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词汇 plunge
释义 plunge 英plʌndʒ美plʌndʒAHDplŭnj ★★★☆☆高四六研GIST宝46八COCA⁶²⁹⁷BNC¹⁶⁷⁸⁰iWeb⁸⁷⁷³Economist⁵⁷⁸⁸

vi. 颠簸

thrust its bows into the water

vt. 使陷入

put into, put or go suddenly and with force

S投入,跳入; 猛冲

an act of plunging, especially head first into water


a steep fall

a brief swim in watera steep and rapid fall
thrust or throw into;

Immerse yourself in hot water

drop steeply;

the stock market plunged

dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity;

She plunged at it eagerly

begin with vigor;

He launched into a long diatribe

She plunged into a dangerous adventure

cause to be immersed;

The professor plunged his students into the study of the Italian text

fall abruptly;

It plunged to the bottom of the well

immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate;

dip the garment into the cleaning solution

dip the brush into the paint

devote oneself fully to;

He immersed himself into his studies

plunge, dive, pitch

这组词意思相近,其区别在于:plunge指自身主动或在外力作用下的“投入”“陷入”“浸入”某种状态之中,强调“突然”和“用力”; dive常指有意识和有目的地“跳入”“投入”,侧重于动作的熟练和姿态的优雅,引申可指“专心研究”某事; pitch常指无意识、无计划地向前或向下“扔”“投”“抛”,也可指船在暴风雨中“前后摇摆”。








来自古法语plongier,浸入,沉入,跳水,来自拉丁语plumbum,铅,铅球,词源同plumb.其 原义为用铅垂线测水深,引申词义前冲,跳水,比喻义猛倾,暴跌,比较plummet.
用作动词 v.
~+副词plunge authoritatively可靠地投入plunge boldly勇敢地跳入plunge conventionally按常规投入plunge daringly大胆地投入plunge desperately毫无顾忌地投入plunge fiercely激烈地投入plunge heavily重重地投入plunge ignominiously不光彩地投入plunge impetuously急躁地投入plunge inescapably不可避免地投入plunge mysteriously神秘地投入plunge noiselessly悄悄地投入plunge officially正式地投入plunge passively消极投入plunge prematurely过早地投入plunge quickly快速地投入plunge recklessly不顾后果地投入plunge resolutely果断地投入plunge scientifically科学地投入plunge superficially表面上投入plunge symbolically象征性地投入plunge thoughtlessly轻率地投入plunge unaccountably莫名其妙地投入plunge uselessly没必要地投入plunge violently猛烈地投入plunge voluntarily自愿地投入plunge whole-heartedly全心全意地投入plunge wildly粗野地投入~+介词plunge in debt债台高筑plunge into action立即投入行动plunge into darkness陷入黑暗中plunge into the sea跳入大海plunge into the water跳入水中plunge through a fence穿过篱笆plunge to death死plunge under fire在炮火中前进
plunge about in v.+adv.+prep.

在…中颠簸thrust its bows into sth

plunge about in sthThe little boat plunged about in the storm.小船在暴风雨中颠簸得很厉害。
plunge down to v.+adv.+prep.

猛然掉到…上 drop sth to sth suddenly

plunge down to sthThe rope broke, and the elevator plunged down to the ground.缆绳断了,电梯猛然掉到地面上。
plunge into v.+prep.

突然陷入或呈现出suddenly assume or cause sb/sth to assume a particular mood, condition, state, etc.

plunge sb/sth into sthThe maid plunged the cloth into the pail and cleaned the floor.那个侍女把拖把放进桶里浸湿,用来擦地。plunge into sthThe elephant plunged into the forest.大象猛地冲入森林。
The firemen plunged into the burning building.消防队员们冲进正在燃烧的大楼。
The children plunged into the pool for a swim.孩子们跳进池塘里游泳。
He plunged into the cold water to save the boy without hesitation.他毫不犹豫地跳入冰冷的水中去救孩子。
The soldiers plunged into action although they had just marched 20 miles.士兵们刚跑完二十英里的路程,便立刻投入了战斗。
The whole district plunged into darkness because of a sudden power cut.突然停电把整个地区投入一片黑暗之中。
Because of the economic depression the company plunged deeper into debt.由于经济萧条,这家公司已债台高筑。
They do not readily plunge into battle with such powerful forces.他们无意与这样的劲旅交战。
Don't be too keen to plunge into argument with him; he's an experienced speaker.不必急于同他争辩,他是个讲话老练的人。plunge sb/oneself/sth into sthHe plunged himself into work upon his arrival.他一到就投入工作。
A power failure plunged the whole house into sudden darkness.停电了,整个房子突然陷入一片漆黑之中。
He was plunged into despair by the terrible news.这个可怕的消息使他突然陷于绝望之中。钱博士plun=plumb,铅,铅坠+g动词后缀,参考单词cargo、charge等+e→把铅坠扔进水中→把…投入,使插入,使陷入⇒转作不及物动词和名词
源自plumb 突然坠下;音:扑浪→跳水;音:破 + lung 肺,将肺弄破,插入,或跳水时呛破肺
非常记忆plun评论+ge哥⇒受不了评论压力的哥哥跳进河中非常记忆plunge 工作太投入,肺都累坏了源于plumbn.铅锤近义词 dip浸rush冲push推throw扔dive潜水drop落下fall落下jump跳跃thrust刺leap跳跃duck鸭肉shot注射down向下dump倾倒force武力swoop抓取immerse浸lower低的douse浸入tumble暴跌pounce猛扑absorb吸收launch发起engulf吞没plummet铅锤descend下降descent下降soak up吸收steep险峻的dunk蘸一下水nose-dive俯冲souse浸在水中plough用犁耕田submerge使浸没nose dive垂直俯冲plunk 使发声…engross使全神贯注
S+~+AThe ship plunged dangerously in the rough sea.轮船在汹涌的海浪中危险地颠簸着。
That man plunged in the river but not to save the child.那个人在河中浮沉但是救不了那个孩子。
S+~+ n./pron.The sudden stopping of the car plunged him forwards.汽车急刹车,使得他猛地向前倾去。用作名词n.John felt refreshed after a quick plunge in the lake.在湖中游了一会儿泳后,约翰感到精神振奋。
His plunge won the race.他的冲刺使他赢得了赛跑的第一名。
The sky diver had a plunge of more than 20,000 feet before his parachute opened.那个跳伞运动员坠落了两万多英尺,他的降落伞才打开。Pplunge-reflex潜水反射Pplungern.跳水者潜水者活塞




用作动词She was about toplungeinto something.她就要采取什么行动了。
Don'tplungehead first into another person's room.别冒冒失失地撞进别人的房间。
The sudden joltplungedher forward.突然颠了一下,她向前打了个趔趄。
I waved my dog toplungeinto the water.我挥手示意我的狗跳入水中。
He made a headlongplungeinto the river.他一头栽进河里。用作名词So why not take theplungeand have it over?你为什么不鼓起勇气把这事赶紧解决了呢?
I waved my dog toplungeinto the water.我挥手示意我的狗跳入水中。noun.quick drop;enthusiastic attempt
同义词 descent,dive,fall,jump,spreeduck,dunk,immersion,investment,submergence,submersion,swoop,venturebelly flop,high dive,nosedive
反义词 ascent,riseincreaseverb.dive or fall fast
同义词 descend,dip,drive,drop,go down,hurtle,jump,nose-dive,plummet,sink,throw,tumblecareer,cast,charge,dash,duck,fling,immerse,keel,lunge,lurch,pitch,plunk,propel,rush,sound,submerge,submerse,swoop,tear,thrust,topplego the limit,go whole hog,immerge,shoot the works,take a flyer,take a header,throw oneself
反义词 ascend,go up,increase,rise,dry,retreat
belly flopnoun dive in which front smacks water
belly buster,belly flopper,belly whop,belly whopper,nosedive
betnoun game of chance;money gambled
action,ante,betting,chance,down on,hazard,long shot,lot,lottery,odds,odds-on,parlay,play,pledge,plunge,pot,raffle,random shot,risk,shot,shot in the dark,speculation,stake,sweepstakes,uncertainty,venture,wager
cascadeverb fall in a rush
descend,disgorge,flood,gush,heave,overflow,pitch,plunge,pour,spew,spill,spit up,surge,throw up,tumble,vomit
chanceverb gamble, risk;endanger
attempt,cast lots,draw lots,gamble,go out on a limb,have a fling at,hazard,jeopardize,play with fire,plunge,put eggs in one basket,put it on the line,roll the dice,run the risk,skate on thin ice,speculate,stake,stick one's neck out,take shot in the dark,tempt fate,tempt fortune,toss up,try,venture,wager,wildcat
crashverb fall
bite the dust,bump,collapse,collide,crash-land,ditch,dive,drive into,drop,fall flat,fall headlong,fall prostrate,give way,go in,hurtle,lurch,meet,overbalance,overturn,pancake,pitch,plough into,plunge,prang,slip,smash,splash down,sprawl,topple,tumble,upset,washout
dartverb race away;propel
bound,career,cast,course,dash,flash,fling,flit,float,fly,gallop,hasten,heave,hurry,hurtle,launch,move quickly,pitch,plunge,run,rush,sail,scamper,scoot,scud,scurry,shoot,skim,speed,spring,sprint,spurt,start,tear,throw,thrust,whiz And the plunge in BP’s share price has wiped out the equity- related part of his pay package as CEO— a significant punishment.
英国石油公司股价暴跌,他的首席执行官薪资组合中和股票相关的部分因此泡汤,这是个巨大的惩罚。 yeeyan

Events like these are big motivators, so you plunge excitedly into the training.
这些都是巨大的激励,而你被鼓励起来投入了训练。 yeeyan

The steep plunge in values, about33% nationally from peak to trough, caused widespread damage in the American economy and abroad.
全国房产市场价从高峰到谷底猛跌了约33%,这给美国和全球经济造成了广泛的破坏。 ecocn

The final plunge of the most powerful and dreaded firm on Wall Street in the Roaring Eighties came with astonishing speed.
在咆哮的八零年代,华尔街上最强大最令人畏惧的公司以惊人的速度带来了最后的暴跌。 yeeyan

After a steep plunge during the recession, companies have stepped up their capital spending, which rose by8.9% in the year to the third quarter of2010.
在经历了萧条期的暴跌之后,企业的资本投资已上升了一个台阶,截止2010年第三季度相比去年全年总额上升了8.9%。 ecocn

Because we are doomed by our collective mindset to plunge into more financial crises as soon as we recover.
因为我们一复苏,就注定陷入更多的金融危机,这是我们集体心理所决定的。 yeeyan

Before today's falls the Shanghai market had risen by 81% this year, staging a strong recovery following its plunge during 2008.
在今天的下跌之前,上海市场今年已经上涨了81%,这是2008年暴跌之后出现的一次强劲反弹。 yeeyan

But he chose instead to plunge in, seduced by the chimera of a“ grand bargain” with John Boehner, the Republican speaker.
但是他反而选择了陷入其中,受到了与共和党众议院议长约翰•博纳做成“大交易”这一不切实际的想法的引诱。 ecocn

Doing a science fair project is another way to plunge into the wonderful world of physics.
接手一项科学项目是另外一条投入到奇妙的物理学世界的路径。 yeeyan

For us, one choice led to another and each time we took the plunge events conspired to assist us in our mission. There were times of stress and exhaustion, but definitely no regrets.
对于我们来说,这一个选择就决定了下一个选择,我们齐心协力地冒险去完成我们的决定,免不了会感到压力和疲惫,但绝对不遗憾。 huanqiu

If there is no agreement to amend it, Nepal will plunge into legal limbo.
如果没有协议可以修改它,尼泊尔将陷入法律空白。 ecocn

In summer, Scorpios will plunge into their invented world and will be there to perceive reality in a distorted light.
在夏天,蝎子们将陷入他们自己发明的世界里,在那里他们会在扭曲的灯光下感受到现实。 yeeyan

My plan is to use the funds as an innovation fund rather than plunge it into core activities.
我计划用这笔钱作为创新基金而不是投入到实体活动中。 yeeyan

No, it may not be for you, but there’s really no way you can tell for sure without taking the plunge and using one as your primary computer.
当然,上面所说的“阵痛期”可能你不会有,但经过一段时间的不适应并坚持把新电脑当“主力机”玩一下,才能说了解了那个玩意儿。 yeeyan

Once you've made the plunge— in both time and expertise— into a scripting language, go with that.
一旦您已经投入在时间和专业技术上到一个脚本语言中,那么就坚持下来。 ibm

Snowflakes are born inside clouds at high elevations, where temperatures plunge to well below the freezing point of water.
高海拔的云层里会形成雪花冰晶,因为这里的温度能跌落至水的冰点之下很多。 yeeyan

Some of this is down to a plunge in sterling and will prove temporary.
这种情况将会是暂时的,因为一部分归结于英镑汇率的暴跌。 ecocn

Tess still stood hesitating like a barber about to make his plunge, hardly knowing whether to retreat or to persevere, when a figure came forth from the dark triangular door of the tent.
苔丝还站在那儿犹豫着,像一个沐浴的人想跳进水里去一样,不知道是跳进去还是退回去,正在这个时候,有一个人从帐篷黑色的三角形门里走了出来。 hjenglish

The problem, however, is that markets have not been kind in recent weeks to those fund managers who have taken the plunge.
然而其中存在的问题是,对于这些尝试过冒险的基金经理来说,最近几周的金融市场很不乐观。 ecocn

They plunge them into guilt and despair in the act of cheering them on to higher things.
他们让人们陷入犯罪和绝望,只是因为鼓动人们去追求更高的东西。 yeeyan

Today would be the first time I’d plunge in all the way.
今天将是我第一次全身心投入的一天,我感到恐惧。 yeeyan

We can take the cue from our fears and plunge the world into chaos.
我们应该从我们的忧虑中以及世界陷入混乱中获取暗示。 yeeyan

When every molecule in your body tells you to run away from the burning building, as a firefighter you have to resist the urge, override it and plunge in.
当你身体内每个细胞都告诉逃离失火的建筑物时,作为一名消防员,你必须克制这种冲动,超越它,投入火场进行战斗。 kekenet

When they get a tern or pelican to drop a fish, they plunge down and grab it off the surface of the water, which may have been how this bird got oiled.
当军舰鸟发现一只燕鸥或者鹈鹕准备冲入水中捕鱼时就猛冲下去,在捕鱼的鸟离开海面时抓住它们,这可能就是这种鸟为何解决到石油的原因。 yeeyan

With no agreement on an alternative, the Palestinian Authority might plunge into a crisis.
如果谈判未达成一致,巴勒斯坦权利机构将陷入一场危机之中。 ecocn




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