

单词 plugged
释义 plugged 英'plʌgɪd美'plʌgɪd 高COCA¹⁸⁸⁴⁷BNC¹⁸⁰¹⁹iWeb³⁴⁵⁵¹Economist¹⁵⁰²⁹
of a coin altered by the insertion of a plug of base metalcompletely obstructed or closed off;

the storm was responsible for many blocked roads and bridges

the drain was plugged

plugged screen堵塞的过滤器…plugged program computer插入程序计算机…plugged steel封顶钢,加盖钢…plugged impression嵌块,印刷标记…plugged program插入程序
近义词 blocked堵塞的

Have youpluggedin yet?你把插头插上了没有?
Computers could bepluggedinto a national network and be used like radios.计算机可以通过插座与全国计算网络联接,就象用一架收音机一样。
The salesmanpluggedthe new product.那个推销员反覆宣传新产品。
The recorder wasn'tpluggedin.录音机的插头没插上。 At the end of each day the recording devices are plugged into special docking stations and the recordings are uploaded to Recordant's headquarters for analysis.
每天关店前将这种录音设施插入特殊的处理器中,这样多有的录音记录都被上传到总部进行分析。 yeeyan

Extra memory could, for example, be hidden in a laptop or smart phone dock to increase a portable device's computing power when plugged in.
比如,扩展内存可以隐藏在笔记本或智能手机的插口中,即插即用,提高手持设备的计算性能。 yeeyan

In the future, the world's biggest telecoms firm pronounced, people would communicate via round, black-and-white screens that plugged into the wall.
这个当时全球最大的电信公司放言,将来人们会通过插在墙上的球形黑白屏幕相互沟通。 ecocn

It will read“ empty” when it is plugged in to a computer, just in case it falls into the hands of a border guard.
插入电脑后,这个优盘看起来是空白的,这是为了预防优盘落在边防警卫手里。 yeeyan

The net result is that if you have a modem plugged into your computer and your phone rings, the music is turned down for you.
最终的结果是,如果您的计算机上插入了一个调制解调器,而且电话铃响,则音乐音量就会为您减小。 ibm

The popular assumption is that they will be plugged into a wall socket in the garage late at night, taking advantage of cheap off- peak power.
一个普遍的设想是这类型的汽车将在夜里连接车库里的插板充电,从而可以利用低谷电。 yeeyan

The radio’s antenna feeds are plugged into the matrix, which can emulate movement and loss of signal due to buildings, terrain and foliage.
无线电的反馈天线插入到矩阵里,该矩阵可以模拟移动信号以及由于建筑、地形和植被造成的信号丢失。 www.etiri.com.cn

The same pattern has played out for templating systems: ways of representing static text as forms to be filled out, so that dynamic elements can be plugged in later.
同样的模式对模板系统却已经过时:表示静态文本的方式将像窗体一样被扩充,这样可以随后插入动态元素。 ibm

Also, unplug your appliances when not in use; even when not in use they can be an “ energy sink” just by being plugged in.
当然,拔掉未在使用中的电器的电源;就算它们未被使用,它们依然能在插线的情况下消耗电能。 yeeyan

Annotators or text analysis engines from different sources can be easily plugged into the UIMA framework.
来自不同来源的标注器或文本分析引擎可以轻松地插入 UIMA框架。 ibm

Any other data binding framework can be plugged in easily.
任何其他数据绑定框架都可以方便地插入。 ibm

Components that use the messaging design pattern can be interchangeably plugged into complex applications.
可将使用消息传送设计模式的组件交换地插入复杂应用程序中。 ibm

I created a map of each cable and which adapter it was plugged into.
我记录了每条线缆和它原来插入的适配器的对应关系。 ibm

If they are plugged or particularly slow to drain now would be a good time to clean the pipes to remove hair and other debris.
如果有堵塞或排水不利的情况,现在就要清理一下管道,去除其中的头发等污物了。 yeeyan

In this case, many UPSs have a self-test feature that will not jeopardize equipment plugged into them.
在此情况下,许多 UPS都具有自测功能,此功能不会危害插入 UPS 的设备。 ibm

It was felt, though, that this might have performance implications, especially if many concrete interceptors were plugged in.
人们感到这种做法可能会带来对性能的影响,特别是插入了许多具体的拦截器的情况下。 ibm

It can identify real- world failure modes and signal potential avenues of attack that should be plugged before your software ships.
它能够验证出现实世界中的错误模式并在您的软件发货前对潜在的应当被堵塞的攻击渠道进行提示。 ibm

Other relational databases can be also plugged in for catalog support.
其他关系数据库亦可插入来提供目录支持。 infoq

Second, with three USB ports it can always be plugged into devices, such as a portable hard drive, to store things locally.
其次,三个 USB端口总是可以插入像便携式硬盘驱动器这样的设备,以便就地存储各种数据资料。 tingvoa

She rose again shortly after6, went to the kitchen, plugged in the coffee pot, showered and took her weight and blood pressure.
她在6点多一点的时候又起来去了厨房,给咖啡壶插上电,然后冲了澡,测量她的体重和血压。 yeeyan

The more USB ports a computer has, the more USB devices that can be plugged into it.
计算机具有的 USB端口越多,能插入该计算机的 USB设备就越多。 ibm

The midnight queues have given us the opportunity to vent our neuroses about a generation of computer- obsessive individuals that have“ plugged in and tuned out”.
这些午夜的长队又给了我们一次发泄牢骚的机会:瞧,这就是痴迷电脑的一代,只知“插上网线,远离现实”。 yeeyan

What is needed is a service invocation mechanism that allows bindings to be updated or new bindings to be plugged in easily.
所需要的是使绑定能够被更新或新的绑定能够容易地插入的服务调用机制。 ibm

Why, with all the advances in technology and communications, would such a sophisticated device still need to be plugged in to be recharged?
为什么这些集所有先进高科技和通讯技术于一身复杂精密的电子设备仍然需要通过插电来充电呢? yeeyan




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