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词汇 plump
释义 plump 英plʌmp美plʌmpAHDplŭmp ★☆☆☆☆高四六GST宝八COCA¹³⁵⁰⁵BNC¹¹³⁸⁹iWeb¹⁶⁷²⁸Economist¹¹⁸¹⁸


of an animal,a person rounded;fat in a pleasant-looking way

vt. & vi. 使突然沉重地落下

cause to fall,drop,suddenly and heavily

the sound of a sudden heavy fall
sufficiently fat so as to have a pleasing fullness of figure;

a chubby child

pleasingly plump

straight down especially heavily or abruptly;

the anchor fell plump into the sea

we dropped the rock plump into the water

drop sharply;

The stock market plummeted

set something or oneself down with or as if with a noise;

He planked the money on the table

He planked himself into the sofa

make fat or plump;

We will plump out that poor starving child

give support to or make a choice of one out of a group or number;

I plumped for the losing candidates

plump, buxom, chubby, fat, portly, stout



Sitting beside her was a young man who already looked slightly fat.坐在她旁边的是一位看起来略微发胖的女人。

2.stout着重于“硕大与粗肥”,有时所含“结实”的意思更超过“肥硕”的意思。它经常被用作“too fat”的委婉语。例如:

He is a man of stout build.他是一位高大结实的男人。


The retired general is a portly old man.这位退休的将军现在成了一位体态臃肿的老人。


That lady has a plump figure.那位妇人身体丰满。

5.buxom也是“丰满的”意思。它与plump都常被用作fat的委婉语, buxom一般只用来指女性,尤其是指乳房大、性感的女性。例如:

Jane is a buxom blonde.简是一个性感女孩。


词根词缀: pl + -ump名词词尾
词义辨异:plump 指妇女和儿童略微的令人赏心悦目的肥胖stout 指很胖,很重plump for选定plump seed饱满籽粒plump down突然而沉重地坠下, …plump up鼓起plump refusal断然拒绝plump out脱口而出
plump for v.+prep.

慎重挑选;筛选 choose sb/sth from a number of people or things, especially after thinking carefully

plump for sb/sthAt last we plumped for the new house rather than the old one.最后我们选定新房子,不要那旧房子。
plump up v.+adv.

用手轻拍使尤指被子等变松make (especially bed coverings rounded and soft by shaking)

plump sth ⇔ upShe plumped up the pillows.她把枕头拍松。GRE红宝书plu = plus, m妈妈, p屁股: 给妈妈的屁股加肉-形体肥胖的且丰满的
音:漂亮美婆,漂亮美丽的女人婆身材丰满pl 网语:漂亮;音:胖了胖
词根记忆plump=plumb,铅锤是圆的,所以是”丰满的”GRE难词记忆plump→lump n.肿块→打肿脸充胖子注意不要和plumbv.深入了解相混近义词 go去drop落下fall落下fat肥胖的prize奖品round圆的plank厚板fleshy肉的plop扑通声fatten养肥tubby桶状的stout强壮的pudgy矮胖的plummet铅锤chubby圆胖的stocky矮胖的fill out填写obese极肥胖的fatten up养肥flesh out长胖flump砰地倒下corpulent肥胖的stuffed塞满了的overweight超重的flop啪嗒啪嗒地动…plump out脱口而出plunk 使发声…plunk down突然落下enviable令人欣羡的advantageous有利的collapse使倒塌desirable令人满意的chunky四方形厚块的…sought-after很吃香的embonpoint法语丰满plonk砰砰作响…fatten out长肥大plump down突然而沉重地坠下, 快速…反义词 lean倾斜
~+ n.He was a plump, placid boy.他是一个胖乎乎的文静的男孩。
S+be+~She is plump without being fat.她长得丰满但并不肥胖。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe ducklings plumped into the water.小鸭子扑通扑通跳入水中。
S+ ~+n./pron.She plumped herself down in a chair.她一屁股坐在一把椅子上。Pplumping膨胀Pplumpya.丰满的Pplumpisha.较丰满的Pplumpern.鼓腮物猛跌沉重的坠落

用作形容词The baby isplumpand very cute.那个婴儿白白胖胖的,十分可爱。
She is tooplumpto fit into this dress.她太富态了,穿不下这件衣服。
Special injections can make lips look attractively young andplump.注射特殊药物可使嘴唇年轻饱满,更加迷人。用作动词The ducklingsplumpedinto the water.小鸭们突然跳进水中。
Weplumpfor Comrade Hu; he is the right man for the post.我们坚决支持胡同志;他是适合担任这个职位的人。
I am ready toplumpforthe plan provided it works.要是这个计划行得通,我准备大力支持它。
Now my cheeks are beginning toplumpup.现在我的面颊渐渐地丰满起来了。
She is beginning toplumpout now.她现在变得胖乎乎的。
We willplumpout that poor starving child.我们要使那个贫困的饥饿的孩子变得胖起来。用作副词He told meplumpthat he would not give in.他直截了当告诉我,他决不让步。adj.chubby, fat
同义词 chunky,fleshy,pudgy,well-fedfilled,full,round,stoutbeefy,burly,buxom,corpulent,obese,portly,rotund,tubby
反义词 skinny,thin,incomplete,weaklean
bonnyadjective beautiful
buxomadjective bosomy
chubbyadjective slightly fat
ample,bearish,big,butterball,buxom,chunky,fat,flabby,fleshy,full-figured,hefty,husky,pleasingly plump,plump,plumpish,podgy,portly,pudgy,roly-poly,rotund,round,stout,tubby,zaftig
corpulentadjective fat, chubby
baby elephant,beefy,blimp,bulky,burly,embonpoint,fat,fleshy,gross,having a bay window,having a spare tire,heavy,hefty,husky,large,lusty,obese,overblown,overweight,plump,portly,roly-poly,rotund,stout,tubby,weighty,well-padded
crispadjective brittle, dry
cuddlyadjective huggable, embraceable
caressible,cuddlesome,kissable,lovable,plump,snuggly,soft,warm He sees her so plainly still, gray-haired with mouse- bright eyes, a plump little body carrying in the nursery breakfast tray, short of breath from climbing all those stairs.
乔治仿佛又看到保姆那双灰色的眼睛,总是那么慈祥和明亮,每天都能看到她那胖胖的小身体端着早餐托盘有些吃力的上下楼梯。 yeeyan

The clueless ones do dumb things like pay too much for acquisitions in an effort to plump earnings per share.
愚蠢的人会做一些无知的事情,比如为了增加每股收益而在收购方面耗费过多。 fortunechina

“ I thought your side disapproved of guns, ” said Crowley. He took the gun from the angel's plump hand and sighted along the stubby barrel.
“我以为你们不赞成使用枪支呢,”克鲁利说着从天使白嫩地丰满的手中接过枪,顺着短粗的枪管瞄了瞄。 yeeyan

A plump, fair- skinned woman opened the door: Mrs. Engineer herself.
一个丰满,皮肤光洁的女人开了门,她也就是恩哲尼尔夫人。 ecocn

But the investigation found that men typically also want women's faces to be feminine with plump lips and wide eyes.

Cane showed that red raspberry flowers visited by honey bees or the Osmia bees bore plump, well-formed berries that were 30 percent heavier than did red raspberry flowers not visited by the bees.
凯恩表示,被蜜蜂或壁蜂采过的红莓花长的草莓既丰满又周正,比没经蜜蜂采过的红莓重30%。 yeeyan

Catherine had reached her full height; her figure was both plump and slender, elastic as steel, and her whole aspect sparkling with health and spirits.
凯瑟琳已经长得够高了;她的身材又丰满又苗条,像钢丝一样地有弹性,整个容貌由于健康而精神焕发。 putclub

Genetics is one reason why women's faces lose the slightly full, plump look, she said.
遗传学是女人们的面颊逐渐失去丰润饱满感觉的原因之一,她说。 yeeyan

He stared at her plump breasts, at the dark tip of her cleavage that showed through her blouse, at her garishly painted lips.
他盯着她那丰满的胸部,盯着她上衣遮掩不住的乳沟,以及她那精心涂抹的嘴唇。 ecocn

Her plump figure indicates she is among North Korea's privileged elite.
她丰满的手指表明她是朝鲜享有特权的精英之一。 ecocn

I would lay my cheeks gently against the comfortable cheeks of my pillow, as plump and blooming as the cheeks of babyhood.
我会把我的脸蛋轻轻地靠在枕头舒适的脸蛋上,犹如婴儿时期的脸蛋那般圆润,光滑。 putclub

Indeed, the authors argue that the gun market may be threadbare partly because the drug market is so plump.
事实上,作者还认为枪支市场可能获利很薄,部分原因就在于毒品市场是利润丰厚。 ecocn

It was the biggest crow she had ever seen, plump and sleek,with rainbows shining in its black feathers.
这是她见过的最大的一只乌鸦,它丰满而且光滑,黑色的羽毛闪烁着彩虹般的光芒。 yeeyan

Its new pricing structure will bring it more money even if people just plump for streaming, because the company will no longer have to pay postal costs.
即使人们只是选择视频流服务,它的新价格结构也将为公司挣来更多的钱,因为公司再也无需支付邮递费用了。 ecocn

Judging from photos, Kim Jong Un, the dictator-in-waiting, already has the plump physique of over- pampered youth.
从照片看,金正云这位储君,拥有被过分溺爱的年轻人的圆胖体形。 ecocn

Still others plump for elaborate after-school programmes or for linking teachers' pay to how well pupils do.
还有一些则赞成精心设计课余计划或将教师的收入与学生的成绩相挂钩。 ecocn

The British Nutrition Foundation has claimed that a balanced diet and sunscreen are much more effective at keeping skin looking plump and young.
英国营养基金会宣称,平衡膳食和防晒霜在保持肌肤饱满和焕发青春方面更有效。 yeeyan

The doctors said the trend for plump, luscious lips as sported by Angelina Jolie were no longer popular.

The version of AV being offered in Britain is more like that used in some Australian state elections, which allows voters to “ plump” for a single party, and leave all other preferences blank.
而英国即将提供的 AV版本更像在澳大利亚州议会选举时所采用的,这使得选民“一票多投”给单一政党,而让其他选择沦为空白。 ecocn

Their muscles remained plumpand effective, too, according to treadmill tests.
这些小白鼠的肌肉也保持丰腴通过跑步机测试,同样高效。 ecocn

They lost less fatty tissue. Their muscles remained plump and effective, too, according to treadmill tests. And they did not suffer cataracts of the eye.
它们损耗极少的脂肪组织,肌肉也保持得很丰满跑台实验它们同时也很高效,它们也没有受白内障困扰。 yeeyan

Today those same skeletal silhouettes grow plump and brightly colored, courtesy of a variety of inserted genes encoding fluorescent molecules.
今天,在各种用于编码荧光分子的插入基因的帮助下,原先关于这些结构的轮廓剪影变得丰满和亮丽起来。 yeeyan

Women who have plump lips look younger than their years, a scientific research said.

Plump and Pouty: Place a dot of sheer gold lipstick in the middle of your bottom lip. Press your top and bottom lips together. Fullness without collagen!
丰满效果:在下唇的中间位置点按涂上一点金色唇膏,然后让上下唇抿一下,让金色自然晕染在唇峰处,制造饱满莹润的红唇。 yeeyan

Plump is good. It will look very good on you.
你丰满的样子很好看的。 yeeyan




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