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词汇 plumes
释义 plume·s 英pluːm美pluːm COCA²²⁶⁸⁷BNC²²²⁸⁹Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

feather,especially one used for decorating;ornament of feathers;sth suggesting a feather by its shape


sth that rises into the air in a shape rather like that of feather

vt. 指鸟整理羽毛

of a bird clean or make smooth its feathers

anything that resembles a feather in shape or lightness;

a plume of smoke

grass with large plumes

a feather or cluster of feathers worn as an ornamentthe light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds
rip off; ask an unreasonable pricebe proud of;

He prides himself on making it into law school

deck with a plume;

a plumed helmet

clean with one's bill;

The birds preened

form a plume;

The chimneys were pluming the sky

The engine was pluming black smoke

dress or groom with elaborate care;

She likes to dress when going to the opera

plume opacity烟羽不透明度…missile plume发动机火舌plume moisture烟羽湿度buoyant plume浮烟thermal plume热柱,热烟流…plume height烟羽高度smoke plume烟流plume contamination烟羽污染fanning plume扇形烟羽rocket plume火箭羽流plume rise烟羽上升mantle plume地幔羽,地幔热柱,地…roofing plume屋脊型烟羽plume structure羽毛状构造nom de plume 笔名plume oneself on以 … 为荣shear off someone's plume打掉某人的威风…plume oneself upon以
近义词 hook钩cloud云rob抢劫pluck摘column栏curl卷曲trail踪迹crest浪尖pride骄傲dress服装spiral螺旋soak使浸透fleece羊毛feather羽毛preen整理羽毛primp刻意打扮plumage鸟类羽毛surcharge额外费congratulate祝贺overcharge讨价过高gazump房价谈妥后又抬价改售给…
用作名词n.The dancer wore a headdress of pink ostrichplumes.那位舞蹈演员戴着粉色鸵鸟毛制作的头饰。
A plume of smoke rose from the chimney.从烟囱里冒出一缕轻烟。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.The sparrow plumed itself after a mud bath.麻雀在泥浴后用喙整理羽毛。
用作名词Her hat was decorated with aplume.她帽子上装饰着羽毛。
The redplumeon the horse's head was nodding to the rhythm of its steps.马头上的红色羽饰随着马步的节律抖动着。
The tail is profusely coated and forms aplume.尾巴毛量丰厚形成羽毛状。
If aplumeblows out and rises, it can sink the ship.如果羽状的烟雾窜出并且上升,将足以使船沉没。用作动词The eagleplumedits wing.鹰整理它翅膀上的羽毛。
The knightplumedhis helmet with brilliant red feathers.骑士用鲜红的羽毛装饰他的头盔。
He does notplumehimself on these achievements.他并不因这些成就而自夸。 What happened to the two atmospheric plumes? Well, what goes up usually comes down. In this case, in rain. Dropping the compounds on land— or back in the sea.
这两组空气中的漂浮物会如何演绎呢?呵呵,升起的还是会落下来。这样的话,它们会随着雨,降到地上,或者回到海中。 yeeyan

What the plumes lacked in strength, however, they made up for in number.
尽管近鸟龙的羽毛缺少强度,但是它们通过数量来弥补。 yeeyan

What makes this place biologically amazing was the life they found near the plumes.
使得这个地方如此有生物学魅力的正是靠近水流处被发现的生命。 yeeyan

Plumes of black smoke rose from burning industrial plants.
黑色烟柱从燃烧的工厂升腾而去。 yeeyan

All trains in Tokyo were stopped, and black plumes of smoke rose over the skyline.
东京所有的火车都已停止运行,天际线上升起阵阵的黑色浓烟。 yeeyan

An undersea volcano erupted off the coast of Tonga in the South Pacific Ocean recently, sending plumes of smoke, ash and steam high into the air.

But a star's reach is a lot bigger than we think, blasting flares and plumes high into space— and out there, things get a lot colder.
但是如果一个星球的边缘大得超乎想象,那么由爆炸产生的火光和烟柱就有可能高达太空——在那儿,物质会得到极大的冷却。 yeeyan

Dust plumes from the Sahara frequently cross the Atlantic and reach the skies of the Caribbean.
来自撒哈拉沙漠的沙尘周期性的穿过大西洋到达加勒比的上空。 yeeyan

Equally dramatic shots of Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy, shows the mountain erupting with plumes of smoke, while a line of bright orange lava can be seen snaking down the side.
意大利西西群岛的埃塔纳火山同样也有如此动态的图片,图片中不仅有喷发时的火山灰柱,旁边的桔黄色亮线就是顺山口流下的岩浆。 yeeyan

Even though a midcourse- phase ballistic missile will not have heat- producing rocket plumes, its warhead will remain relatively warm against the ice- cold background of space.
即使一颗中程弹道导弹也不会形成产生热量的火箭喷焰,与所处空间的冰冷温度相比,它的弹头温度会保持相对的温暖。 yeeyan

Even when the eruption does stop, experts said, the high-altitude plumes of grit, which can cause jet engines to fail, could take at least two days to disperse.
专家认为,即使现在喷发停止了,漂浮在高空的,会给飞机引擎造成损坏的火山灰,仍然需要两天以上的时间才能稀释。 yeeyan

He reported very powerful plumes of clear water rising upwards, with the craters containing the same diversity of microscopic life that can be found on rocks in normal sea conditions.
他还说,有力量非常强大的羽状水流向上盘升,火山口中蕴藏着的微生物种类繁多,与在寻常海域岩石中发现的一样。 huanqiu

Here, volcanic activity beneath the earth’s crust sends sulfur-rich plumes spewing up from gashes in the seafloor into the ocean, where the plumes support unique ecosystems of animals and microbes.
在这里,地壳以下的火山活动将富含硫磺的烟尘从海底的裂缝中喷出,这些烟尘维系着一些特殊的动物和微生物赖以生存的生态系统。 yeeyan

I remember how the black plumes of smoke looked against that blue sky, and I remember how that blue lingered for days and weeks and months as I attended countless memorials with empty coffins.
我记得黑色的浓烟是如何反衬着蓝天,我同样记得在我参加无数次只有空棺材的纪念仪式时,这样的蓝色一天天一周周一月月地徘徊着。 yeeyan

In the distance, he pointed to three volcanoes, two of which were visibly active, with plumes of white smoke rising into the clear blue sky.
他还远远地给我指了三座火山的方向,其中两座火山明显是活火山,不断冒出缕缕白烟,飘向湛蓝的天空。 kekenet

Many oceanographic surveys have already discovered plumes of methane rising from the ocean floor, particularly in the Arctic, Elliott notes.
埃利奥特提示说,多次海洋调查均已发现一缕缕甲烷从海底不断涌上,特别是在北极。 yeeyan

Multiple dust plumes blow off the coast toward the ocean, most or all of them probably arising from streambeds.
多股沙尘被从海岸吹向大海,它们之中的大部分或者说全部可能都来自河床。 yeeyan

Others said they had seen hundreds of guests, most of whom appeared to be westerners, emerge dazed from the Ritz-Carlton as plumes of thick smoke engulfed nearby buildings and restaurants.
还有人说,数百名旅客(大多数看起来是西方人表情痛苦的走出丽思卡尔顿酒店,而此刻浓烟已经吞没的旁边的建筑和餐厅。 yeeyan

PASS by a chemical plant, and the plumes billowing from its smokestacks may get you thinking.
每当经过一家化工厂,烟囱里冒出来的滚滚白烟总会使你浮想联翩。 yeeyan

Phytoplankton require nutrients to reproduce, and phytoplankton blooms are often tied to events that bring nutrients to the ocean surface, such as dust plumes.
浮游植物需要养分进行繁殖,而藻华的出现往往与给洋面带来营养物质的事件相联系,譬如灰尘羽流。 yeeyan

Some of Io's eruptions are violent enough to hurl giant plumes of gas and dust500 kilometres into space.
伊奥的有些火山喷发激烈到甚至足以将大量气体和火山灰推到500公里开外的太空中。 yeeyan

The south polar region of the500 kilometer- diameter moon is illuminated, including plumes of water vapor and icy particles spraying above the long fissures in the moon's surface.
这颗直径500千米的卫星的南极区域被阳光照亮,可以看到在这颗卫星表面的长长的裂缝中,有着缕缕上升的水蒸气和冰晶。 yeeyan

These vents are known as black smokers for the plumes of dark hydrogen sulfide they belch into the ocean.
这些喷口因为向海洋喷射出黑色的硫化氢热柱而被称为黑烟囱。 yeeyan

They found particles containing sodium salts, which indicates that the plumes arise from liquid water.

This is one of the reasons why some males birds have exotic plumes, why elk carry hefty antlers a sign of a healthy immune system, and why male fiddler crabs have such large claws.
这正是大自然为什么让一些雄鸟长着充满异国情调的羽毛或让麋鹿拥有大而笨重的鹿角这也是一个生态系统健康的标志的原因之一。 yeeyan

We saw the face of evil form in plumes of smoke and ash.
在废墟和烟雾升腾中我们似乎看到了魔鬼的脸孔。 yeeyan

What's more, the temperature and density of the plumes could indicate a warmer, watery source beneath the surface.
更为重要的是,探测所得的温度和气流的密度表明,在星球表层以下有温暖潮湿的来源。 yeeyan

Where the two rivers join is a large pool crowded with a hundred hippos, their piggy eyes on us, their nostrils blowing plumes of water in the setting sun as they twiddle their ears.
在两条河流汇集之处是一个大型的水塘,数百头河马聚集在这里,它们的小圆眼睛盯着我们并若无其事地摇动着耳朵,它们的鼻孔在落日余晖中吹起水柱。 yeeyan




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