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plunge·d 英plʌndʒ美plʌndʒ COCA¹⁴⁴⁷⁰BNC¹³⁷³³Economist⁴⁰⁵⁹ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语近义反义句型用法例句Thesaurus例句 v.使投入⁵;跳入³⁰;栽进⁵;下降,急降,突降n.投入⁶⁰;跳入过去分词plunged现在分词plunging三单plunges v.动词 vi. 颠簸thrust its bows into the water vt. 使陷入put into, put or go suddenly and with force n.名词 S投入,跳入; 猛冲an act of plunging, especially head first into water S猛跌,骤降a steep fall Noun: a brief swim in watera steep and rapid fall Verb: thrust or throw into;Immerse yourself in hot water drop steeply;the stock market plunged dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity;She plunged at it eagerly begin with vigor;He launched into a long diatribe She plunged into a dangerous adventure cause to be immersed;The professor plunged his students into the study of the Italian text fall abruptly;It plunged to the bottom of the well immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate;dip the garment into the cleaning solution dip the brush into the paint devote oneself fully to;He immersed himself into his studies v.动词 plunge, dive, pitch这组词意思相近,其区别在于:plunge指自身主动或在外力作用下的“投入”“陷入”“浸入”某种状态之中,强调“突然”和“用力”; dive常指有意识和有目的地“跳入”“投入”,侧重于动作的熟练和姿态的优雅,引申可指“专心研究”某事; pitch常指无意识、无计划地向前或向下“扔”“投”“抛”,也可指船在暴风雨中“前后摇摆”。 immerse,dip,duck,plunge,submerge这些动词均有“沉浸、浸入”之意。 immerse侧重全部被液体所覆盖,也可用于比喻意义。 dip指部分地、暂时地或轻微地放进液体,多暗示一种谨慎或试探性的动作。 duck指把头伸进水中,或指游泳时开玩笑地把一个人的头按入水中。 plunge暗示迅速而有力的动作,但浸入不一定很深。 submerge指长时间的完全浸入、潜入,强调浸入液体深层。 1380年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的plungier;最初源自古典拉丁语的plumbum,意为导向。 用作动词 v. ~+副词plunge authoritatively可靠地投入plunge boldly勇敢地跳入plunge conventionally按常规投入plunge daringly大胆地投入plunge desperately毫无顾忌地投入plunge fiercely激烈地投入plunge heavily重重地投入plunge ignominiously不光彩地投入plunge impetuously急躁地投入plunge inescapably不可避免地投入plunge mysteriously神秘地投入plunge noiselessly悄悄地投入plunge officially正式地投入plunge passively消极投入plunge prematurely过早地投入plunge quickly快速地投入plunge recklessly不顾后果地投入plunge resolutely果断地投入plunge scientifically科学地投入plunge superficially表面上投入plunge symbolically象征性地投入plunge thoughtlessly轻率地投入plunge unaccountably莫名其妙地投入plunge uselessly没必要地投入plunge violently猛烈地投入plunge voluntarily自愿地投入plunge whole-heartedly全心全意地投入plunge wildly粗野地投入~+介词plunge in debt债台高筑plunge into action立即投入行动plunge into darkness陷入黑暗中plunge into the sea跳入大海plunge into the water跳入水中plunge through a fence穿过篱笆plunge to death死plunge under fire在炮火中前进 用作动词v. plunge about in v.+adv.+prep.
在…中颠簸thrust its bows into sth plunge about in sthThe little boat plunged about in the storm.小船在暴风雨中颠簸得很厉害。 plunge down to v.+adv.+prep.
猛然掉到…上 drop sth to sth suddenly plunge down to sthThe rope broke, and the elevator plunged down to the ground.缆绳断了,电梯猛然掉到地面上。 plunge into v.+prep.
突然陷入或呈现出suddenly assume or cause sb/sth to assume a particular mood, condition, state, etc. plunge sb/sth into sthThe maid plunged the cloth into the pail and cleaned the floor.那个侍女把拖把放进桶里浸湿,用来擦地。plunge into sthThe elephant plunged into the forest.大象猛地冲入森林。 The firemen plunged into the burning building.消防队员们冲进正在燃烧的大楼。 The children plunged into the pool for a swim.孩子们跳进池塘里游泳。 He plunged into the cold water to save the boy without hesitation.他毫不犹豫地跳入冰冷的水中去救孩子。 The soldiers plunged into action although they had just marched 20 miles.士兵们刚跑完二十英里的路程,便立刻投入了战斗。 The whole district plunged into darkness because of a sudden power cut.突然停电把整个地区投入一片黑暗之中。 Because of the economic depression the company plunged deeper into debt.由于经济萧条,这家公司已债台高筑。 They do not readily plunge into battle with such powerful forces.他们无意与这样的劲旅交战。 Don't be too keen to plunge into argument with him; he's an experienced speaker.不必急于同他争辩,他是个讲话老练的人。plunge sb/oneself/sth into sthHe plunged himself into work upon his arrival.他一到就投入工作。 A power failure plunged the whole house into sudden darkness.停电了,整个房子突然陷入一片漆黑之中。 He was plunged into despair by the terrible news.这个可怕的消息使他突然陷于绝望之中。近义词 dip浸rush冲push推throw扔dive潜水drop落下fall落下jump跳跃thrust刺leap跳跃duck鸭肉shot注射down向下dump倾倒force武力swoop抓取immerse浸lower低的douse浸入tumble暴跌pounce猛扑absorb吸收launch发起engulf吞没plummet铅锤descend下降descent下降soak up吸收steep险峻的dunk蘸一下水nose-dive俯冲souse浸在水中plough用犁耕田submerge使浸没nose dive垂直俯冲plunk 使发声…engross使全神贯注 用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AThe ship plunged dangerously in the rough sea.轮船在汹涌的海浪中危险地颠簸着。 That man plunged in the river but not to save the child.那个人在河中浮沉但是救不了那个孩子。 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.The sudden stopping of the car plunged him forwards.汽车急刹车,使得他猛地向前倾去。用作名词n.John felt refreshed after a quick plunge in the lake.在湖中游了一会儿泳后,约翰感到精神振奋。 His plunge won the race.他的冲刺使他赢得了赛跑的第一名。 The sky diver had a plunge of more than 20,000 feet before his parachute opened.那个跳伞运动员坠落了两万多英尺,他的降落伞才打开。 v.动词
plunge的基本意思是“颠簸”,原指船在海浪上行驶的状态,现多指自身主动或被人投入深水中,强调投入时的力量。可用于表示深深下降的过程,也可用于表示“浸没”的状态,在外力作用下的“浸入”,引申可表示为“使陷入”“使卷入”等。 plunge既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。 名词51%,动词49% The sudden joltplungedher forward.突然颠了一下,她向前打了个趔趄。 I waved my dog to plunge into the water.我挥手示意我的狗跳入水中。用作名词I waved my dog to plunge into the water.我挥手示意我的狗跳入水中。as in.dipped 同义词 soakedbathed,coated,covered,doused,drencheddunkedsoused,steeped,wet dippedadjective immersed bathed,coated,covered,doused,drencheddunkedsoaked,soused,steeped,wet The other night our street was plunged into darkness by a power cut and the boys were truly shocked. 有一晚,我们所在的街区因为电力故障陷入了黑暗,孩子们确实是受到了打击。 yeeyan The country was plunged into a deep political crisis when Mr Rosenberg recorded a video accusing the president of ordering his murder, and then supposedly arranged it himself. 罗森伯格录下了一段视频,以指控总统策划谋杀他,而之后据称这是他一手安排,危地马拉因此陷入了深度的政治危机。 putclub The government was plunged into crisis when it failed to muster an outright majority in the Senate for its foreign policy. 由于其外交政策未能获得上议院绝大多数议员的认可,致使政府陷入这场危机当中。 ecocn The percentage of American adults with jobs, which plunged between2007 and2009, has barely budged since then. 美国成年人拥有工作的比例在2007年和2009年大幅下降,到现在几乎没有移动。 yeeyan The price rises have once again plunged into poverty millions of people who spend more than half their income on food. 价格上涨再次导致百万人陷入贫困,他们不得不将收入的半数用在购买食物上面。 ecocn When a similar accident occurred at Logan Airport in 1960, all but ten of the72 people on board died when the plane plunged wing- first into Boston Harbour. 一个相似的事故1960年发生在劳根机场时,机上的72人中除十人外全部死亡,当时飞机的一个翅膀首先扎进了波士顿港湾。 ecocn With that he plunged Guatemala into its most serious political convulsion since the end of a36- year civil war in 1996. 罗森伯格说自从1996年结束了36年的内战以来,危地马拉已经陷入了最严重的政治混乱。 ecocn “ For years, we proclaimed the financial world a creator of wealth, until we learned one day that it had accumulated so much risk that it plunged us into chaos, ” he said. 他说:“多年来,我们号称金融业为财富的创造者,直到有一天,我们领悟到,金融业积累了如此多的风险,以至于将我们陷入混乱之中。” yeeyan As the prices plunged, leading citizens found themselves bankrupt. 由于价格下跌,导致市民发现自己破产。 http://source.yeeyan.org But that promise proved false when they plunged by 19% in2008. 但当它们在2008年暴跌19%时,这种承诺被证明是虚假的。 ecocn EVER since Greece plunged into a sovereign-debt crisis in2009, investors have focused on which European country might be next. 自从希腊于2009年陷入政治债务危机以来,投资者们等着看会是哪个欧洲国家随后遭殃。 ecocn He left behind him an immense city plunged into darkness, where the only lights were the reflections of his headlamps. 他驶出伦敦市,这个大都市一下就陷入一片黑暗之中,只有他的车的前灯反射出光亮。 yeeyan He plunged into the new job with Kennedy enthusiasm. 他以肯尼迪式的热忱投入这一新工作。 ecocn If the Pope's initiative succeeds, the Church of England will be further weakened and plunged into even greater disarray. 如果教皇的倡议倡议获得成功,英国教会将进一步削弱并陷入到更大的混乱中。 yeeyan In fact, tax revenues and real wages have plunged. 真正的情况是,税收及实际工资已经跳水。 ecocn Its pensions crumbled as the value of the stock plan shares plunged. 由于持股计划股票面值骤降,公司养老金也崩溃了。 yeeyan People in Asia have seen the longest total solar eclipse this century, with large areas of India and China plunged into darkness. 亚洲的人们观赏到了本世纪时间最长的日食景观,印度和中国的大多数地区甚至一度陷入黑暗。 yeeyan Some readers have expressed surprise that I did not spend more time designing XM in advance; I hope this explanation clarifies why I plunged into the prototyping with this first project. 对于我没有事先花更多的时间来设计 XM,一些读者表示很惊奇;我希望这个解释能澄清我为什么在第一个项目中就一头扎入原型设计中。 ibm The birth rate plunged from the highest in Canada to the lowest. 该省的出生率在加拿大也从第一骤降至最后一名。 ecocn The reason that Zhang gave her parents has plunged a home filled with warmth and laughter into distress and agony. 而张娜娜向父母交代的理由使得这原本充满温馨和欢笑的一家陷入沮丧和痛苦中。 iciba The shares of big recycling firms, such as China's Nine Dragons Paper, have plunged over the past year. 像中国的九龙纸业那样的大回收公司,其股价在过去的一年里一路暴跌。 ecocn The spontaneous protests are the largest since the country plunged into recession in 2008, and they're made up mainly of young people who have set up camps in main squares across the country. 这次民众自发的抗议活动是自2008年西班牙陷入经济危机以来最大的一次。 示威人群主要由年轻人组成,这些年轻人在西班牙各地的广场安营扎寨。 yeeyan When Rome eventually fell in476— due to corruption, disease and enemies at its borders— Europe plunged into a thousand years of darkness. 由于腐败、疾病与其周边的敌对势力,当罗马帝国在公元476年最终崩溃之后,欧洲陷入了长达千年的黑暗时期。 edu.sina.com.cn While advertising has plunged, free newspapers still have some of the advantages that attracted publishers to the business in the first place. 虽然广告收入已经下降,免费报纸还具有的一些优势可以吸引出版商投入这个行业。 yeeyan |