、权利等; burglarize指夜间潜入某处偷盗,但不一定达到目的; deprive的对象可以是“权利”“资格”等抽象的东西,但不可接表示场所的名词; loot指不顾法律或道德、不顾死活或见利忘义地抢劫,暗示应受到谴责; rifle指闯入房间或某地搜劫,可以是抢劫一空,也可暗示搜寻某物; plunder指大规模或大范围地掠夺。







来自德语plundern,抢劫室内物品,来自中古高地德语plunder,室内物品,衣服,行李,家具 等。后来在17 世纪欧洲三十年战争期间,英国士兵把该词引入英国。最终词源不详。GRE红宝书pl = place放, under下面-放在自己屁股下面-抢劫; 偷窃
分割记忆:pl看作pla ce放+under在…下面放在自己下面→抢劫
联想记忆pl看作place放+ under在…下面→ 放在自己下面 ⇒抢劫GRE难词记忆plunder 音“普兰德”→抢劫普兰德洗染店近义词 steal偷rob抢劫spoils赃sack袋子rape强奸foray突袭rifle步枪spoil宠坏strip剥去prize奖品reave抢夺loot掠夺品fleece羊毛pirate海盗ravage毁坏pillage掠夺booty战利品despoil夺取robbery抢劫violate侵犯deprive剥夺raid突然袭击dispossess剥夺ransack彻底搜索expropriation没收dirty money非法钱财swag赃物stolen goods失窃货物ill-gotten gains法 非法所得…
S+ ~+n./pron.The imperialists plundered many valuable works of art.帝国主义列强掠夺了许多珍贵的艺术品。用作名词n.During the plunder, policemen came.抢劫正在进行时,警察来了。
The thieves hid their plunder in the cave.贼把赃物藏在山洞里。Pplunderagen.抢夺掠夺Pplunderablea.易受掠夺的Pplunderern.掠夺者盗窃者Pplunderbundn.剥削公众利益的集团

用作动词The imperialistsplunderand exploit the people of the colonial countries.帝国主义者掠夺和剥削殖民地国家的人民。
The invadersplunderedfood and valuables from coastal towns and villages.侵略者在沿海城乡抢劫食物和贵重物品。
Theyplundereda palace of its treasures.他们劫掠了宫殿的财宝。用作名词she didn't accept the goods obtained byplunder.她拒绝了抢夺来的财物。
They loaded the carts withplunder.他们把掠夺来的东西装进大车里.
He escaped with hisplunder.他带着赃物逃跑了。
They burned the city, seized a great deal ofplunder, and saved the king.他们把城烧了,同时获得了许多战利品,且营救了国王。noun.something stolen
同义词 pillagebooty,goods,graft,loot,make,pickings,plunderage,prey,prize,quarry,rapine,raven,spoil,stuff,take,trappings,winningshot goods
反义词 giftverb.ravage, steal
同义词 devastate,liberate,loot,pillage,ransack,requisition,rob,salvageappropriate,burn,despoil,fleece,forage,foray,grab,gut,kip,lift,loft,maraud,prey,prowl,raid,relieve,rifle,sack,snatch,spoil,stripdepredate,knock off,knock over,lay waste,moonlight requisition,rip off,smash and grab,stick up
反义词 give,aid,guard,help,protect,receive
boodleverb cheat
bootynoun loot
contrabandnoun black-market production
depredationnoun devastation, destruction
burglary,crime,desecration,desolation,despoiling,laying waste,marauding,pillage,plunderransackingrapine,ravaging,robbery,sacking,spoliation,stealing,theft,wasting
desolateverb ravage, destroy
depopulate,depredate,desecrate,despoil,devastate,devour,lay low,lay waste,pillage,plunder,ruin,sack,spoliate,waste
despoilverb ravage, destroy
denude,depopulate,depredate,deprive,desecrate,desolate,devastate,devour,dispossess,divest,loot,maraud,pillage,plunder,raid,rifle,rob,sack,spoil,spoliate,strip,vandalize,waste,wreak havoc,wreck As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves.
惟有妇女,孩子,牲畜,和城内一切的财物,你可以取为自己的掠物。 ebigear

As the history of the20th century shows, evidence of plunder that meets legal standards is hard to collect in the chaos of war, and against a background of even graver horrors.
20世纪的历史表明,战争期间局面混乱、而且可能发生更骇人听闻之事,故而难以搜集符合法律标准的劫掠证据。 topsage

But all the livestock and the plunder from their cities we carried off for ourselves.
惟有一切牲畜和城中的财物都取为自己的掠物。 ebigear

Has he come to plunder or appreciate?
人类是来掠夺的还是来欣赏的? yeeyan

Sweep me away like a storm; take everything I have; break open my sleep and plunder my dreams.
像一阵风暴把我卷走;把我的一切都拿去;劈开我的睡眠抢走我的梦。 examw

The imperialists use this ideology and culture as a lever for easily realizing their domination and subjugation, aggression and plunder of other countries.
帝国主义者使用这种思想和文化作为一种杠杆,轻易地实现其统治、征服、侵略以及掠夺他国的目的。 yeeyan

The town's economic boom of recent years has been fuelled by war and plunder, particularly of the rich mines in eastern Congo.
战争与掠夺刺激了近年来城市的繁荣发展。特别是对刚果东部丰富矿藏的侵占。 yeeyan

And while the cat's away, the Union soldiers will plunder your plantation and burn your crops to the ground, as the McIlhenny family discovered upon their return.
当 Mcllhenny战后回到老家,发现他人不在的期间,联盟军还是会抢夺了他的成果并烧毁他的作物。 yeeyan

As for your children that you said would be taken as plunder, I will bring them in to enjoy the land you have rejected.
但你们的妇人孩子,就是你们所说要被掳掠的,我必把他们领进去, 他们就得知你们所厌弃的那地. ebigear

Brady then became chief leader of the band, and though his encounter with Mr. Taylor had taken away all his ardour for fighting, he contrived to plunder and annoy for a long time.
这样布雷迪成为山匪的头目。与泰勒的遭遇打击了布雷迪的斗志,但他还是勉强抢劫骚扰了很长一段时间。 yeeyan

For plague and pestilence, plunder and pollution, the hazards of nature and the hunger of children are the foes of every nation.
因为传染病与流行病,劫掠与污染,自然灾害与受饥饿的儿童是我们每一个国家的仇敌。 yeeyan

Fueled by greed in having the opportunity to plunder another rich civilization, they conquered the Incan emperor and had him put to death.
带着掠夺另一个富饶文明所燃起的贪婪,西班牙人俘获了印加皇帝并将其处死。 yeeyan

Gradually it would shift from a politics of plunder to a politics of hope.
会逐渐的使一个充满掠夺的政治转向一个充满希望的政治。 yeeyan

Growth doesn't depend on plunder.
经济增长不能依靠掠夺。 yeeyan

He adopted his father's position that capitalism and free markets are code words for economic plunder.
他接受父亲的立场,即资本主义和自由市场是经济掠夺的代名词。 yeeyan

Hence he suspected that his plot to murder Ali Baba, and plunder his house, was discovered.
因此他怀疑他密谋杀掉阿里巴巴,并且抢劫他的房子的计划被发现了。 yeeyan

Ibama is Brazil's environmental protection service, the group tasked with monitoring, catching and punishing those responsible for the plunder of the Amazon rainforest.
环保局是巴西的环境保护部门,他们正在监视、抓捕和惩处那些亚马逊雨林的劫掠者们。 yeeyan

Kings came, they fought; the kings of Canaan fought at Taanach by the waters of Megiddo, but they carried off no silver, no plunder.
君王都来争战。那时迦南诸王在米吉多水旁的他纳争战,却未得掳掠银钱。 ebigear

NEO- COLONIALISM, crude exploitation, plunder, blood- money: no term is too inflammatory, it seems, for critics of Iraq's proposed oil law.
若用来批评伊拉克提出的石油相关法律的话,诸如新殖民主义、疯狂剥削、劫掠、血汗钱,其中任一词语都不怎么为过。 ecocn

One captured pirate estimated that30 percent of his group’s plunder went toward government bribes.
一个被捕获的海盗称,他们组织所掠夺的财物约30%都用于贿赂政府。 yeeyan

Our wives and children will be taken as plunder. Wouldn't it be better for us to go back to Egypt?
我们的妻子和孩子必被掳掠,我们回埃及去岂不好吗? ebigear

Rich countries would no longer plunder Bolivia's resources.
发达国家将再也不能掠夺玻利维亚的资源。 yeeyan

Russia holds onto much Soviet- era plunder, taken from Germany and other countries, including from private citizens who were anti- Nazis.
俄罗斯仍占有苏联时代从德国及其它国家抢夺来的战利品,其中还包括反纳粹者的私人财产。 topsage

The new political class has presided over an “ explosion in corrupt practices, bordering on the open plunder of the state's resources”.
新的政治阶层负责“贪污行为的爆发,对国家资源的近乎公开抢劫”。 ecocn

The exhibition includes Kidd's last letter, with a promise of hidden treasure, the original inventory of all his plunder, and a genuine pirate flag from the17th century.
展览中展示了 Kidd最后一封信,其中提到了隐藏的宝藏,他掠夺来的财宝的清单,和17世纪的一面真正的海盗旗。 yeeyan

These figures are but a small indicator of the plunder carried out by the Empire, whose spokesman Winston Churchill famously said that India would descend into barbarism were the British to leave.
而在这个帝国的掠夺过程中,这些数字只是一个小指标,它的代言人温斯顿·丘吉尔有句名言,印度在英国人离开后将会陷入落后和野蛮。 yeeyan

This accelerated plunder of the rainforest coincided with a military coup in March2009.
这种对雨林的加速掠夺与2009年3月发生在马达加斯加的一场军事政变有着密切关联。 yeeyan

You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as men rejoice when dividing the plunder.
你使这国民繁多,加增他们的喜乐。他们在你面前欢喜,好像收割的欢喜,像人分掳物那样的快乐。 ebigear




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